Category: Good Life Journal

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 46

    Scripture :

    Psalm 46:1 : God is our refuge and strength,
    a very present help in trouble.
    Observation :
    Psalm 46 is about the ever changing world around us and the anchor that is God. The kingdoms we see will rise and fall, even the mountains and seas may change, but, God remains the same. The psalmist invites the reader to come and behold The Lord.
    Application :
    I live in a world that is constantly changing. Whether it be my personal emotions, or national elections, relationships, circumstance etc., in life things change. However, the constant is God. No matter my feelings or circumstances around me God is steadfast and I can trust that He is always there in the middle of any scenario. I desire to live not to and fro on the winds of change and emotions but to live anchored on God and His unchanging character.
    Prayer :
    Thank you Lord that you are unchanging. In the middle of my unstable world you are faithful and you are always the same, yesterday, today, and forever. 
  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 42


    “As a deer pants for flowing streams so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God….Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God—for I shall again praise Him (who is) my Salvation and my God….My soul is cast down within me therefore I remember You.” (Ps 42:1-2 and 5-6a)



    The Psalmist is good to read. He plumbs the depth of his heart and communicates transparently. Perhaps the pursuit of godliness starts with transparency? For sure it has a beginning in cultivating desire for the Presence…



    I can identify with the Psalmist’s cries a lot. “Why are you downcast, soul?” Been there-quite a few times. Many times I shake the feeling off or figuratively “pull myself up by the bootstraps.” I want to “get my head straight.”


    The thing I don’t realize often is that a reason I could be downcast in my soul is because I don’t hope in God.


    That’s silly, isn’t it? I am a Christian because I hope in God and the Salvation found by faith in Christ. But I don’t think that this is the point of this Psalm.


    Because we still have weakness in the flesh, despair, sadness, and feelings of loss can still be experienced. God is so good in showing that He recognizes it in the writing of the Psalms. Hopelessness is not a foreign concept for lovers of God.


    What God does do for us is to show us the way out: “Hope in God…therefore I remember You.”


    Cultivating remembrances. Cultivating memories. Cultivating hopelessness circuit breakers: As we pursue God these “circuit breakers” start to be formed. Working at installing these “circuit breakers” when things are going well makes when things aren’t so well they engage and Hope is Remembered.


    What are things to do to get the circuit breakers installed? We are doing it here: Journaling. Another tool is fellowship and particularly biblical fellowship. Another (and one I want to point out) is singing-not singing for singing’s sake and not even especially songs that can be identified as Christian. I am referring to finding songs that feed the soul; that reinforce solid doctrine. Songs that are targeted to be sung to God. Here is what the Psalmist says:


    By day the Lord commands his steadfast love,

    and at night His Song is with me. (Ps 42:8)


    Suggestion: Work at “singing to the Lord a new song…” Why? “…for He has done wonderful things.”

    Hey: take heart and don’t be discouraged. Rome wasn’t built in a day and the old man in us isn’t mortified easily. Be diligent and persist in going after the Prize.



    Father: You are so good in Your love toward us. Only You could have devised the Plan of the Gospel. Only You would conceive of turning traitors into loyalists. Only You knew the Price and because of Your Love towards us and for Your Glory evermore-paid it. Paid it so that we, fallen men that we are, would be not only redeemed but adopted. Thanks, Dad of the Heavens. AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 39


    Psalm 39:5 Behold, you have made my days a few handbreadths, and my lifetime is as nothing before you. Surely all mankind stands as a mere breath! Selah

    Observation :

    The psalmist king writes of the brevity of his own life, especially compared to the eternal reign of God. He compares the life of man to one breath of God.


    Control, control, control. As mankind we want to be in control. As a control freak, I like to be in control. I like to drive instead of ride. I like to lead instead of follow. I like to take charge instead of sit. For a lot of my life, this character trait has helped me find success. However there are many days when the enormity of the challenge, the pressure of the position and the yoke of leadership gets too heavy. I feel overwhelmed and I want to give up. In light of what the psalmist says, here is what I need to do…

    -Humble myself and realize that my life is merely a breath to the Eternal God.

    -Realize He doesn’t need me to reign and rule, he desires for me to just follow him.

    -When I feel overwhelmed I can trust in Him. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. I need to let the Eternal God do the heavy lifting.

    Like a dad allows his young son to think he is “helping” him carry a heavy item, so God you do with me.


    May I never get it twisted on who is carrying the load. You are just letting me “help”. May the brevity of my life remind me that I am merely a man and that you are God. I am subject to you and your authority and not the other way around. Help me as I lead people today. May I lean on you instead of trying to control everything on my own.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 37


    Psalm 37
    Vs 1 Fret not yourself because of evildoers …
    Vs 3 Trust in the Lord, and do good …
    Vs 5 … trust in Him, and He will act.
    Vs 7 … fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way …
    Vs 8 Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil.
    Vs 10 In just a little while, the wicked will be no more;

    Vs 39 The salvation of the righteous is from theLord …
    Vs 40 … He delivers them from the wicked and saves them,
       because they take refuge in him.


    David is giving assurance to those who trust in God that God is with them.
    God is not ignoring them.
    Even when it seems that the “wicked” are prospering and living a better life,
    This does not indicate God is not trustworthy.
    David gives them an eternal perspective to view from.
    Believers can trust God now, because “in a little while” the wicked will be no more.


    “Trusting” and “Fretting” … “Fretting” and “Trusting” …
    There is a massive contrast taking place in David’s description of these two groups of people.
    Those that “fret”, and those that “trust”.
    Which one am I more inclined to do?
    What consumes more of any given day?
    Fretting? … worrying … complaining … fussing … agonizing?
    Or Trusting? … believing … having confidence … maintaining faith?
    David makes clear that whichever one of these dominates my thinking will also dominate my direction.
    If I fret, then I am focusing on “evildoers”, and “the one who prospers”, and “tend only to evil”.
    If I trust, then I am focusing on “the Lord”, and “He who acts”.
    I cannot do both at the same time.
    If I am fretting, then I am not trusting!
    So, what must I do when I find myself fretting?
    I must stop being consumed by the weight of any given moment.
    I must change my perspective.
    Whatever I am fretting over will “fade like grass”.
    Whatever I am fretting over will be here “just a little while”.
    However, when I trust in the Lord, this is “salvation”.
    This is “righteousness” … This is “deliverance” … This is “refuge in Him”.
    Fretting is worthless and futile.
    Trusting in the Lord is everything.


    Thank you again Father for your word.
    Open my eyes when I am tempted to fret.
    Give me strength, Spirit, to trust.
    Help me see eternally
    In Jesus name

  • Good Life Journal – 3 John


    I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.


    John shares the joy he experiences when he hears that people he has invested in are walking out their faith. He calls it his greatest joy. 


    I find joy in a lot of things. Family, sports, good food, music, and comedy. However, each of those things can cause me pain. Whether family problems, my team losing, or meal that doesn’t sit well, what can bring me joy, can also bring me pain. 
    So it is with people. As a pastor I spend most of my days investing in other people. Many days, honestly,  I can feel like I am wasting my time. Maybe my expectations are too high or maybe I am justified in their lack of execution in the faith journey. However, when I hear of or see someone I have invested in walking it out, something inside leaps for joy. Over the years I have had people like Dave, Mike, Jose, Pip, Andy, Philip and others that have taken the investment and grown to be men of great influence and kingdom advancement. However, I have countless people I have spent time with totally walk away from the faith and fall back into the trappings of the world. Nothing pains me more. 

    A few things…

    -I must take the calling to invest in others seriously. I must be both consistent and systematic in my approach to disciple them. 

    -I must pray for patience with those I lead. They will fail and some may even fall. May I have the grace and patience to pick them up time and time again as you have done with me so many times. 

    -I must understand that what can be my greatest frustration can also be my greatest joy. I must keep risking it all because the reward of seeing them walk in faith is the sweetest and most unadulterated expression of joy I will experience this side of heaven. 


    Lord give me patience and grace for those I lead. May nothing captivate my heart like seeing people get it and live it!

  • Good Life Journal – 2 John 1


    Though I have much to write to you I would rather not use paper and ink. Instead I hope to come to you and talk face to face so that our joy may be complete. (2 John 1:12)



    2 John seems more like a personal letter than an epistle for all the churches. Even so, there are gems to be found in this letter. We also find the Word of God.



    There are many items to take notice of in 2 John. Who is the “elect lady?” Deceivers? Antichrist? What about the injunction to “watch yourselves?” The “love one another” is a phrase instantly recognizable. All perhaps easier to write about.


    I was taken by v12, though, recognizing that this could be this generation.


    What is fellowship? What is meant by cultivation of relationships? Even as old as I am I can get way caught up in the convenience of texting, instant messaging, and emails. “Fire and forget” is not a term exclusive to the weaponry of the military, it is a term that describes communication today.


    “Here’s my thought” as I jot down an email and then, when sort of complete, when I have aired my chest, discharged my thoughts and emotions, I hit the “Send” button and off it goes—and I can get up and say “ahhh”, I feel better now—as one way this communication is.


    But does this cultivate Biblical Friendship? Fellowship? Is it what Christ wants us to have, experience, and demonstrate to the world? Did the scripture say this: “Thus they will know you are my disciples if you text coherently, not misspell, and answer in a timely manner…”


    Nope. The world will know we are disciples if we exhibit that we love each other.


    So what does this have to do with fellowship and communications? Simply this: To love each other and grow in Christ with each other is to….talk with each other. Face to face. In proximity. Hospitality. Hanging out. Sitting over a cup of coffee or breakfast and open our lives to each other. And finally: Do it on purpose.


    Why? Well, perhaps I could list a number of reasons scattered in the New Testament. But how about the reason in this passage: So that our joy may be complete.


    Electronic forms of communication have a place. Paper and ink has a place. Often though, that kind of communication can look like moving stuff from the Inbox to the Outbox. Lives are to be shared, first in the local Church and then outside. Lives are hard to share if we just pass notes from one to another.


    Accountability is one of the pillars of Good Life Church. It is difficult to take accountability seriously (either giving or receiving) if you are not friends first.



    Lord God: Inspire my imagination on how to talk more with folks. Help me to reach out to guys I know and guys I want to know. Remind me that my commute is a good place to talk over the phone with folks; breaking bread either at breakfast or lunch is good. Keep in the forefront of my mind that this is purposeful, it builds the church. Fellowship is a holy tool in my discipleship toolbox. It is not to be avoided. I must realize that building biblical friendships is going to be inconvenient and hard but, by Your Grace and only Your Grace, You will make success out of this effort. AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – 1 John 5


    1 John5:1-2 – Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments.


    When we place our faith in Jesus that he is the Son of God, we become adopted children of God. To love the Father is to love all of his children, born of Him. We are to love God, love His children and be obedient to Him.


    John is stating three hallmarks of gospel transformation for true believers in Jesus Christ. First, have I placed my faith and trust in Jesus as the living Son of God? Second, do I love God and all of His children? Third, am I obedient to his commandments? This is a simple but effective litmus test for me to check my control versus being Spirit led.
    Part of faith is trusting that God is soverign, in control of everything and His ways are better than mine. Love God and love our brothers and sisters in Christ. I can’t claim to love God and have malice in my heart for another believer. Jesus last words in the Great Commission, call us to make disciples and teach them to obey His commandments. I am not going to be able to effectively make disciples, if I am not in obedience myself.


    Thank you for sending Jesus and adopting us as your children. Let your Spirit guide me to trust you completely, love you and all your children and be obedient to your commands.

  • Good Life Journal – 1 John 4


    1 John 4:4

    Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 


    John reminds the reader that not all spirits are from God. An evil spirit can not confess Christ as Lord. If we have His Spirit in us, we can overcome any evil because He is greater than any force. 


    The world and its forces are strong. However as a believer I have the Holy Spirit. There is no one greater, no one stronger. In moments of doubt and weakness I am to call on the Spirit within me to win the battles and guide me to obedience. 

    I don’t have anything to fear, because the Great One is wIthin me.


    May I live and love boldly today because you are not only with me, but within me. 


  • Good Life Journal – 1 John 3


    Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness-sin is lawlessness. You know that He appeared in order to take away sins and in Him there is no sin. No one who abides in him keeps on sinning. No one who keeps on sinning has (neither) seen Him or (has) known Him.

     Little children: Let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous (as He is righteous). Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil (for the devil has been sinning from the beginning). The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning for God’s seed abides in him-and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God. By this it is evident who are the children of God AND who are the children of the devil: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God nor is the one who does not love his brother.” 1 John 3:4-10.


    I notice that this passage has a lot to do with addressing practice. Did you notice that the word “practice” or the idea of practice appears eight times in this short passage? Maybe practice is important?



    Practice. Do I really need to practice?

    One of the things that come to my mind is conducting Little League practice. Playing is much better than practicing but I know that practice makes playing so much more enjoyable. All my children and players would probably agree: if as a coach I could just “mind meld” skills instead of having to really practice skills would be much better.

    Doesn’t work that way. But does it work that way in being a Christian? “Ancient practioners in Christian Discipline would say “No”.” (if anyone who watches Ancient Aliens on History Channel should chuckle here)

     Please note the difference in being Justified by faith and the road of Sanctification: These are two different Christian Doctrines. This is about Sanctification and the practice of Christianity.

     Practice can be challenging. It can also be dull. Boring. Not very rewarding. Thinking about just a few days ago in 2 Pet 1:5-8, Peter gives a list of objectives starting with “virtue” and adding more as we go along. It ends in “if you practice these qualities you will never fall.” (v10)

    Later Peter ends this letter with “Be diligent to be found in Him without spot or blemish. ” (2 Pet 3:14) The point is that pursuit of godliness is vitally important and has more than a little emphasis in the Word of God. Rolling up the sleeves of effort and diligence is Biblical.

    What is my response? Guess I need to go to practice more so that I can perform well in the game.


    Father. I always have to be reminded how important the Pursuit of Godliness is. It is so very easy to get sidetracked. It is so easy to substitute action-even if it is “church” action. Spirit: Please remind me daily to put my nose to the grindstone; to see You and Your Grace new every day; to make it my aim to please You in every respect-not for acceptance, but because of the love for You that You are multiplying in my soul daily. AMEN. P.S.: Help me not be afraid of doctrine or theology. AMEN again.

  • Good Life Journal – 1 John 2


    1 John 2:5-6 But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.


    John is giving some practical instruction on what it means to live as a Christian. Living in obedience to God’s commands is not how we can get to heaven but it is the fruit, or evidence, of our belief. If I profess to be “right” with God but live in disobedience to God I deny the reality of sin in my life. I downplay the seriousness of sin and bring shame to God’s kingdom.


    I am supposed to live like Jesus. Acting in a manner that is opposite of the way the Jesus lived would be in disobedience to God. I am to love God and love others. If I can’t love my brothers and sisters in Christ that I do know, how am I supposed to love others that I don’t know? Sin is not supposed to be my norm. But, if I sin, I have an advocate in Jesus. Jesus does not plead for my innocence. He also does not say I am free of guilt. What he does say is “He is guilty. But I have served his sentence for him so He will be free to enter into Heaven”.

    I must learn and then teach proper behavior and realize the genuineness of my relationship with God is seen in my behavior. Just like a child or even a puppy is taught proper behavior, we all must be taught Godly behaviors. We are not born with the knowledge of God. I must learn from others, read and stay in the word, surround myself with Godly men and then be the tool by which others can learn as well. My behaviors will instruct others about my relationship with God and, hopefully, what it means to live like Jesus.


    Help me realize that my behavior is not only evidence of my belief but also provides examples to others, both believers and non believers.

  • Good Life Journal – 2 Peter 3


    2 Peter 3:9
    9 The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.


    Peter is giving his final words to encourage them to remember. Remember what Jesus did, who God is, and what his desires are. Reminding of the evil at the doorway and the destruction that could come if not focused on Jesus. This verse 9 is such a beautiful truth of WHO GOD IS!!


    We pray and expect things to happen immediately. As I prayed laying in bed last night and this morning I was expecting immediate change in that moment. No work and striving or pursuit and diligence from me just God answering my prayer. This verse for me this morning is beautiful in the manner that God is patient. God has made promises and has set forth truths in his Word and HE KEEPS HIS PROMISES. He is not slow or ignoring even when we claim them, he is patient. What Good news!!! God is patient and kind and he fulfills and keeps his promises. The desire of Gods heart is ALL would reach repentance. Man this is convicting. I spend so much time thinking this person needs to learn or that person needs this….God is in heaven wishing they would repent. He desires for all to know him. He hasn’t come back because of his patience and kindness. This should transform my love for people. I have to love people and share God’s love in words and actions with all. God wants them and I have to share it with them.

    Action Steps:
    -Take the truths of Gods word and preach them to myself until my heart rejoices in inexpressible joy and love for Christ my Lord.

    -Commit to sharing The Gospel with 1 person a day.


    Father forgive me for not trusting in you and hoping In you and trusting your timing. Forgive me Dad for not pursuing you Son in how you have called me to. Help me Spirit to walk in purity and righteousness with humility.

  • Good Life Journal – 1 John 1

    Vs 3 That which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. 
    Vs 4 And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete.
    Vs 5 This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
    John is writing to tell others of the fellowship he and the other disciples have with God.
    He’s encouraging them to share in this fellowship with God.
    What’s more, it’s not only for their benefit alone.
    Others joining the fellowship of God creates joy within the family of God.
    John, himself, will will have a more complete joy when others “have fellowship with us”.
    And why wouldn’t they want this!
    There is no darkness at all in God.
    God is light.
    John’s message that he is proclaiming is “what we have seen and heard”.
    So, for me, the first question becomes, even before I “witness” to others … Have I witnessed God at work?
    What have I seen and heard of God that I can now proclaim?
    God is, no doubt, at work in the world around me.
    Am I participating in it?
    Can I see it? Do I see Him in it?
    This is what I am to “proclaim”…
    What I have seen and heard … not what I have done and accomplished.
    John says this is the message, “God is light.”
    Am I ever tempted to proclaim my light?
    This would be disastrous. Not just for proclamation of the true gospel, but even for my own well being.
    While John’s first fellowship is “with God”, but John adds “our joy may he compete” when others “fellowship with us”.
    It leads to a completing of my own joy when I share the truth of God and others join in that truth!
    This makes sense when Jesus, Himself, says He is the vine and He wants His joy in us, the branches, to be full of joy.
    And Jesus in the garden prays that we would have joy as He and the Father have joy.
    And Jesus endured the cross for the joy of God’s glory through fellowship with us.
    If I get to experience the joy of fellowship “with God” and “with others” and I get to experience the light of God, who has no darkness at all, then why would I want to live any other way?
    And why would I not want to proclaim this every day?
    Thank you again God for your word.
    Help me to see and hear you in the world.
    Help me to see others you want me to proclaim it to.
    Help me to have the courage to do so.
    Help me avoid the darkness.
    In Jesus name
  • Good Life Journal -2 Peter 2


     And many will follow their sensuality and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed.  2 Peter 2:2


     Peter gets right in their confronting the readers with statements, extrapolations of actions, and certainty of results.  And (get this) Peter is talking to and about Believers, Church folk-not unbelievers.  Folks like you and me.


    Stuff like this stops me in my tracks.  I like it soooo much when I can read the Scriptures and I know they are talking about the heathen, the unbelievers, the great un-washed.  I am not threatened or challenged.  This is the stuff to preach to others about—-and to not forget this—I am not aware of the safety of the wall of self-righteousness I have built.

    To be transparent and candid: Sensuality is everywhere.  Can’t hardly do anything without being confronted with sensual stuff.  Ok, the overt stuff like pornography is fairly easy to recognize.  Still-some are still captive and enslaved by that.

    But what is insidious is the COVERT stuff-the sensuality the world is training us to grow insensitive to.

    Let’s note that Sensuality is not synonymous with Sex.  Sensuality can be thought as the presentation of the allure of sex and everything that can cascade from that.  Sensuality is an attitude, a way of thinking, a particular kind of self-image to project and to be attracted to.  There is nothing Godly about sensuality in this context and it is not to be excused away as something that God created so it must be ok.

    This could be a whole book-and probably not a best seller either.  Who wants to tackle this subject anyway?

    God does.

    Tackling the subject of sensuality in our own lives does not start with “do this, don’t do that…” it can, you know, and some of that is pretty good to embrace fiercely.  There is something to be said about “just obey.”

    But if a person in Christ really wants to tackle the subject of sensuality in their own life it starts with this: “I want to please You, O God.  I do not want to please myself.  I do not want to “go with the crowd.”  “I want to serve You and You alone no matter what the cost.”  Say that often to the face in the mirror and mean it.

    A determination to please Him is where it starts.  We have been set free from sin.  We have been given Grace.  Our operating system has been re-booted.  We are not slaves to sin.  We have been given and provided with tools to pursue sanctification with.  One particular tool is the Brotherhood (or Sisterhood if you will).

    Guys: Practice averting your eyes.  There is NOTHING innocent about sneaking a peek at billboards, commercials, magazines, walkers, runners, etc. Nothing innocent-remember.

    Gals: Because I am a guy I am reluctant to advise anything about girls and sensuality.  However, I do know that girls learn sensuality from an early age. You may not even be aware of it.  Advice: Get into the scriptures with the attitude “I want to please You, O God”, not adding “and I want to please myself” or “nobody can tell me what to do.”  Beauty and attractiveness is not the same thing.


     Father.  Sensuality is like a computer virus, a worm.  It can imbed itself and constricting to our Walk with You without our even knowing it. How many have been brought low because sensuality was thought to have an innocence in my mind only to find out that soft touch was a choke hold-squeezing the life out of me day by day.  Help me and all who read this to find, implement, and practice particular and specific disciplines-mental, spiritual, and especially physical-to combat sensual temptation.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – 2 Peter 1


    2Peter 1:5 – 9 – For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love.  For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  For whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind, having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins.


    Peter has already stated that His divine power and precious promises have been granted to us.  Now Peter is urging the church to live by behaviors as a result of their faith in Christ.   These behaviors are not earning salvation but are a natural outflow of a person changed by the gospel.   Peter concludes that if we are not living a life marked by the qualities culminating in love, we have forgotten the gospel and the sin/death from which we were saved.


    Let me remember and respond to the greatest promise, sacrifice made by God in the gospel of Jesus Christ daily!  The gospel can’t be something that we move past.  The grace of the gospel has the power to change me from inside out.  Yes, I am saved by faith, but as I continue my walk with Christ may the Spirit be increasing my knowledge, self-control, steadfastness, godliness, affection and genuine love for others. 



    Thank you for love and underserving grace you poured out to me in the gospel.  Help me to never get over this and live a life that demonstrates your love.

  • Good Life Journal – 1 Peter 5


    1 Peter 5:6 – “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you”


    Peter writes to the church elders about the shepherding of the local church. He reminds them of their call in God and asks that they serve eagerly and willingly. Being like Christ means putting others first and not promoting one’s self.


    Am I trying to climb myself up the ladder of success or am I simply being a servant to others? One is the way of the world and the other is the way of God. Today I want to be someone who walks humbly, serving God and others, and reminding myself that in the kingdom of God there’s no better place to be.


    God thank you that you do not see like the world does. You look at the heart and still you love us with the deep and infinite love of the Father. Help me today to serve others like you served and love like you.