Category: Good Life Journal

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 119


    Psalm 119:71 It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn your statutes.


    Sometimes it takes suffering to realize we are dependent upon God. It is often only at our lowest when we finally look up. When we are high we often think we are the reason we got to this position. We rely on our self and not God for his wisdom.


    I must trust God in all situations. Everything is His making. He knows best. It is His timing. It is for His purposes. I may not understand or ever even know His purpose. I am to call on Him in good times and bad. Remember that life is peaks and valleys. God is with us through all of the times. I must be thankful at all times. Reliant on Him at all times.

    I must “turn to learn”. I must turn to God and study His statues. In school we study to learn. I must study God’s word to learn it. I must read, think on it, understand it and then apply His word.

    Lastly, I should be thankful for the low times because it makes us focus on Him.


    Thank you for being with me at all times. Thank you for providing your word and your son. Help me to understand your word and apply it to my life.


  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 119


    Psalm 119:25-40

    25 … GIVE ME LIFE according to your word!
    26 … your statutes!
    27 … your precepts,
    28 … your word!
    29 … your law!
    30 … your rules
    32 … your commandments
    33 … your statutes
    34 … your law
    35 … your commandments
    37 … your ways.
    39 … your rules are good.
    40 I long for your precepts;
    in your righteousness GIVE ME LIFE!


    The psalmist is obsessed about the Word of God.
    He can not get enough of it.
    Statutes, precepts, commands, laws, whatever God has to say, he wants to hear it all!
    He craves it.
    He yearns for it. All of it.
    Why? It gives life!


    Do I want life? Seems rhetorical, of course.
    But really, am I really living if I’m disconnected from The Word?
    Jesus says He is The Word.
    And seeing this psalm this way, it makes sense when Jesus says He is also The Vine.
    Apart from Him there is no life.
    Apart from The Word I am not really living, I am dying.
    And in my communication with God, what do I crave more?
    For Him to hear my words?
    Or for me to hear His words?
    It is His word that gives life!
    What’s more is, do I merely “read” His Word?
    Or do I “long” for His Word?
    It is His Word that gives life!


    Father, give me life according to Your Word!
    Help me keep it in my heart.
    Help me long for it always.
    Help me know your Word when I hear it or read it.
    Help me share your Word when you give me the opportunity.
    In Jesus name,

  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 13


    (multiple references) “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.” (Heb 13:7) “Obey your leaders and submit to them for they are keeping watch over your souls as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning-for that would be of no advantage to you.” (Heb 13:17)


    Seems to me a pretty large part of the Letter to the Hebrews has to do with being responsible, recognizing responsibilities, and acting upon them-knowing that the ultimate responsibility for walking worthy of the Gospel is the face looking back in the mirror.


    Never did much care for these two scripture references. God puts a lot of responsibility on the “leaders” and the guys like me, the “followers.”

    Applying these principles in my life takes a lot of faith: I need to be perceptive and discerning; I need to hear what is being said by these folks (and hear what is NOT being said as well). I need to learn-not just from these kind of folks but from other sources as well so that I can train my senses to discern good from evil, wise from unwise, scriptural truth and facts from “good ideas” and foggy enthusiasms.

    There is a problem with my reluctance to think this through: I am a leader. I am a leader of my household, of my wife, of my children. I am an example at work, at the local church, in my small group. I cannot escape it: I have responsibility-the kind of responsibility described in Hebrews 13 and elsewhere in the Bible. I may not be a pastor, a professional clergyman, but I have imputed responsibility on me by God-such responsibility that I need to pay attention to and embrace.

    Do I have the attitude “don’t look at me, look at Jesus?” and try to avoid “walking the walk?” Doesn’t the scripture references above put a stopper on that attitude? Leaders are supposed to be looked at, evaluated (consider the outcome of their life…) and imitated if they are worthy of imitation. I love that: “worthy of imitation.” Doesn’t that make your teeth grind?

    Facts are this aspect of the Gospel doesn’t get talked about much. It should though-if I am serious about following Jesus then I am (or should be) just as serious to be a serious disciple-and a serious model to imitate.

     Scripture describes Jesus as “setting His face like flint” as He approached Jerusalem and the Cross. What a picture for me to imitate!! I will set my face like flint as I embrace the Word of God and become an example of continuous improvement in walking worthy of the Gospel.


    Lord my God: Being a leader isn’t all it is cracked up to be at times. As a leader I am not always right; I am not always perfect; I fail many times and in many ways. Saying “I too, have feet of clay…” isn’t thorough enough; it seems shallow. I am aware of my shortcomings and my deficient ways before You. But-there is joy when one of those You gave me responsibility for shines like the noon sun! When I see and hear them not only say the Word of God but also see their conduct in the light of the Word of God. What joy!! What astronomical happiness! Is that how You feel? AMEN.


  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 12


    Hebrews 12:2 – 3 – We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross disregarding the shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people, then you won’t become weary and give up.


    This part of the Hebrews is being written to encourage 1st century Christians who are struggling to endure persecution. Focus on Jesus and what he did for us so we can have a new relationship with God. Christ was beaten, mocked, crucified and took on the sin of the whole world as the ultimate/perfect expression of faith to save us. Jesus endured it all and was resurrected to be at the right hand of the Father in heaven.


    Too many times, I focus on the situation I have before me and not completely on Jesus. No matter what we are doing or trying to accomplish, we will grow weary and our efforts can stray if Jesus does not remain front and center. We must think of the great eternal joy awaiting us by being obedient to Jesus while here on earth temporarily. We can draw courage/strength in knowing that whatever trial is in front of us, Jesus followed God and paid full cost with his life for ours. Many believers in different parts of the world face persecution daily where life expectancy after baptism into the Christian faith is very short.        



    Thank you for sending Jesus to endure the cross to pay full price for my sin. Help me to remain focused on Jesus and may your Spirit give me strength to persevere and not grow faint during times of trouble. Let me follow you no matter the cost.

  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 10


    Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.


    Meeting together with other believers on a regular basis to encourage each other and challenge each other is important. Living among and with each other as we long for the day of Christ is the will of God.


    In a culture where watching a message on the internet has become the easy way to “do church”, the scripture explains church as something different. A group of people who meet together, encourage each other and challenge each other. Church has less to do with what is happening in stage and more to do with what is happening in our day to day lives. Church can’t be defined by the performance of a few under the spotlights but instead by the obedience of the many throughout the week.

    A few things…
    -Gathering is important. We must not get too busy to gather for worship, for groups, for fellowship.

    -when we gather we must spur. Make each other better through encouragement and challenge.

    -we should live expectantly. Live life together longing for the return of Christ. A church that isn’t longing for Christ return is a church hat has become to comfortable in the world.


    Lord may our church be the church instead of just doing church well. May we be less defined by our weekly gathering and more defined by the lives we live through the week.

  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 8


    Hebrews 8

    Vs. 6 … Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises.

    Vs. 12 “For I will be merciful toward their iniquities,
    and I will remember their sins no more.”


    Jesus is the one and only better High Priest.
    He has made a sacrifice that only He can make.
    He fulfills a ministry that only He can fulfill.
    This makes for a better covenant based on even better promises.
    Our sins will be forgiven forever.


    The sacrifice of Jesus is once and forever.
    My sins are forgiven.
    I can live in this promise because God is merciful.
    I don’t need to make more “sacrifices”, as in religious rituals.
    It is finished. I am forgiven.
    Christ lived out his ministry of “better promises”.
    I can now live a life of ministry sharing this promise of God with others.
    The world makes a lot of promises. I must not believe them.
    I must believe the promises of God are, indeed, better!
    If I believe this, I should actually be eager to share this with others!
    This is Good News!


    Thank You, Father for your faithfulness to Your promises.
    Help me live a life of ministry sharing those promises.
    Forgive me when I don’t live as if your promises are better than the world’s.
    I’m Jesus name,


  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 9


    Hebrews 9:27 And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment.


    This chapter serves as a reminder that Jesus will come again. When he does come, he will come to judge. I must prepare now for His second coming.

    The description of the physical boundary in the holy of holies serves as a reminder that many know about God’s presence but few get to experience it. Christians are not in a world of the living moving toward death, we are in a world of dying trying to get to a world of eternal life. We must prepare now and be prepared for Jesus’ judgment so we can experience His presence and eternal life.


    In the business world, I try to come prepared. I prepare for sales calls, for a business meeting, for interviews, etc. Sports teams come prepared to play an opponent. They watch films and have a game plan. They even change the plan during the game based on the results of the initial plan. In contrast, as Christians, we often just “wing it”. There is no spiritual planning. Believers to think they have plenty of time and often have no sense of urgency. Watching believers can cause non-believers to not trust in the Lord or realize the consequences of their actions. Why should they plan or worry about the future if we don’t set the example?

    Each one of us will die. Then comes judgment. I must plan now. I must act now. Jesus will come a second time. I need to prepare now. I need to think long term but act short term. My short term actions must align with my long term spiritual goals. I need to look at the hurdles in my life that are preventing me from accomplishing God’s will in my life and that may be preventing others from knowing more about God through me.


    Speak through me. In my actions and through my words. Help me to reach those that are not ready. Keep me focused on you and your will for my life. Help me to realize that everything I do today has an impact, good or bad, on you and your kingdom. Give me the wisdom to be a positive impact in the world today and tomorrow.


  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 4


    Hebrews 4:13
    And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account


    People either entered or did not enter the rest of God that was offered. Obedience and faith enters and disobedience and hardened hearts does not allow entrance.


    So many times I say with my mouth that I am thankful for the grace of God and my place before him is I the cross….yet I try my best and pursue to make God look on me with more love and grace by do my things for him. Or opposite I feel shameful because of how much I sin. I feel so many times (including today) that I am they disobedient that doesn’t get to enter. I try and hide things from God. I try and do things for God with such a wicked heart as if he doesn’t know and I’m hiding. Noting and he means NOTHING is hidden from Gods sight. I lay naked and EXPOSED (John 8) before the Lord God. This is terrifying because I know who I am apart from him either by choice or naturally. I must and will give an account for my public and private thoughts, actions, and disobedience. This seemed like bad news and to an extent it is not very fluffy feeling, but the following verses says Jesus though tempted is and was without sin. That he sympathizes with me/us so we can approach the throne of Grace that we may find mercy and grace in our time of need. I keep myself from this throne because I stay stuck in my sin and shame and guilt….God says I know…..I was tempted…..I didn’t sin cause I knew you would and will…..approach… is grace….here is mercy…..I must humble myself, ask God for forgiveness, and rely on the grace, mercy, and forgiveness of God. He knows and I can trust him.


    Father God thank you for your grace and mercy when I don’t I deserve it….thank you God of creation for loving me. Convict me of sin and lead me to repentance and make me more like you Jesus.

  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 6


    “Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity: Not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God; and of instructions about washings; the laying on of hands; the resurrection of the dead; and eternal judgement. (And) this we will do if God permits.” Heb 6:1-3.



    There is a key imperative in this passage: “…on to maturity.” The implied exhortation is to press in, to pursue becoming mature; don’t get stuck at the beginning of the Cross journey and be satisfied. There is soooo much more ahead…



    I was taught that when I see the word “therefore” I need to see what it is “there for?” In this case I roll back and take a look at the end of Hebrews 5 to get a run up into Hebrews 6: “About this we have much to say (and it is hard to explain) since you have become dull of hearing. For though by this time you ought to be teachers you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the Oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food-for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the Word of righteousness since he is a child. But solid food is for the mature; for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.” (verses 11-14).

    I see the writer of Hebrews isn’t much restrained from telling it like he sees it.

     I wonder what the readers of this Letter are doing? If they are doing something, it stands to reason I am may be leaning the same way. Why do I become dull of hearing? Why do I need to hear again the basic principles of Christ and the Cross? Why aren’t I pushing along to maturity? I think that the answers for me are the following:

    1. I am not awestruck. When was the last time I was stricken with the Awe of God? When did I last think about anything majestic about my Savior, His Father, and/or the Holy Spirit? Why am I not continually in Awe??

    2. I do not take a Principle and apply it with diligence. Take a scriptural principle, any of them. Work to make the outside knowledge of that Principle an internal habit-change in my heart, mind, and conduct. Man, I don’t even try to hold myself accountable to the face in the mirror, much less to my wife, or other men in my life.

    3. I give up easily. I have to face that there are moments, long moments, that I am the “sandy soil” Jesus talks about in that parable: I take root quickly but when the heat and the drought come I shrivel up and stop growing.

    4. I forget. Just like the constant sin of Israel I forget-I forget quickly and thoroughly. I think that is why teaching of milk principles is so prevalent-the sin of forgetfulness. This is more than being absentminded: It is forgetting the Goodness of God, the Character of God, the Attributes of God, etc. I forget about Him because I let something else come into that place.



    Father-Life is hard. I feel it today deep in my bones. I want relief. So did You, Lord Jesus. Even though my life isn’t anywhere like Yours was, you know what I am whining about. Give me power and gumption, Lord, to press into maturity-when things are good feeling, let me press in harder so that, when things are bad feeling I have strong mature habits in You to fall upon. Let Your Word dwell in me richly so that I can accurately discern and distinguish good from evil. AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 5


    Hebrews 5:8-9 – Even though Jesus was God’s son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered. In this way God qualified him as the perfect High Priest, and he became the source of eternal salvation for those who obey him.

    Jesus was always obedient to God’s will. Jesus’ obedience to the Father’s will was learned through his suffering. Jesus was obedient all the way to the cross where he suffered, paid the ultimate sacrifice for the sin of mankind. Following Jesus is the only way to have eternal salvation.

    Jesus lived a life of complete submission to the Father’s will no matter what trial or how much he suffered. While we won’t live a perfect life of always being in step with God’s will, we must realize that as followers of Jesus we must strive to walk that path. God allows circumstances/hardships in our lives that force us to rely on Jesus when we are the most vulnerable. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can gain strength to persevere through suffering. For many people throughout the world and in Florida, daily life is a struggle and Jesus is their only hope. We must remember our greatest need has already been met and there is but one way to be saved, through the blood of Jesus shed for me on the cross for all who believe and obey him.


    Thank you for loving us so much that you sent Jesus as our savior so we can have an eternal relationship with you. Help your Spirit guide me to follow your will and be obedient to your path. Let me learn to rely/trust you in all situations.

  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 2


    Hebrews 2:1 Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it.


    This verse suggests that we must pay attention. It is not about rejecting Jesus and His word but neglecting it. Drifting is going with the current, not against it. It is easier to go with the current than against it. Going with the world is with the current. Going with God is against it. Drifting doesn’t mean a 180 of 90 degree turn but a gradual slipping away. Drifting is dangerous because it is slow, unnoticeable.


    Going against the current is harder than drifting with it. Sometimes, when you drift you don’t’ even notice you are drifting and by not paying attention you can find yourself very far away from your starting point. Drifting from the word means I am not paying attention to God’s word and I am letting the world carry me, or drifting with the world, not the word.

    I must pay attention to what caused me to drift. It can be things like peer pressure, lack of focus on His word, self-absorption, thinking I have plenty of time, etc. I must have an awareness of where I am and what I am doing. I must put guardrails in place that help keep me on track and in the correct position. These guardrails can be as simple as asking myself “what am I doing? Is this helping to further God’s kingdom?”

    Gradual change is harder to detect so I must be diligent to the subtle influences that can cause gradual changes in my life.


    It is easy to get off course. It is easier to get back on track immediately rather than continue to go down a bad path. Provide the guidance and wisdom to know your voice, hear your voice and to allow you to lead me in all I do. Surround me with guardrails: people, places, wisdom.


  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 3


    Hebrews 3:7-8 Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, on the day of testing in the wilderness,


    The Holy Spirit is graceful enough to warn us when our hearts and actions are in rebellion. The most important change in regards to repentance is the heart. Change starts with the heart.


    Check my heart. Be thankful for the Holy Spirit’s warning. When I feel like He is wearing me out, I should recognize His warnings are an act of grace. His warnings are attempting to keep me from disaster.

    A couple things:

    Heed his warnings.
    Obey His voice.
    Don’t harden my heart.


    I am so thankful for your warnings. May I respond and change instead of hardening my heart.

  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 1


    1:1 Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son

    He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.

    … of the Son he says,

    “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever, the scepter of uprightness is the scepter of your kingdom.
    You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness


    It’s always been about Jesus and it always will be about Jesus.

    Jesus radiates the glory of God.

    Jesus is the nature of God.

    Jesus exerts the power of God.

    And what’s so incredible on top of all that?

    He “speaks to us”!

    And what’s more?

    He’s good!

    He “loves righteousness”!


    It’s very hard to ever contact anyone who is actually “in charge” of anything.

    It’d be virtually impossible to actually contact the CEO of any company (or actually get a reply, anyway).

    There are silos and ivory towers everywhere segmenting people from decision makers and leaders.

    Yet, the One who over everyone, the One who “upholds the universe” I have access to.

    God is a personal God.

    He didn’t need to be. But He is.

    Do I appreciate that everyday?

    Or do I appreciate that only when I “need” Him? As if that’s not everyday.

    And even better, God is a good God.

    He didn’t need to be. But He is.

    Do I appreciate that everyday?


    Father, I should not let a minute go by when I do not honor for “the exact imprint of Your nature”.

    And I am so grateful that You “love righteousness”.

    Forgive me when I’m neglectful in this.

    I know you are forever.

    Thank you.

    In Jesus name


  • Good Life Journal – Ephesians 5


    (multiple references) “…Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children…Walk as children of light…and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord….Look carefully then how you walk-not as unwise but as wise–…Therefore do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is…) Eph 5:1; 8b-10; 15; 17.



    The first part of Ephesians 5 looks like it is wholly directed to the folks who should be looking in the mirror. There seems to be a number of “watch-outs” scattered between verse 1 and verse 21. In typical Paul manner, these watch-outs are gently hammered to the reader.



    “I therefore, a prisoner of the Lord, urge you to walk worthy of the calling to which you have been called…” (Eph 4:1)

     As a new Christian I gravitated to the “picture” scriptures; references that caused my imagination to soar. I imagined fighting with the “whole armor”, wielding the Sword of the Spirit, warring against the spiritual opponents found in the heavenly places. Walking worthy of the Calling? That was only a part of the whole deal, kind of like being a Knight of the Round Table. I remember when I learned about Star Wars and Jedi and oh, my goodness–I had a visual that was way better that Arthur and Excalibur.

     After a while these scriptures percolated up through my heart and into my mind. I started wondering what these meant. I heard “preaching the Gospel to (myself)”…somehow these “worthy walking” references started to make some sense. It came slowly and, candidly, I am still working out this part of my salvation (albeit with fear and trembling).

    It helps to separate Justification-worthy from Imitating Jesus-worthy in my mind. Persevering to the End I am Worthy for Salvation only through the Atonement. Day to day stuff? It became very clear I have to pursue Christ to the end of my days. Therefore-Discerning what is pleasing to the Lord begets Imitating which helps Walking as children of Light. Understanding what the Will of the Lord is keeps me wise and not foolish (which I habitually translate as stupid-helps me talk the Gospel to myself clearly).

    As Christians, we have been called to a holy calling, reverential calling. It should humble me and in exact parallel cause me to shout in triumph. Walking worthy of the Calling is sobering, causes me to reflect frequently. It is a fiercely joyful calling. It means putting my nose to the grindstone every day in the Name of Jesus, looking to (with the active participation of the Holy Spirit) change my ways in every way, to reveal my heart, and do those things (especially the little things of the heart and mind) that would be pleasing to the Lord. I gotta want to do that though, huh? Effort, always effort.


    Lord God-You tell me to pray the Will of You and You are pleased to answer my prayer. Sure beats praying for stuff that I am inclined to think You snicker at. Please keep me focused on You in every way possible-in my waking moments, in my sleeping moments. Teach me (empower me) to pray without ceasing (however that trick is accomplished). Above all: I want to walk all my days worthy of the calling You have called me to. AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Ephesians 3


    Eph. 3:17-19

    17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.


    Paul describes the great blessing it is to have the presence and power of the Holy Spirit as a believer. He prays for the church that they may experience the Spirit’s presence in their hearts through faith. Of all the blessings we gain from the presence of the Spirit in our lives, the greatest of all is the revelation of the immeasurable love of God. Having the Holy Spirit within us should accomplish, above all things, an awareness and application of love.


     The best way to know if I am walking in the Spirit is to assess my love. If I don’t live with a keen awareness in my life and an abounding application of the love of God into the lives of others, I am not walking in the Spirit. The greatest power of the Spirit is the power of love. A few things…

     -Before I do anything, I must know first. Know that I am loved. Know that the gospel is for me. Know that the height, width and depth of the love of God is for me.

    -I must share that love with those around me through His Spirit. Of all the things the Spirit is to accomplish in and through me, the greatest is to help other people know and feel that they are loved by God. That is the mission above all missions.

    -Am I putting anything above living in and sharing the love of God? If so, I am hard pressed to say I am “spirit-filled”


     Love changes everything. I must remember that. I must live it Lord. Thank you for your love and thank you for giving me the chance to share that love with other people. Love is sacrifice. Love is laying down my own desires and needs for the sake of others. Jesus, that is who you are. May I live like that. May I be like that. May I be marked and known by love.