Category: Good Life Journal

  • Good Life Journal – Ephesians 1


    Eph. 1:22-23

    22 And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church,23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.


    As Paul begins this letter to the Ephesians he closes his opening statements with a powerful truth. All things are under the feet of Christ. All authority in heaven and Earth belong to Him and are under his dominion.


     What an amazing reminder. As a storm looms off the coast and our city is in turmoil, it is nice to be reminded that all authority in heaven and earth belongs to Jesus. Knowing this to be true I respond in two ways. 

     -Pray. If Jesus is in charge, then any requests I have should go to Him. He is the boss.

     -Trust. I must trust that Jesus is perfect in all His ways and that anything He directs or allows is for the greater good and will somehow be used for His glory.


     I trust you Jesus. All authority is yours. Everything is under your feet, including me, my life, my family and my city.


  • Good Life Journal – Ephesians 2


    Ephesians 2:7

    so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus


      Paul not only tells us the “what” but also the “why”. The “what”- He saved us through His grace. He forgave us when we had no chance. He made us righteous when we were the furthest from it.  But why? Why would God do this? Why would Jesus sacrifice so much for us? The scripture teaches us that the “why” is because through it He might continue to show us the immeasurable riches of His grace and kindness towards us in Christ. Through Christ’s sacrifice, resurrection and continued relationship of grace with us through the Holy Spirit, God continually shows us His grace. His immeasurable grace. His grace that never runs out. The grace of God is not a limited resource. THANK GOD FOR THAT!


     Wow. Blown away by His grace this morning. A handful of things.

     -If I want to know what grace is, look no further than Jesus.

    -If I beat myself up over sin I must realize the stupidity. He doesn’t beat me up over my failure but instead offers me immeasurable grace.

    -I must allow this realization to fuel a life in response to grace. I must live gracefully because that is the continued example of Christ towards me.

    -I follow a Savior of unlimited grace. My life must be marked by this. Not simply as a receiver of it, but a sharer as well. I must share grace today. When I am graceful, I look the most like Jesus.


     Oh, amazing grace. I pray I never get over it. May my life be marked and overflowing with grace.

  • Good Life Journal – Galatians 5


    Galatians 5:16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.


    Paul transitions from telling the Galatians what not to do, trust in circumcision, to telling them what to do, walk in the spirit.


    Throughout this letter Paul has consistently warned the listeners to not abandon the gospel they first heard. To put no confidence in the flesh, the law, and sacrifice. It is easy to say, “that’s right!”, “preach it!”, “don’t trust religion!”. However, this verse is where everything shifts. It’s not just a matter of not trusting in the flesh, it’s a matter of walking in the Spirit. It is easy for me to put no trust in my flesh. However, it is much more difficult to live without gratifying my flesh. Paul says the opposite of trusting the flesh is walking in the Spirit.

    The intention of this passage isn’t simply to challenge people to stop trusting circumcision and the law. It is more importantly a direction to walk in the Spirit. Everyday I wake up I have two intense and powerful drives within me. One is the same power that raised Christ from the dead. He calls me to a life of sacrifice and surrender. He calls me to give, serve and obey. The other drive is also strong. It calls to indulge, to self-medicate, self-rely and self-preserve. It has been a long time since I trusted in my own morality to please God. However it has been less than 24hrs since I walked in the flesh. I can’t afford to read Galatians and act like I get it. To act like not relying on the law or religion is the intention of the letter. The intention is not only to trust in the gospel, but to walk in the Spirit within me made possible by the gospel. A few things…

    -not trusting my own morality is not an excuse to indulge the flesh.
    -walking in the Spirit is the opposite of trusting the flesh.
    -Practical morality is a response to the Spirit within. (See fruit of the Spirit)


    Father, I pray that my aim is walking in the Spirit today. May I reject not only confidence in the flesh, but gratifying it and obedience to it as well.

  • Good Life Journal – Galatians 6


    Galatians 6

    Vs. 1 Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.

    Vs. 2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

    Vs. 5 For each will have to bear his own load.

    Vs. 17 … I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.


    There is a lot of “bearing” happening here.
    People are told to “bear” others burdens.
    They are also told to “bear” their load individually.
    And Paul reiterated his authority and due respect as he “bears” the persecution of Jesus.


    Trouble and struggles in life have not and will not go away just because Jesus rose from the dead.
    Paul endured exceptional turmoil to the point of having physical scars on his body, as Jesus did.
    And, yet, Paul has undergone such a spiritual transformation that he exhorts his fellow believers to be “gentle” with others who are struggling.
    Keep in mind that Paul is the guy who oversaw and sought out the stoning of Christians.
    This guy was previously anything but “gentle”.
    I must remember this.
    When I lose patience or get frustrated with others, I can’t use the excuse of “well that’s just who I am”.
    No, I’m a new creation.
    I just let the spiritual fruit of gentleness and self control flow from me.
    It is this spiritual transformation that enables me to “carry another’s burden”, while also “carrying my own load”


    Thank you God for Your wisdom.
    Help me live it out with others today.
    Help me see others the way you see them.
    In Jesus name,

  • Good Life Journal – Galatians 4


    “Formerly, when you did not know God, you were enslaved to those that by nature are not gods. But now that you have come to know God (or rather, be known by God), how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world-whose slaves you want to be once more? You observe days and month and seasons and years! I am afraid I may have labored over you in vain.” Gal 4:8-10


    This whole chapter seems to be teaching and admonishing: Don’t turn back to what you knew before Christ-pursue Christ!!


    This is a chapter that I don’t think about much. No wonder, it doesn’t have those glib scripture promises I can take in a bite; memorize in a few minutes. Paul is making rhetorical questions, questions that the Galatian readers are supposed to ask themselves. How often do I ask these deep questions of myself? How often do I “examine [myself] to see if I am in the Faith?” (2nd Cor 13:5)

     It takes me a lot of time to examine myself-mostly to keep from finding those issues that I can pat myself on the back for or polish my halo about. It is a tight rope to walk: Feeling secure in the Promise while at the same time doing the self-examination thing. Biblical fact is-I am to do both!!

     What I read is the absence of forming habits. Certain folks in the Galatian church accepted Christ/became converted only to eschew the harder work of becoming a disciple and forming Godly habits. It became easier to fall back on what was “religiously accepted” by keeping observances of holiday and celebration but to let go of the daily grind of pursuing sanctification-of creating Godly and Biblical habits.

     At the end of my days I don’t want the epitaph to be “He observed all the Things he was supposed to do” but like David: “He served the Purpose of God in his generation.” (Acts 13:36)


    Father, this is stuff you are pounding in me: gently with the tap tap tap of a finishing hammer; sometimes crack crack crack of a sledge. Every morning when I awake, may I awake with the knowledge of celebrating You. Awaken dawn!! See the merciful and majestic Hand of God. I want to pursue You like a dying man thirsting after water. AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Galatians 3


    Galatians 3:26 – For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus.


    Faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and savior is the only way to receive God’s promise of inheritance to become one of His children. Galatian believers were returning to the law about circumcision. The Law does not save anyone but acted a guard until Christ’s sacrificial death and everyone could be made right with God through Jesus.


    I must remember that there is but one way to be saved, through the blood of Jesus shed for me on the cross and all who believe. There is freedom in knowing that through Christ I am made right with God and there is no other work to be done. There is no difference in requirements for one believer or another other than faith in Jesus. How humbling is it to think that God is our heavenly Father who wants us to be His adopted children through Christ. 1 John 3 says, “See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children and that is what we are! But the people who belong to this world don’t recognize that we are God’s children because they don’t know him.”


    Thank you for your loving us so much that you sent Jesus so we can be your children through faith in Him. Help me to be remain focused on you and not anything that takes away from you. Let your Spirit guide me to live a life where the glory belongs to you.

  • Good Life Journal – Galatians 1


    Galatians 1:9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.


    Paul reiterates that no matter who is preaching it, if it is not salvation by grace though faith, it is no gospel at all.


    It didn’t take long for false doctrine to creep into the church. A doctrine that taught circumcision and other religious practices were mandatory. A doctrine that made much of self-sanctification through morality. I can understand why. This was what they had believed before Christ. This is also what others were holding on to instead of the gospel. The past system colliding with resistant hearts began causing confusion on exactly what the gospel was and what it meant to people.

    However as Paul clarifies, so must we today. There is but one gospel. The gospel of the sacrifice, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ! The gospel of grace through faith. The gospel that trusts the work of Christ instead of our own works. The gospel that trust the shed blood of Jesus instead of the blood, sweat and tears of religious striving.

    A few things…

    -My hope must be in the grace of Jesus.
    -A faith that places weight on religious obligation and performance attempts to rob the cross of power and hand it to us.
    -Confusion on what saves us and keeps us can cause wasted lives and ineffective witness for the world. We tend to tell stories of our faithfulness instead of the story of His faithfulness.


    May I always have one story and one song. Give me the strength and resolve to never get over the gospel.


  • Good Life Journal – Galatians 2


    Galatians 2:21
    21 I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose


    Paul has his first disciple Titus with him in his first journey. He goes and encountered several things God. He encounters the pillar apostles at work and even sees Peter being a bit wishy washy when it comes to his ministry. Titus is impacted in a negative way and Paul calls Peter out. He then makes sense of it all to Peter and explanation to Titus through a law themed explanation! He understands that it is the Grace of God through Jesus that gives us life, not a law or rule. He comes to the conclusion that righteousness and acceptance is through Jesus and if it could have been obtained another way Jesus died for no reason.


    I think about the fact that if righteousness could have been obtained through an act of constantly being obedient to a law that Jesus literally died for no reason. So I spend my life getting down on myself for my lack of living up to a standard, pursuing God’s acceptance by following rules, having maturity in how well I perform in God’s eyes. Though some of these things are ok with gauging maturity based on obedience, they can’t gauge justification and salvation. What I mean for me is that the things I do don’t earn me a seat at the table, I’m already there because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. This is something I know and have preached to myself constantly. This morning I take the burden of the law off my shoulders and receive the free gift of salvation and live in response to it. Christ died so that I could have life, not so that I could live as if he did not die.


    God, forgive me for pursuing righteousness through works. Let’s my works show your greatness and growth in me rather than me prove you in me. Forgive me for not trusting you and help me Jesus die to me and live in you.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 118


    Psalm 118:8. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.


    The Psalmist explains that if we put trust in man we will be disappointed. No person or group of people or even government will be able to save us in the way we most need help.


    This verse reminds me of the help the people need Houston. While they certainly need assistance as people are without homes, clothes, etc. the most important need they still have is being saved from sin. Only Jesus can save them. Only Jesus can provide the long term needs and comfort. As I watch the news of the flooding in Houston and Bradenton this week it reminded me of this fact. We are walking in a valley with others who have physical needs that are in visible for all to see. But we all have the same spiritual need that only Jesus can fill.


    Help me to remember all the spiritual needs of the people I meet. Help me rely on you and you alone in my time of need.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 116


    Psalm 116

    Vs. The snares of death encompassed me; the pangs of Sheol laid hold on me; I suffered distress and anguish.

    Vs. 4 Then I called on the name of the Lord: “O Lord, I pray, deliver my soul!”

    Vs. Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; our God is merciful.

    Vs. 6 The Lord preserves the simple; when I was brought low, he saved me.

    Vs. 12 What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits to me?

    Vs. 13 I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord,

    Vs. 14 I will pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people.



    The Psalmist is particularly grateful for God at this time.

    Interestingly, he’s grateful because he was “saved” after he was “brought low”.

    This was not a man “doing pretty good” and then “got even better”.

    This was a man suffering distress and the pains of anguish.

    But he’s now grateful to God for His “mercy”.

    And he’s not grateful in silent or merely  “in his heart”.

    He wants to “render to the Lord” and do it “in the presence of all His people”.



    The first application seems relatively easy:

    When I “suffer distress and anguish”, I need to “CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD”.

    The reasons this seems easy are twofold.

    First, this is what God’s people have done since Abraham.

    When everything is going smoothly, God seems to fade into the back of people’s mind and they get rather proud of themselves.

    When we get desperate enough we grasp for the “last gasp” … crying out to God!

    Unfortunately, we read too much about “crying out to God” as some last ditch effort to be saved by our lifeguard God.

    And God, “in His mercy”, does so. He does and will save us.

    The psalmist’s second application seems the more difficult.

    After God does step in and save  me, do I show my gratitude “in the presence of all His people”?

    See, when I’m not “suffering” anymore or I can slip back into to feeling pretty good about myself.

    But the psalmist has it right.

    After God raises him up, he raises up the cup of salvation and CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD!

    Twice in just a few short verses the psalmist CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD.

    Once after “suffering distress,

    Then again after “receiving benefits”.

    I need to always, in all circumstances, at all times … CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD!



    Thank you so much God for this beautiful reminder that you are always to be leaned on and called upon.

    You hear me .. always.

    Thank you.

    I’m grateful,

    In Jesus name,



  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 111


     Psalm 111:10

    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
        all those who practice it have a good understanding.
        His praise endures forever!



     Wisdom is not found apart from the Lord. Instead it begins with the acknowledgment of both His existence and His authority.



    I find it so interesting that in our culture today a belief in God, creation and Biblical history are all considered childish and juvenile. In our “progressive” and secular culture, faith in God is seen as a weakness or a crutch for the needy and small minded. Yet the psalmist, a pretty smart guy in his own right, teaches that fearing God is the beginning of wisdom. Fearing God entails two important recognitions. The first is that God exists. That He is real and that everything exists because of Him. The second is that He is in charge. Not only is God creator but he is sustainer and sovereign over all. His way is the best way. His words and commands are true and are to be followed. It is not until we recognize and submit to this, that the journey towards wisdom begins. A life and pursuit apart from the fear of God leads to a life of ignorance and folly. No matter what level of status or acclaim is achieved in our culture today, apart from the fear of God, it is short-sighted and will be short-lived.

    A couple things…

    -What am I fearing in my life? Do I fear failure, rejection, being marginalized or overlooked? Or do I fear God? Fear is a motivator and what I fear will determine my actions. A fear of God will lead to actions obedience. A fear of other things will lead to compromise.

     -Wisdom is a pursuit that begins when I say yes to God and commit to following Him. I can’t find wisdom in my life while taking the off ramps into darkness, self-gratification and self-enlightenment.



    I fear you today God. I believe you are real, sovereign and holy. My life is lived in response to that today!


  • Good Life Journal -Psalm 109


    “But You, O God my Lord, deal on my behalf for your name’s sake. Because your steadfast love is good, deliver me!–for I am poor and needy and my heart is stricken within me. I am gone like a shadow at evening; I am shaken off like a locust…May my accusers be wrapped in their own shame as in a cloak! With my mouth I will give great thanks to the Lord; I will praise him in the midst of the throng. Ps 109:21-23; v29-30.


    The Psalmist cries out to God. He cries for deliverance. His heart is pounding in sorrow, in anguish. Why? He is being accused from his point of view wrongly. Does the Psalmist have a case? Is this something he should do? What can I take away from this?


    This passage struck me today. I was just confronted with a family situation that has my heart pounding and my mind is roiling around what to do about it. I am on the verge of tears one minute and raging the next-emotions are rampant within me going back and forth as on a pendulum. All the written descriptions of the Psalmist’s emotions I can identify with. This isn’t a woe is me passage, this is the Word of God identifying and presenting the reality of a person’s heart.

     The Psalms are good for drawing out and putting thoughts and feelings into words. The Psalms deal with recognition of God’s goodness as well as the everyday stuff man encounters-like conflicts-and depression-and other stuff, good and not so good.

    Does the Psalmist have a case that he is right and the “others” are wrong? Beat’s me; I read it very carefully and the Psalmist is not real clear about himself-but he thinks he is “in the right.” The response, however, is unclouded with trying to figure it out for himself-he submits it to God and asks for work on his behalf. So what is wrong with trying to figure it out for myself?

     A slippery slope follows and it involves God’s Sovereignty and Human Responsibility. We are to act (and think and speak and feel, etc.) but leaning on the Holy Spirit at all times. This takes practice. What is it called “not leaning on the Holy Spirit?” One description could be “self-sufficiency.” This is the “Me do it” attitude that got Adam and Eve tossed out of the Garden. This one is especially hard to define and requires me actively approaching God to examine my heart and let me know “if there is any wayward heart in me.” My logic and arguments don’t cut the mustard here. I know my heart is “deceitful” and left to itself would lead me into sin and away from righteousness.

    How then do I respond? Same way you get to Carnegie Hall: Practice, practice, practice. But what do I practice? 1) Being transparent. Transparency has to break through self-defense. 2) Being candid in prayer. It is not enough to say to ourselves “God sees my heart.” Healing comes from confession. God wants to hear our prayer, not practice telepathy. 3) Give thanks and praise in every situation-stuff that works out well and stuff that doesn’t seem to work out at all. Take a look at Job chapter 1 and 2. Also 1st Thes 5:21-23-after all, giving thanks in ALL things is the will of God in Christ Jesus for me.



    Lord, this one wasn’t easy to write. I want to pound on my chest and say “phooey” on those that are hurting me right now; to rail at the injustice of the situation; to moan and wail against the immediate loss. This is the “sacrifice of praise” You say. This is where You capture my tears. This is the place where You comfort me, counsel me, or correct me. For sure You love me as Your child and discipline me for my good. Doesn’t mean what ails me is wrong; it does mean that You O God are not giving up on Your intention to make me in the image of Your Son, my Lord. Oh, year: Deliver me and make my opponents come to shame. AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 105


    Psalm 105:3-5  – Exalt in his holy name; rejoice you who worship the Lord.  Search for Lord and his strength; continually seek him.   


    God is holy and we should derive joy from our praise of who God is.  God is there, but we need to look for him.  We can find our strength in the Lord.  Seeking God is an ongoing process not a one time or drop by when needed event.   


    Every day, I have the ability to praise/worship God or turn my attention to other things.  God is deserving of my praise as he has rescued me from death.  There is great joy in what God has done so I can have a relationship with Him! God is omnipresent, but it takes a commitment on my part to follow Him.  In order to have a lasting relationship with God, I must be in his word and in prayer with Him daily.  This is not a check the box type of activity, but a path to follow Jesus.  Unlike many products that are advertised to enhance your strength, through the power of the Holy Spirit, my strength is from God.       



    Thank you for your love and sending Jesus to rescue me! Help me worship and praise you for who you are and what you have done! May I continually seek you and have you be the source of my strength to serve you and others.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 100


     Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.



    God is God. He is creator, owner, Father and shepherd.



     In this short verse, we are reminded of four truths about God and who He is in relation to us. First He created us. He didn’t have to, but He chose to. I am His masterpiece, created in His image. I owe every breath to Him. He is owner. I am His. I belong to Him. I am not my own. He is my Father and I am His son. I am His child. He is both my provider and protector. Finally, He is my shepherd. I am His sheep. He leads me, not the other way around.



    I am so thankful for who you are in my life. Thank you for playing each of these roles in my life and the life of everyone I will meet today. You are good!

  • Good Life Journal – Luke 24


    Vs.  25 And He (Jesus) said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! … 27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.

    Vs. 32 They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked to us on the road, while He opened to us the Scriptures?”

    Vs. 44 Then He said to them, “… everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” 45 Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures …



    Jesus has a very high opinion of the scripture.

    Jesus has an even higher opinion of Himself.

    His high opinion of scripture is because it points to Him.

    The laws of Moses AND the warnings of the Prophets AND the songs and praises of the Psalmists, they are all fulfilled in and through Jesus. 



    Do I want to “understand” Scripture?

    Then I must rely on Jesus.

    Even the Proverb “lean NOT on your own understanding” only makes sense when we understand this: “It’s All About Jesus”!

    Do I want my “heart to burn when the Scriptures are opened” as they were for these Jesus followers?

    Then I must listen for the voice of Jesus in them.

    How, though? Well, first I must have faith!

    Before these folks recognized Jesus, He called them, “Foolish ones, slow of heart to BELIEVE …”

    Do I have faith that the words I’m reading are not simply a daily habit to get through?

    I must never think of scripture as mere routine or habit or even discipline. 

    This belittles the Scripture to a mental gym I “have” to go to.

    No! The Scriptures are the Word of God I am GRACED to dive into and hear the voice of the Creator and King and Lord of everything.

    May I never take lightly this GIFT! 



    Thank you again, God, for reminding me of how much a gift your word is.

    Help me Spirit to understand them as your voice.

    Thank you Jesus for fulfilling everything and saving me and drawing near to me.
