Category: Good Life Journal

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 1


    Revelation 1:8
    “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”


    As John begins his description of his vision on Patmos he includes a statement made by the Lord the set the stage for the whole letter. The Lord is the beginning and the end. He was, He is and He is to come. His almighty power and authority transcends generations, time and space.


    Before any of the information, challenge and application from the letter is observed or applied we must first stop and meditate on this verse. Regardless of how we feel about the contents of Revelation. Regardless of how it’s challenge can be overwhelming and its contents confusing, we must realize that the vision of John is from the almighty God. Regardless of how the letter makes us feel, we need to know what it says. We need to be warned by its language and we need to prepare our lives and generation for its ramifications.

    A few things…

    -The almighty God’s authority and power transcend time, culture and space. There is not a generation, a people group, or an individual who exists or will exist that is independent from the reign of the almighty, including me.

    -The authority of God has to basis of His word. Many things in the scripture make us uncomfortable, convicted and challenged. However we are not free to ignore them or adjust them since they come from the one who was, is and is to come. His eternal authority give validity, credit and weight to every word.

    -As I read revelation and all other scripture I must seek to come under alignment not simply because it is beneficial but because it is mandated. The eternal creator speaks, His creation needs to listen.


    Father, eternal God. You are so patient and kind. Forgive me for picking and choosing what I want to obey and I what I don’t. What I understand and what I think is crazy. May I trust your word because I trust you. As I study revelation this month may I see myself in the letter and apply the warnings and callings. May I be obedient.


  • Good Life Journal – Jude


    Jude 1:17-19 But you must remember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit.


    Jude calls on his readers to remember what Jesus predicted when he was speaking to His disciples. Jesus warned that worldly people would follow their own heart and not God’s heart scoffing, or mocking, Christians for doing God’s work.

    Christ came into this world to save us, to help strengthen us and give us hope. Christ saves; he does not condemn or scoff. Scoffers are just the opposite. They bring people down, they do not lift people up. Scoffers are worldly people, not heavenly, ridiculing those that are different.


    I am to remember. Remembering is important because when the time comes when I am confronted with scoffers, I will know how to recognize, act and react. There are numerous stories in the Bible where people built altars to remember an activity or event that occurred. These altars served as reminders for those that looked at the altars. I need to set up mental “altars” that serve as reminders to me. Reminders of activities and events that have occurred in my life that have caused me to both succeed and fail. These altars will help me repeat the positives behaviors and recognize when the negative behaviors are near so I can turn away.

    I am to remember God’s word and what Jesus taught. I am to remember so I don’t stumble. I am to remember so I don’t repeat mistakes. I am to remember so when scoffers come, I know to recognize them and stay away. I am to remember so I stay on the right path and don’t get led astray.


    Your word is true. Your word is timeless. Help me remember your words and follow your words. Allow me the wisdom to separate myself from the scoffers. He me focus on the positive not the negative so I can also be a person the builds people up and not tear them down.


  • Good Life Journal – Matthew 28

    Matthew 28
    11 While they were going, behold, some of the guard went into the city and told the chief priests all that had taken place.
    12 And when they had assembled with the elders and taken counsel, they gave a sufficient sum of money to the soldiers 13 and said, “Tell people, ‘His disciples came by night and stole him away while we were asleep.’ 14 And if this comes to the governor’s ears, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble.”
    15 So they took the money and did as they were directed. And this story has been spread among the Jews to this day.
    Jesus rose from the dead!
    The guards told the religious leaders.
    The religious leaders tried to cover it up by buying them off and spreading a lie.
    The religious leaders also told the guards thy would handle their superiors to keep them out of trouble.
    These lies continue to this day.
    Money & Power … Affluence & Influence …
    If you don’t have it, you think if you get it, then your problems go away.
    If you do have it, you think you can use it to make your problems go away.
    The guards had a problem. The thing they were guarding was gone.
    The guards now feared for their job (and maybe their life).
    How much money did it take them to lie about their feared “failure”?
    We’re told a “sufficient sum”.
    But “sufficient” never stays “sufficient”.
    The religious leaders also had a problem.
    Their authority was now officially at risk of being gone.
    They would now use their “power”, their “credibility”, their “influence” … or how about the buzzword of the moment … their “platform” for their own protection and gain.
    Everyone was so myopic! … Blinded to the best news ever because of their own short term, self interested fears!
    But I don’t have to use “past tense” here.
    Is it so different today?
    Not at all.
    The very solution for all of eternity was trying to be swept away because It didn’t eliminate problems of the moment.
    If I get focused on my fears, my risks, my position … I will lose sight of the Good News … “Jesus is with me always”.
    The irony is they did exactly the opposite of Jesus’ “Great Commission” given at the end of this very chapter.
    They used their affluence & influence to stop the making of disciples.
    I must always keep the Good News front and center so that nothing else, particularly my own fears, motivate me to misuse whatever God has graced me with.
    Thank you God for the Good News of the empty tomb.
    Help me always see my own short term problems in the light of the empty tomb.
    Help me in my temptations to be driven by fear.
    May I always know Jesus is with me.
  • Good Life Journal – Matthew 27



    Matthew 27:39-40

    39 And those who passed by derided him, wagging their heads 40 and saying, “You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself! If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross.” 




    Jesus is mocked by the passers-by. They bring up his claim to destroy and rebuild the temple in 3 days and challenge him to use this same “power” to save himself. Jesus does not answer back as he hangs on the cross. Jesus could have used his authority and power to save himself. Instead he chose to use it to save us.




    People don’t always get it. I don’t always get it. What seems like a loss can be the biggest of wins. What seems like a win could be a loss. The final say on what is happening in our lives can only be seen through the lens of eternity. In this moment of Jesus’ life and ministry, this seemed for sure to be the biggest failure. However, we are looking face to face at the greatest victory. He uses his supernatural power and authority to save the mockers instead of himself. To save the guilty and not the only one who was innocent. To save people like me when he could of easily came off the cross and saved himself.


    A few things…


    -I can’t be too quick to judge my life and situations as good and bad. A win or a loss. In the lens of eternity, it could be much different.

    -I must live in a spirit of thankfulness and gratitude because of this moment. Had Jesus saved Himself, I would have no hope.

    -I must understand that what was accomplished through the cross is the privilege of having access to the presence of God, something I was on the outside looking in on before this. The temple is not in Jerusalem anymore; I am the temple and the presence of God lives in me. I have been made righteous through the sacrifice of Jesus and the Spirit of God dwells in me. I can know God because of this moment in history.




    Father, please don’t let me take for granted the opportunity I have because of what Christ did. Thank you for saving a mocker like me. You did what you said you would do. For that I worship you!


  • Good Life Journal – Matthew 27


    Now Jesus stood before the governor and the governor asked him “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus said, “You have said so.” But when he (Jesus) was accused by the chief priests and elders he gave no answer. Then Pilate said to him “Do you not hear how many things they testify against you?” But (Jesus) gave him no answer, not even to a single charge, so that the governor was greatly amazed. Matt 27:11-14



    The testimony of this section of Scripture (Matt 27:1-31) has a number of extraordinary statements and descriptions of people’s reaction, not the least of which is Pilate’s mindset. While Pilate was no saint as the local Roman ruler, his callousness did not blunt his reason or astonishment…



    What practical application can I take away from this section of scripture?

     That is the usual objective for me. I want to get something that I can build upon, use, apply, etc. for the effort that I put into spending the time to read the Scriptures. After all, I need to get a value for doing this, right? Not always. In fact the “practical application” question may be down the line a bit. Sometimes I must read to fill my eyesight with the Awesomeness of God.

     Here, reviewing the Story leading to the Crucifixion, my first read is to familiarize myself with the story again. My second read is to slow down and read the detail. My third read slows it down even further attempting to imagine what the individual scenes must have been like. Three reads, each slower than the previous, to get to the enormity of what God has decided to testify about. For I should realize that I am reading God’s testimony leading up to the Cross.

    In slowing down I see the instances where the Scripture testifies of prophecy fulfilled as with Judas. But looking harder at Pilate, the scripture says some significant things and insinuates others: In v14 Pilate was amazed at Jesus pointed lack of response; in v18 Pilate knew that the crowd was envious of Jesus and was the reason that He was delivered to Pilate for judgement; in v19 Pilate was petitioned by his wife to “have nothing to do with that Righteous Man” because of reaction to a dream she had; v24 the scripture states that “he was gaining nothing” possibly indicating that Pilate was really trying to release Jesus-ok, maybe not very hard-and getting nowhere. At the end, Pilate attempts to distance himself from the violence of the crowd and responsibility by “washing his hands of it.” (v24)

    So I see that there was a certain amount of amazement and awe by Pilate-he was impressed somewhat with Jesus. There was trepidation by his wife as a result of a dream and identified Jesus, not by name, but by the description “that Righteous Man.”

    Astounding! Here is what I cannot help but think of: If unrighteous Pilate and his wife are impressed by the Son as described in Scripture, am I at least as impressed? Do I act and think in awe of my Lord daily? What am I like?



    Lord Jesus, how do I cultivate an attitude of daily amazement of your Presence? All through the day I can see Your Hand-if I look for it. Most times I get so self-involved that I neglect noticing. Pilate could have neglected and just processed You without a notice-but he didn’t. He was impressed, amazed, questioned the sanity and reason of the mob. Why is this important to notice? Because of this: I view the world through my eyes, my reason, and my convenience as a result of my self-absorption. Help me repent from this self-absorption and see my world through Your Eyes-to the end result of more fully walking worthy of the Gospel. AMEN.


  • Good Life Journal – Matthew 26


    Matthew 26:75 – And Peter remembered the saying of Jesus, “Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.” And he went out and wept bitterly.


    Jesus knows how we are going to act and offers us forgiveness when we sin. Jesus gave the disciples hope when he told them that after the resurrection he would go to Galilee. Peter and the rest of the disciples had been faithless and failed/left Jesus at his time of greatest need. Peter is sad and remorseful for his denial of Jesus.


    Peter, who moments before told Jesus they may fall away because of you but I will never fall away, denies Jesus three times on the night of his arrest. Peter recognizes what he has done to his Lord and is very sad. When we do something that is wrong to God, we feel sad or guilty. I don’t want to think of the number of times that I have denied Jesus prior to becoming a believer. The Gospel is the story of hope and forgiveness of all sin including that of Peter, the disciples and mine. Jesus, didn’t say Peter you failed and I’m be done with you. We serve a God of restoration, who gives us second, third chances. Through the resurrection and the power of the Holy Spirit, God uses Peter to preach the first evangelistic message at Pentecost.


    Thank you for your love and the hope, forgiveness of the Gospel. Through your Spirit help me to be strong in my faith and to rely on you, not my own understanding. When I fail, may I be repentant and get back up to continue serving you.

  • Good Life Journal – Matthew 25


    Matthew 25:27
    27 Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest.


    As Jesus gives some insight into the kingdom he tells an illustration of a master who entrusts three of his servants with his resources. After returning from a journey he goes to settle accounts with them. In verse 27, as the master confronts the servant who did not make a return on the investment, he makes one thing very clear, it is His money, not the servants.


    This is the most important part of the story. It was the master’s money. The servants were just given the chance to manage it. When managing if, the options were to trade, invest, hide or spend. In the story, two traded and invested and made more. The third hid it for fear of losing it.

    A few things…

    -Everything I have has been entrusted to me by the owner. “My”stuff, influence, trust, leadership and relationship aren’t really mine. Everything I have been given authority over belongs to the master.

    -My use of these resources are to be ultimately for the master’s gain, not mine. He will bless me if I am faithful, however, all blessings flow from and originate with Him.

    -There will be a day when the master “returns home.” When he does, I will have to give an account. May I make decisions today knowing this is true.


    May I be faithful with the stuff you have blessed me with. May I live today with the constant reminder that it ultimately isn’t mine.

  • Good Life Journal – Matthew 26


    Matthew 26: 14-16
    14 Then one of the twelve, whose name was Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests 15 and said, “What will you give me if I deliver him over to you?” And they paid him thirty pieces of silver. 16 And from that moment he sought an opportunity to betray him.


    A disciple who had been with him for years had a moment of loving the world and what it offered rather than loving the God that had called him out.


    I tell you this is huge for me this morning. What am i pursuing? What is my calling and what do I pursue to confirm that or reject that? It is so easy to get caught up in the world and what the world can offer us and turn away from our God because we have seen how shiny and attractive something looks. Judas betrayed his Lord and savior for thirty pieces of silver, that in his regret and shame he lost every bit of it as he lost his life.

    A couple of things for me:

    -Don’t forsake calling or passion for the things of the world.
    -Don’t lose sight of who is in control of my life and whom I will give an account to one day.
    -Nothing is more valuable than the presence of my savior, no money or anything.


    Father forgive me for my sin of which you know what they are. Reveal the wickedness in my that I may repent and walk in holiness and love in your spirit.

  • Good Life Journal – Matthew 24


    Matthew 24:45-46 “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his master has set over his household, to give them their food at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes.


    God is our master and we are to do what He wants and has asked us to do. There is reward for doing what God wants us to do. There is punishment for not doing what God wants us to do. God does not tell us when or where the Master will show up. We are to be ready at all times and doing what He asks at all times.


    God’s ways and His requests are constant and consistent. I am supposed to do what God wants me to do, all the time, every time. There isn’t a time when I am to change my ways or do something other than what our master has called me to do. It is not someone else’s job to do my job. It is up to me.

    I should continually ask “What is the wise thing to do?” and “What is the faithful thing to do?” By asking these questions, it will remind me to keep my eyes on the prize. To keep me in line with what God wants for me in my life rather than doing what I want to do for myself. It will also help me to stay focused at all times so I can be assured of doing what God wants me to do at all times.


    Remind me to be faithful at all times. Keep me focused on you and what you want me to do for your Kingdom. He keep me focused on your desires and not my desires.

  • Good Life Journal – Matthew 23


    Matthew 23

    1 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples,
    2 “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat, 3 so practice and observe whatever they tell you—but not what they do. For they preach, but do not practice.

    23 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness.

    25 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and the plate, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence.


    Jesus is giving a series of strong lesson to the people and their religious leaders about how to actually observe the word of God.
    Jesus has a series of strong rebukes (“woes”) especially against the “scribes & Pharisees”.
    They are neglecting to actually live out the way they teach.


    Well here have yet another “pop culture” reference that finds its origin in God’s Word: “practice what you preach”!
    Jesus wants the teachers to actually live the way they’re telling others to.
    But it’s always so much easier just to “know something” than to actually “do” that something … especially God’s Word.
    I️ can know all the names of the prophets and what their messages were, but do I️ actually take heart to their warnings and understand how those warnings apply to my life?
    I️ can memorize all the books of the Bible and their key themes and cultural context and literary styles, etc. … but do I️ actually allow God’s communication with me to give me a new heart?
    I️ can not be content with knowledge.
    I️ have to allow it to change me.
    How good would my marriage be if I️ simply knew my wife’s birthday and our anniversary and, perhaps, her family history, and what her likes and dislikes were … but I️ didn’t actually live as if I️ cared about any of those things?!
    It’s incredible that we’ve allowed Christianity to become something known more for what it’s against.
    Jesus said the “weightier matters” of the Law are “justice, mercy, and faithfulness”.
    These are action oriented, “others focused” matters!
    There is outward evidence when justice, mercy, and faithfulness are actually lived out.
    But this outward focused action doesn’t happen without an inner change of heart.
    These “weightier matters” are contrasted with what the “hypocrite” is full of: “greed and self indulgence”.
    I️ must steadily allow God’s Word to show me where I️ am focused on my self.
    And I must have to softened heart to seek justice, mercy, and faithfulness.


    Thank God for your Word again.
    Open my eyes to see where I️ can be used for justice and mercy.
    Give me the courage to live faithfully.
    Thank you for forgiving me when I️ fail to do so.
    In Jesus name


  • Good Life Journal – Matthew 22


    Matthew 22:9-10

    Go therefore to the main roads and invite to the wedding feast as many as you find.’ 10 And those servants went out into the roads and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good. So the wedding hall was filled with guests.


    After the first invited guests found themselves too preoccupied to attend, the Father sent an invitation to anyone and everyone, regardless of who they were or what they had done. His main reason was to ensure the party was full.


     This parable helps us see the a few things…

    -Some people, the religious leaders in the first century and cultural “Christians” today, become too preoccupied to be involved in Kingdom purposes.

    -The Father wants the party full. That is His decision and His choice. The guests don’t and shouldn’t have an opinion on who is invited. They should just be excited they are invited.

    -The servants obey the Master. They go to everyone and invite them. In this same way, we are to be obedient and invite whoever. We don’t have the freedom to narrow the guest list.

    -My joy in life (enjoying the party) is directly connected to the constant reminder that I used to be out on the road. But I was invited in. I am in, not because of what I have done, but because the Father decided to expand the guest list! I can’t forget that.



    Father, I find myself getting off track when I start believing I did something to be at the party. I am here because of your graciousness and your decision to expand the guest list.  May I live like I believe that. May I remember that there are a whole lot of people who don’t know they are invited. May I spend my life inviting.

  • Good Life Journal – Matthew 21


    “What do you think? A man had two sons. And he went to the first and said “Son: go and work in the vineyard today.” And (the son) answered “I will not,” but afterward he changed his mind and went. And the (father) went to the other son and said the same. And the (2nd son) answered “I go, sir” but did not go. Which of the two did the will of his father? (The Pharisees) said: “The first.”


    “Truly I say to you the tax collectors and the prostitutes go into the Kingdom of God before you. For John came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him-but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him. And, even when you saw it, you did not afterward change your minds and believe him.” Matt 21:28-32



    Plainspoken; not obscure at all. When Jesus said “Let him who has ears to hear, let them hear” it wasn’t hard to hear. What was hard was changing my mind from what I wanted to the plain Word of the Lord.



    Don’t you love parables? The have a way to worm around in my thinking. They can cause me to ponder. On the negative side they also have an ability to get me to respond “That’s too hard to understand-let me go to the next thing…” and off I go. It may be from the Scriptures to the ball game or a TV movie or anything that can distract me from thinking of eternal things.


    Here are the Pharisees. Jesus is leading them by the hairs on their beard to: 1) illustrate the difference between actually obeying or putting on a show-first son said “no” but silently repented and obeyed anyway. The second son said “Sure thing Dad, anything for you. I love to be obedient…” but afterward didn’t do anything. Notice that Jesus in this case led the Pharisees to answering the only way the parable question could be answered. Open mouth, insert foot. Enjoy.


    How do I respond? I really really like to think that I got the point of the parable without being the Pharisee. Truth is that I am too often just like a Pharisee: I look to wear my so-called righteousness on the outside and I neglect that Jesus wants my heart, not my actions. His stated purpose is changing my heart of stone to a heart of flesh. That is more than being kind, considerate, and not like other people. That is mind and thought transformation, repudiating and leaving sin, to be things that the world isn’t like humble and transparent; extending mercy even when receiving anything but; and many other things but doing them secretly and in quiet.


    I know one reason I dislike my yearly performance reviews at work: it is that somewhere I know I want to toot Jesus’s horn, not mine.



    Father, how do I cultivate humility? I don’t want to be as a Pharisee within this local church. I don’t want to parade my righteousness around and blow a trumpet before me, beside me, or in the direction of where I came. I am looking at the list on my desk about how to cultivate humility. I don’t look at it often enough. Please let me put some distinct and focused effort to bring humble and effective fruit in my life, my marriage, my role as an empty nest parent, at work, and in public. More so, let me/help me/cause me to be humble beginning in my prayers and my secret life before you. AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Matthew 20


    Matthew 20:16 – “So the last will be first and the first last.”


    Jesus finishes telling the parable of the laborers in the vineyard by illustrating that the kingdom of heaven does not operate on worldly values. Someone of minimal perceived value by government or culture can be of high standing to God. The logic of the gospel represents a one hundred eighty degree shift from societal norm. The laborers God chooses represent all types of people from different social standing with one commonality. They only way to be chosen is by the grace of God.


    I must remember the truth that I am only saved by the grace of God. The gospel of Jesus represents the only hope in a fallen world. I should not judge someone as more valuable for their wealth, power or political standing but rather look at everyone through God’s economy. There is nothing I can do to earn salvation, nor is there anyone that is too far gone that I should think is excluded from the grace of God. As a believer, I should be joyful anytime a lost sheep is found.


    Thank you for your love, grace and saving me without regard to my earthly standing. Help me look at everyone with value and know all are welcome in your kingdom. Let me be inviting to share your love and gospel with those who are lost.

  • Good Life Journal – Matthew 19


    Matthew 19:26 But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”


    Jesus encountered a man who was very religious. He by all accounts must have been very well thought of and really had his “ducks in a row” when it came to spiritual life. He was a rule follower and a commandment keeper but as Jesus began to question him it was revealed that the man’s heart was not in it. Ultimately his heart and mind were set on his own riches and righteousness.


    In my life it doesn’t matter how “put together” I am. Rule following and commandment keeping can be kept without having a heart devoted to God. God looks at the heart, I don’t want to be a religious rule follower but miss the Savior with my heart. Today, I long to have a heart after God and feet that follow.


    Jesus let my heart be one that seeks after You today. Thank you that where I may fail you make the way possible by already meeting my greatest need!

  • Good Life Journal – Matthew 18


    Matthew 18:7-9
    7 “Woe to the world for temptations to sin! For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the one by whom the temptation comes! 8 And if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life crippled or lame than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire. 9 And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hell of fire.


    Jesus rebukes the world and those within the world that tempt mankind to sin. However He then transitions to give direction to his followers in regards to their own personal responsibility in winning the battle over temptation. He uses violent language when challenging his followers to overcome temptation. His words make it clear that it is better to experience short term pain, discomfort, and suffering in avoiding sin than it is to indulge in sin and experience eternal suffering.


    Temptation is real. It is all around us. Everyone is tempted by different things and at different times. However we can’t excuse ourselves for sinning because how hard temptation is. Jesus rebukes the world and those that lead us into temptation, however, He still wants us to take responsibility for our own actions. He also wants us to take out our “violence” against our own sin, not the sin of others.

    If we are gonna get angry about sin, we must start with our own sin.

    What causes me to sin? What are the weakest areas of my life? Where am I most vulnerable? It is there that I must take aggressive action against my tendencies to sin.

    A few things…

    ⁃ I need to cut out stuff from my life that leads me to sin.
    ⁃ I need to take personal responsibility and not waste time blaming other people or situations for my actions.
    ⁃ If I am angry about sin, it better be my own first.


    Father thank you for this powerful scripture that reveals your heart for purity and righteousness. Thank you for forgiving me. Give me the strength to be proactive and even “violent” about my own sin.