Category: Good Life Journal

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 1-2


      Blessed is the man (who does not) walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of scoffers. [But] his delight is in the Law of the Lord, and on His Law he meditates day and night. Ps 1:1-2

    Why do the nations rage and the people plot in vain?  The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord…He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them (kings and rulers) in derision…Ps 2:1-2, and v4.


     In Ps 1 and 2, I see the Scriptures clarifying our place and position concerning our God: What should be the optimal conduct; what is a lot of our conduct; and the promise of a Savior and of certain falling of the Wrath of God.


     I chuckle with these two chapters.  Can’t help it.  Note that I chuckle in fear but still I see the Holy Spirit making the positions of Men and God clear-He alone is God and me?  I am but a speck in the timeline of eternity.

    How so?  Why such a downer set of statements?  Can’t I find something light and uplifting to write about?  Answer: I must exercise “delight” in the testimony of God, of His Word-and don’t turn away from the hard sayings of old.

    These two chapters are great (however general) “either/or statements”: If I don’t walk in the ways of the wicked but walk in the delight of the Law of the Lord, I am in the category of “blessed.”

    However, Psalms 2 begins talking about how “leaders” plot; they conspire; they set themselves against the Lord.  And the Lord God shakes His head, laughs, and holds them in derision (see also: scorn, mockery, disdain, ridicule, contempt, disrespect, etc.).  “Think about it, guys, you who are clay and finite trying to come up with a plan to thwart Me?  Inconceivable!”

    Here’s how this applies to me, the guy in the mirror: Do I recognize the counsel of the Wicked in my daily walk, conduct, and conversation?  What about the stuff I read?  Politics, church stuff/religion, business, etc.?   To be fiercely transparent with myself probably not as much as I should.  For all Men everywhere, it is the stuff that we do not pay attention to (with purpose) that trips us up daily.

    To grow in righteousness (which should be the attitude and purpose in every Christian) is to grow increasingly aware of the details of the Christian Walk according to the Scriptures.  Learning more about the Scriptures, growing in theological knowledge, exercising the full palate of the Spiritual Disciplines is what we should be doing.  The watch out is being determined to make this growth of knowledge show up in Godly Conduct.  In a lot of ways, our learning is directed to be Vo-Tech in nature.

    So: Delight in the Word of God; Don’t be a scoffer either on purpose or in neglect; Meditate day and night (is this like Pray without Ceasing?  Sounds like it); Don’t be the target of God’s laughter at you.  It is much better for both God and I to laugh with each other.


     Father, You are aware of my current family issue.  It is very easy to “walk in the counsel of the wicked”; that is: Counseling with myself in my own mind about what I should be doing?  So many scenario’s I concoct to address this “issue”-and candidly hardly any of them Godly.  Goodness-I don’t need someone else for wicked counsel, I have me!  Help me fiercely embrace Your Word.  Let my mind transform.  Let the conviction of the Counsel of God flow through me on purpose and with purpose.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 16


    Mark 16:6-7 – And he said to them, “Do not be alarmed.  You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified.  He has risen; he is not here.  See the place where they laid him.  But go tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee.  There you will see him just as he told you.”


    The angel tells the women to be calm, everything has happened just as Jesus told you.  Jesus, who was crucified, dead and buried in the tomb has resurrected.  The women are to go and tell the disciples that Jesus has risen and is going before them to Galilee.


    The tomb is empty, on the third day he rose!  Jesus has overcome our sin and death to be with the Father just as he told the disciples.  Jesus is alive and nothing can separate us from his love!  Through the cross, an instrument of death, we are given the greatest sacrifice and love ever.



    Thank you for your love, underserving grace and mercy by sending Jesus to the cross to overcome sin/death so we can be reconciled with you.  Let me to remember this daily and never stray from the gospel.  Help me to be a strong witness and disciple to others.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 15


    Mark 15:11
    But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have him release for them Barabbas instead.


    The religious leadership of the first century used their influence to stir up the crowd into making a decision they wouldn’t have made without their leadership.


    Leadership and influence can’t be overstated. People in positions of leadership have the ability to influence a crowd. We see this in politics, in business, in sports and in religion. Sometimes the influence is used for good and sometimes for bad. In this instance the “bad” ended up leading to the greatest “good” of all time. The misguided leadership led the people to cry out for the release of a criminal instead of an innocent man. However God, who can overturn any leadership decision of man, had a bigger plan.

    A few things…

    -Who am I following? Where do they get their direction from?

    -As a leader, do I realize the importance of using my voice for good?

    -God still has a bigger plan. When I make a misstep as a leader, God is still in control. I must not allow poor decisions of the past to hinder my ability to lead lead in the future.


    As a leader I am sure I have led people the wrong way before. I have taken missteps in leadership. God thank you for your grace. May I seek to influence and lead people towards wise and spirit led decisions. Thank you for even using poor decisions to lead to a greater good.



  • Good Life Journal – Mark 14


    Mark 14:4
    There were some who said to themselves indignantly, “Why was the ointment wasted like that?


    People thought that the woman’s expensive sacrifice was a waste.


    We learn in this story that no matter how much is given; time, energy, money, stuff, it is never wasted on Jesus.


    A couple reasons…

    -Jesus is worthy of everything because of who He is.

    -Jesus is worthy because what he has done. For the woman, He raised her brother and gave her a new life. For us, he rose again and have us a new life.

    We can never give too much of anything to honor and worship Jesus. Not everyone will understand, but it doesn’t matter. We should give anyway.


    Jesus, my time, relationships, money and stuff are yours. You deserve it for who you are and what you’ve done.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 13



    Mark 13:1-2 And as he came out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Look, Teacher, what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!” And Jesus said to him, “Do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.”




    The disciples were marveling at the temple buildings. Monuments and manmade buildings that were, according to them, magnificent and beautiful. They were proud of the temple buildings. Jesus, on the other hand, let them know that the buildings, while maybe great, were only temporary and would not last.




    I have had the opportunity to visit many different church buildings and cathedrals in several countries. In most European countries, the cathedrals sit in the middle of the city and are the most recognizable building and a main point of interest for that city/town. Often, the church was the identity of the town. Most of these old churches are magnificent on the inside and outside.


    While these old buildings are beautiful, as I walk through these churches, I always think of these two verses. I also wonder how much church is occurring in these churches. Are these monuments to God or to men? We all know the church building is not the church. But we often get caught up in thinking that buildings are what defines us as a church even if it is a church that meets in a cafetorium.


    Buildings are temporary, even church buildings. While beautiful, they pale in comparison of the beauty that Jesus love provides. Jesus wants me to focus on the forever. I need to focus on my local church, not my local church building. The works of our church body defines our church. Are we reflecting Jesus’ love and his works or are we caught up in the things of this world?


    Later is this chapter, Jesus warns us to be aware and on guard for deception. Jesus warns that people will come to believers to deceive and betray. These deceivers are the ones capable of destruction that matters. All man made objects will, at some point, be gone and Jesus points this out in verse 2. Jesus’ love, however, will not go away and it cannot be destroyed. Our enemies, however, are not concerned about physical things. They are intent on destroying lives and will often use physical things to distract attention and focus. Jesus, and his love, are focused on spiritual things. Since his focus is on the spiritual, my focus needs to be on the spiritual.




    Focus my attention and concern on the spiritual, not the physical. Let me focus on relationships that define and reflect Jesus’ love to all that I come in contact with each day. Keep us encouraged to remain strong and diligent, even during difficult times.



  • Good Life Journal – Mark 12


    12 And they (religious leaders)were seeking to arrest him (Jesus) but feared the people,

    14 And they came and said to him, “Teacher, we know that you are true and do not care about anyone’s opinion. For you are not swayed by appearances, but truly teach the way of God.

    24 Jesus said to them, “Is this not the reason you are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God?


    Jesus is being questioned by the religious leaders because their power is being threatened.
    They wanted to arrest Jesus but “feared the people”.
    They accurately describe Jesus as truthful and knowledgeable.
    Jesus showed no fear of the religious leaders when he directly called them “wrong”.
    He also told these religious leaders (experts in the scripture), that they did NOT have knowledge of either the word of God or the power of God.


    The “way of God”
    The “word of God”
    The “power of God”
    Each of these are referenced in this interaction.
    Jesus was acknowledged as having each of them.
    The religious leaders had none of them. Why?
    Well, before the religious leaders lacked the “way of God”, the “word of God” and the “power of God”, we see that they lack something else: The Fear of God!
    What we see before all this, they are described as having “the fear of people”.
    The fear of people will prompt and motivate all sorts of wrong thinking and wrong decisions.
    If I am afraid of people and what they think of me, I will prioritize all the wrong things through any given day and even over a lifetime.
    How is Jesus described, even by these religious leaders?
    As “not caring about anyone’s opinion”.
    This must have been quite striking to them. This characteristic of Jesus stood out to them because it was the opposite of themselves.
    But because Jesus was “not swayed by appearances”, he could “truly teach the way of God”.
    So the big question for me is:
    Do I want to be a true example of the way of God?
    If the answer is truly “Yes!”, then I must not fear the opinion and appearance of people.
    I must begin with the fear of God.
    Then I can live out the way of God, with the word of God, in the power of God.


    Help me Father not to fear people.
    Holy Spirit keep my strong in the word of God.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 11


    Mark 11:8-9
    And many spread their cloaks on the road, and others spread leafy branches that they had cut from the fields. And those who went before and those who followed were shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!


    As Jesus enters Jerusalem for the last time, people lay their cloaks and palm branches on the road as they worship Him as the messiah.


    The people didn’t understand fully who Jesus was, but it didn’t stop them from worshipping him. Something that sticks out to me is how they used what they had. Nothing is regal about this. No stallion, just a colt. No red carpet, just some cloaks and palm branches. However it is a powerful moment in which people gave what they had to honor Jesus. I think there are a couple lessons we can learn from this…

    -Understanding everything fully about Jesus is not a prerequisite to honor or worship Him. The people along the road knew enough to honor Him. Sometimes people hold back worship of Jesus because they don’t understand everything about Him. The people in the story didn’t wait until everything made sense. They knew enough to honor Him.
    -They didn’t have much but they gave what they had. Worship is setting our minds attention and our hearts affection on Jesus. Whether we have a lot or nothing to our name we all can worship Jesus. We just give what we have.


    Jesus I love you. I am grateful to worship you. I worship you with what we have. Everything I have is yours and I lay it at your feet.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 10


    And he left there and went to the region of Judea and beyond the Jordan and crowds gathered to Him again. And again, as was his custom, he taught them. Mark 10:1


    Our Lord had a custom? There was something He did regularly and on purpose?



    Rhetorical questions are funny. Of course Jesus did things on purpose. But the question I have to think of is: “Do I?”

     There is a lot of other stuff in Mark 10 to talk about. Jesus was approached with:

     –Marriage and its legal relationships

    –How to think about children

    –Requirements for eternal life

    –Wealth, upsides and downsides

    –Dealing with ambition

     And of course healing some folks and explaining (again) He has to die to save the world.

    All of this stuff has to make me think it cascades from an attitude of “customary conduct”, which kind of leads into “personal preparation.”

     What do I customarily do? If I am brutally frank with myself I don’t do things as I probably ought concerning living according to the Gospel. But, this statement isn’t enough, doesn’t go as far as it should. Of course I don’t live enough concerning the Gospel, but what do I live enough for? If I had to measure the percentage of my life would it be 10% for the Gospel-or less? I would have to laugh at myself if I thought more….

     I wonder if I live a double life: Christian for a little while and Worldly for much of it? I have had the sensation of “switching into “Holy” gear” when in the appropriate circumstance but living otherwise when not. Note: this is what personal journaling is about-recognizing issues and asking yourself questions.

     Anyway: How should I establish my own “customs?” Asking godly people around me (even those I only see from a distance and maybe don’t know) what they do is a good start…


    Father: Pursuing You is life long-it is a journey walked purposefully and not haphazardly. How many times have I written this to myself? Certainly not enough and it will never be enough until That Day. Help me, through Your Spirit to place my nose on the grindstone again and get after You. AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 9


    Mark 9:35 – And he sat down and called the twelve.  And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.”


    The disciples, who were yet to fully understand the Kingdom of God, were arguing about who was the greatest.  Jesus tells the disciples that the one who puts all others before him and serves would be greatest.  This is 180 degrees counter culture from the political and religious hierarchy of the day where to leadership was synonymous with power.


    Throughout his life and ministry, Jesus gave us the perfect model of how to be a servant leader.  This type of service before self still is contrary to human nature and is not possible without the gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit.  I must be humble not prideful in order to be a servant leader.  Although, to the world this may look like weakness, humility in service following Jesus is a powerful expression of the life of a disciple of Christ.



    Thank you for your sending Jesus as our servant leader and savior to all who believe.  Help me live a life of humility to put others first and serve in a way that points to you.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 8

    Scripture :

    Mark 8:24-25
    He looked up and said, “I see people; they look like trees walking around.” Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.


    Jesus heals the blind man in a unique way. Instead of just speaking sight over him, or touching him, Jesus uses spit and dirt. It doesn’t fully work the first time, so he does it again and the man can see.


    I love this story. It is so easy to assume God works in a certain way. However, He doesn’t always do the same thing in different people’s lives. His movement and healing is unique. Jesus didn’t need spit or mud to heal, yet he used it. A few things…

    -Jesus heals in different ways to ensure we don’t worship or trust in a process, but rather trust in Him.

    -Just because Jesus moves differently in someone else life, it doesn’t mean their healing is better or worse. The most important thing is that we both have been healed. I must focus on the end result and not the process used.

    -Healing is a process sometimes. It didn’t fully work the first time. This isn’t an indictment on Jesus healing power as much as it is an example of how sometimes healing is a process in some people. I must have patience in my life and in the life of others if healing/growth/change/faith doesn’t “take” the first time.


    I love this story. Thank you for making it clear that you heal the way you want and however you do it is up to you. Lord heal our city. Use any process you want. We trust you and not in a specific process.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 7


    Mark 7:15
    15 Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them. Rather, it is what comes out of a person that defiles them.”


    After confronting the Pharisees for their hypocrisy, he clarifies that “defiled” things come from the inside/out not from the outside/in.


    Man made rules typically address behaviors. However Jesus address the heart behind the behavior. Eating with dirty hands isn’t an issue with Jesus. However a heart that is tainted with darkness and evil is an issue. The cross didn’t wash our hands. Instead, it washes our hearts. A few things…

    -Good behavior isn’t a bad thing. However assuming good behavior makes me whole is a lie. I can follow all the man made rules and my heart be far from God.

    -Whenever I notice darkness in my behavior I must look deeper than simply modifying it or cleaning it up. I must address the heart behind it. Why is my heart leading me towards disobedience and compromise. Behind every compromising decision is a compromised heart.

    -People don’t change from the outside /in. They change from the inside/out. Jesus didn’t try to get people to clean up and then see their lives changed. He changed their heart and then their behavior began to follow suite.


    Father, I need you to keep working on my inside. Whenever I am disappointed by my behavior or the behavior of someone else I must realize that there is a deeper issue. The inside needs an adjustment. The actions will follow. Work on my inside and the inside of those I lead and influence.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 6


    Mark 6: 37 But he answered them, “You give them something to eat.” And they said to him, “Shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread and give it to them to eat?”


    Jesus was tired and probably hungry. Yet he had compassion for the many people that wanted to hear him preach and teach. He didn’t have to preach but he did. They were lost. But, when it got late, the disciples did what most of us would have done. “Hey, its late. Tell them it’s time to go home or go into town to get something to eat.” Jesus wasn’t buying it. He said “No, you feed them.”Jesus wants me to take action.

    1. Jesus is compassionate and thinks of others first.
    2. The disciples were concerned for themselves. Jesus wanted them to feed the people. Physically and spiritually.
    3. Some miracles are because of someone’s faith while other miracles are in order to cause people to have faith.


    I am not to wait around for others to help. I am expected to jump in and take action to try to help solve issues and care for others. Just like the disciples, my mind is narrow and I often don’t see a way to resolve issues. The disciples did not see a way to feed the crowd. I often leave God out of my resolution path and not trusting that He knows a way that is so superior to my wat.    

    This example of feeding the 5000 demonstrates that even a little compassion can be multiplied. Not everyone knew it was a miracle. But the disciples knew. It was the disciples that Jesus wanted to feed the people: spiritually and physically. In this case it was a physical need. Jesus did this to show the disciples who He was and to demonstrate compassion for the people. Imagine how much more the disciples knew who Jesus was and what He is capable of doing! Jesus wants me to have compassion for others. Often, I am too comfortable and not worried about other’s needs. Or, I am worried but too comfortable to do anything about it. Miracles don’t need to occur for me to show and demonstrate compassion for others but it does take action.    


    Keep me focused on your word and give me the wisdom to know the truth and use the truth at all times to help guide me. Compassion does not always come easy in this jaded world. Help to shed the doubt, the misgiving and distrust that stop me from being as compassionate as I should be. Help me to be a reflection of your light.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 4


    Mark 4:40 He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”


    Jesus responds to his terrified disciples with a question; Do you still have no faith?” This seems a little harsh until you realize that they only reason they were on the boat in the storm in the first place is because Jesus led them that way.


    Life can be scary. Circumstances can be overwhelming. However, If the situation we are in is because followed Jesus into it, we must trust that He knows best and has a plan. The disciples were afraid for their lives while Jesus slept. How could He sleep during such a difficult circumstance? Easy, He knew it would not end in their peril. 

    A few things…

    -Follow Jesus. When I do that I run less of a risk of getting myself into trouble. 

    -When things look overwhelming, look to Jesus. If He isn’t freaking out, either should I. 

    -Trust He can calm the storm. Even when the waves are crashing I must trust that the same Jesus that commanded the waves is the same Jesus that lives in my heart. 


    May I never forget who you are and the great authority that comes in your name. 


  • Good Life Journal – Mark 5

    (Jesus healed the demon possessed man.)
    2 … a man with an unclean spirit. He lived among the tombs. And no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain,
    15 And (the people) came to Jesus and saw the demon-possessed man, the one who had had the legion, sitting there, clothed and in his right mind, and they were afraid.

    18 As (Jesus) was getting into the boat, the man who had been possessed with demons begged him that he might be with him. 19 … (Jesus) said to him, “Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.”
    20 And he went away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him, and everyone marveled.
    (Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter.)
    22 Then came one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name, and seeing him, he fell at his feet 23 and implored him earnestly, saying, “My little daughter is at the point of death. Come and lay your hands on her, so that she may be made well and live.” 24 And he went with him.
    42 And immediately the girl got up and began walking (for she was twelve years of age), and they were immediately overcome with amazement.
    43 And (Jesus) strictly charged them that no one should know this, and told them to give her something to eat.
    Jesus is going throughout the land healing and teaching.
    In one encounter, Jesus cast out the demons of a tormented man who had, himself, been cast out of society and living in a graveyard.
    In another encounter, Jesus raised from the dead a daughter of someone who was at the center of society, a ruler of the synagogue.
    Yet, we have two strikingly different sets of instructions from Jesus on how they should respond to their miracles.
    To the man now clean from demon possession, Jesus says to “go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you”.
    To the synagogue ruler with a now raised to life daughter, Jesus “strictly” tells him “no one should know this” and “give your daughter something to eat”.
    Jesus tells two very different people two very different sets of instructions.
    To the person on the periphery of society … literally living among the dead … Jesus says to “go home” and “tell your friends”.
    Home? Friends? This man had neither of these.
    I think Jesus was being prophetic here.
    The man was about to have a place in society again … a home, and friends … it only if he did what Jesus asked of him, (“Tell them the good the Lord has done for him.”)
    The man wanted to leave this place and get in the boat with Jesus.
    Jesus wouldn’t let him.
    Jesus was giving the man more than physical and spiritual healing.
    Jesus gave this man an opportunity to be in community again, to be human.
    And what was he to do as part of the community?
    Share the Good News!
    And the people then “marveled” and at a man whom they recently “feared”.
    The synagogue leader, on the other hand, was told to stay quiet.
    Jesus, no doubt, was Teaching the man something in this, as well.
    This man, a synagogue leader, was already at the heart of society.
    What did religious leaders need to learn? Humility.
    Don’t make this about how special you are.
    Your daughter is saved.
    Rather than go brag and get more attention for yourself, why don’t you just share a meal with you family.
    After the healing of their, her parents were “immediately overcome by amazement”.
    That sounds like a good place to start.
    Be overcome with amazement at Jesus.
    Then share a meal with my family.
    Perhaps then I can share the good the lord has done.
    Thank you again God for your word.
    Help me stay humble in who you are.
    Help me no when and how to share the good of what you’ve done for me.
    I’m Jesus name,
  • Good Life Journal – Mark 3


    Again he entered the synagogue and a man was there with a withered hand. And they watched Jesus to see whether he would heal him on the Sabbath-so that they might accuse him. And (Jesus) said to the man with the withered hand “Come here.” And he said to the (Pharisees): “Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm; to save life or to kill?” But (the Pharisees) were silent.
    And (Jesus) looked around them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, and said to the man: “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out and his hand was restored.
    (As a result) the Pharisees went out and immediately held council (on how to destroy Him)… Mark 3:1-6 (paraphrase mine)


    To do good or not to do good: Is that really the question? Or is the question about tradition vs. life and obedience to the Word of God? Why does Jesus make the Pharisees’ skin crawl and their heart grow hard? Is my heart more like Jesus’ or like the Pharisees?


    I look over my shoulder a lot. Who is watching me? Who is judging or being critical concerning me? Am I considered offensive or rocking the social boat? Who is developing an offensive and negative attitude about me?

    And that is only at church.

    I struggle with the fear of Man. No-that isn’t quite correct. I have the sensation of swimming upstream in a river of syrup-syrup being a description of my innate sinful nature and my swimming being a description of fighting against it. Overcoming sin, especially character sin, is so very difficult.

     The Pharisees boxed the doctrine of the Sabbath in tight; rigid: A “death” tradition instead of God’s provision of life. Concerning the guy with the withered hand, Jesus wasn’t testing the Pharisees as much as giving them rope to hang themselves (theologically speaking). It was pretty easy to come to a godly conclusion: “Heal or not heal because the tradition of the Sabbath is in the way?” Duh-heal, I say, heal!!

     Ok: now I have the principle right (Obey God rather than Tradition-when tradition is contrary to the Word) how does that affect other stuff? What other stuff? Stuff like the things that makes us uncomfortable in doing. There are lots of things in that category-especially the Expressive Worship directions from the Bible. But that isn’t all.

    What about stuff like stopping and praying for the guy at the grocery store who is in a wheel chair? What about really pursuing the Fruit of The Spirit? Getting after the direction in Jude 20 about building ourselves up in the Faith? What about talking out of turn (like what may be gossip)? What about letting unbelief come out of the mouth? (I remember that my mouth spits out what is abundant in my heart)

    Being a Pharisee comes easy to all of us-because it is the Old Man being dominant over the New Man that has been set free from the dominion of Sin-I don’t fight it as much as I should. Why? Because it is hard to do AND it sets us out there as different. It isn’t comfortable at all.

    And who wants to be different? It is so much easier to be a Pharisee. But-being a Pharisee isn’t walking worthy of the Gospel. Narrow (and demanding) is the road to Righteousness; Wide (and easy) is the road to Destruction. (Matt 7:13-14)

    I think that 2018 will be digging into the nuggets of Gold about our common faith.


    Journaling is not always fun, Lord. I find myself digging into my soul-and that isn’t really digging deep; it is just scraping off the top crust of my heart. I thank You, Holy Spirit, for not letting me be; for making me long for You, for making me unsettled about this life and looking for You who is Life Itself. As the minutes, hours, and days tick away create and make me nurture that desire for You and You alone. I don’t write this flippantly and for show, Lord. “Where should I go? Only You have the Words of Life.” AMEN.