Category: Good Life Journal

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 6


    Proverbs 6:12-15 A worthless person, a wicked man, goes about with crooked speech, winks with his eyes, signals with his feet, points with his finger, with perverted heart devises evil, continually sowing discord; therefore calamity will come upon him suddenly; in a moment he will be broken beyond healing.


    With strong language, Solomon calls out the passive and sluggish person as both worthless and in danger.


    When I read this I get a little uneasy. I mean, I like to chill. I’m ok with a little binge watching on Netflix, a day lounging at the pool, and a day without a long checklist completed. However there is something deeper here. Its not so much a warning against taking a day off as much as it’s a warning against passiveness and Self-serving lethargy. Of all times, we live in a culture in which we don’t even have to get off the couch. We can order a movie, a meal, and even catch up with friends from the same device I am writing this devotional on. It’s scary. If I am not mindful, I can get passive and expect things to be done for me as I point and motion with my facial expressions from afar. This is in fact the motions and actions of a lazy earthly king. However the writer of this is actually a king. Yet he warns his son to not grow up to be lazy. To be an active participant in the ruling and expansion of His kingdom. And now it comes to me…

    A few things-

    -I have been called to be a co-heir in the Kingdom of God. Not a lazy ruler, sitting on my couch and wasting my life watching Netflix.

    -Though I have been given the title of a child of God and royal blood runs through my veins, I must look to the King of Kings’ example on how to reign. Through, sacrifice and service. That is my call.

    -I must do less pointing and motioning and more doing, leading, sweating and bleeding in order to step into my calling as a co-heir. I could never earn this title, but I might as well follow the example of the king.


    Father I confess a spirit of laziness. I only have to look to my King to know what I am supposed to be doing and the level at which I should be doing it.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 4


    Proverbs 4:18 – 19 But the path of the righteous is like the light of the dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day. The way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know over what they stumble.


    Here we are confronted with a fork in the road and a choice between following the path of the righteous or that of the wicked. The way of righteousness is represented by light which is obtained by gaining wisdom from God. As we travel along the path of the righteous we are like a dim or first light in the early part of day which shines brighter as we get farther down the path till full day/destination. In contrast, the path of the wicked leads away from the Father into deep darkness and separation. The wicked have turned from God, adopted evil ways and walk in such complete darkness that they can’t even recognize why they stumble.


    Proverbs 4:7 says, “The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight.” Proverbs 1:7 tells us, “The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” This tell me that it is imperative that I revere and respect the Lord. We must begin with an awe of the Lord that we never loose. I have a choice(s) to make daily: to follow the Lord or turn away from Him down a path of darkness and destruction. All true wisdom comes from God as he created everything through His wisdom. I must seek His wisdom through being in His word, prayer and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. When we choose to follow Jesus as our Lord and Savior, our journey starts like the beginning of a new day when it is sometimes hard to see at dawn. As we travel along with Jesus our hope is to have increasing light until one day His full Glory will be revealed.


    Thank you for your love and the wisdom you give us when we follow you. Let your Spirit guide me to stay on your path ever increasing my light and love for you to share with others to bring you the glory.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 3


    Proverbs 3


    In verses 13-20, the focus is on the value and benefits of wisdom and understanding. This gift of wisdom is described as more precious than anything that can be gained on earth. Wisdom is being personified into a woman who brings both “long life and riches.” This is just a further example of the blessings of wisdom. Wisdom is used as the means by which the Lord worked in creation. The “tree of life” mentioned at the end of this selection of passage are ways by which the righteous continue on and are blessed in the end. This is also mentioned again in Proverbs 11:30.


    How often do we mistake earthly wisdom and eternal wisdom? I believe it would be easy to misinterpret this verse and think it is explaining the importance of earthly wisdom, but it is really talking about the wisdom we obtain from spending time in the Word and a relationship with God. If you keep that framework in mind, then it is easy to see that this wisdom we have in Christ is one of the biggest blessings offered to us. These scriptures even entail that wisdom is the tool that God used for creation, and that tool is offered to us!


    Lord, help me to find wisdom in you. Help me to not focus on the things of this earth, but on the eternal things and my relationship with you. Thank you for offering us this gift of wisdom. Thank you for allowing us to have an intimate relationship with you where we can seek you in the small things and in every area of our life. We love you. Amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 1


     Proverbs 1: 5 Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance,


    The purpose of Proverbs is to impart wisdom and Godly guidance to the readers. Reading, hearing or being shown wisdom and instruction is not enough. It requires action on the part of the readers.

    This proverb sets up the rest of the book of Proverbs. The wisdom, instruction and guidance is available to all. Biblical wisdom and guidance is shouted in the streets, it is shown and discussed daily. It is available to everyone. But many don’t listen. Many don’t believe and most don’t’ want to follow it.


    I have a choice. Biblical guidance is available to me. I can read it. I can hear it and I am shown examples of it regularly. But following it is more than just knowing it and hearing it. It is a choice I must make on a daily basis. There are three things I must do regularly in order to stay true to God’s word and have a chance at growing in His wisdom.

    I must listen to the advice
    I must know it.
    I must apply it.

    I can’t apply knowledge unless I know it. I can’t know it unless it is shared with me. But, I am simple. Every time I read Proverbs I recall many of the same words of advice that I have read before. Yet I still need reminded of the simple truths. I still find myself in places I don’t want to be or should not be not by God’s choices but by mine. I am reminded of the areas of my life that I know God doesn’t want for me. It hurts to be reminded of areas of your life that are out of sync with God’s will and would have been avoided had I listened to God, known what His word said and applied it to my life.

    I must continually surround myself with other Godly people. They help remind me of what and who I am to be.

    I must continually stay in the word. I must study the word and know the word. One day out of the word is one day in the world. The world doesn’t care about me. The Word does. The word serves as a daily reminder.


     Help me to hear. Help me to listen and help me to apply the Godly wisdom found in your word. Let your word serve as a reminder of who I am to be and how I am to do your will. Bring Godly men into my life to serve as mentors and examples of how I can serve in similar situations.

  • Good Life Journal – 2 Thess. 1


      “We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers, as is right because your faith is growing abundantly and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing-Therefore we ourselves boast about you….To this end we always pray for you that out God may make you worthy of His calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by His power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you and you in Him….” 2nd Thes 1:3-4a and 11-12.


     Paul is very good about addressing his epistles (letters) to the reader to get the background of his concern in the proper context. In these two statements we get his analysis of the condition of the Church: He sees and hears about growth in the Believers and identifies the Holy Spirit’s intention through the Believers’ observed and testified conduct and resolve to glorify the Name of Jesus.


    Finding out about the Doctrines of Justification and Sanctification was astounding to me.  All of a sudden scripture that I struggled to make good, solid sense of came into focus.  Here is a section that Paul is directly talking about sanctification, the pursuit of Holiness that every believer should be engaged in.

    Paul identifies and communicates observed and testified growth!  He hears about it.  He marvels at it.  He boasts about it to others.  “See?  Look at the Thessalonians’!  See how much they have grown, not only in works but in love with each other-resolved to pursue God and good works in faith.  Faith in these folks is growing abundantly!  Astounding!”

    This is a very good example of identifying evidences of Grace in others.

    When was the last time I identified and communicated an evidence of Grace in someone else?  When was the last time I so desperately wanted someone to identify that in me?

    I can press in, pursue hard, put my nose to the holiness grindstone, resolve my socks off in pursuit of growth in the Word, in pursuit of knowing God, of growing in depth of faith as well has exercising that faith in good works but wind up to be haphazard in my affections because I lose heart.  If this is me (and it is) how much more is this evident in others?  How many have neglected Growth because our current understanding is that it isn’t important to others?  How many lose heart and don’t know that losing heart is not good for our spiritual health-it doesn’t glorify God?  I am stunted by it.


    Father: You know this is a weakness in me.  If in me, probably in a bunch of others as well.  Identifying evidences of Grace is hard if you grow out of the habit of it-and I do from time to time.  Answer my prayer O God.  Help me not to be in despair or wanting.  Help me to take a deep breath and count others more important than myself.  Help me to clearly see and identify evidences of Grace in others and be quick to communicate.  I want to do my part of Hebrews 3:13 to keep my brothers and sisters from the deceitfulness of sin.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – 1 Thess. 5


    1 Thessalonians 5:8-9 – But let us who live by the light be clearheaded, protected by the armor of faith and love, and wearing as our helmet the confidence of our salvation.  For God chose to save us through our Lord Jesus Christ, not to pour his anger on us.      


    Paul is giving the Thessalonian Church guidance on the coming day of the Lord.  He warns the believers to be on guard and not asleep like those still in darkness.   As children of the light, the church has received teaching on the Lord’s return and should be clear on that rather than concerned with the timing.  Those who belong to God by placing their faith in Jesus are protected by His love and can be assured of their salvation on the day of judgement.  Through the grace of God, He sent Jesus to rescue us so we can be reconciled with Him.


    This teaching that Paul shared with the young church at Thessalonica is equally applicable to a young church in Bradenton, Florida.  I know the truth about the day of the Lord, but do I live out in confidence my salvation daily?  For our sin we were/are deserving of death, yet God in His love decided to save us.  The issue is not when the Lord is going to return, but how do I live my live in preparation for that day?  I need to be confident that I am saved in the truth of God’s word and protected by His love.  As a believer, I must not become lazy, complacent and enamored by the things of this world.  The fact that the Lord will return should serve as motivation to encourage fellow brothers and sisters in Christ while having a heart to share the Gospel with those who are lost.   



    Thank you for your love and choosing to save us through the sacrifice of Jesus.  Let your Spirit guide me to live my life in the confidence of my salvation to be an encouragement to fellow believers and light to those who are in darkness.

  • Good Life Journal – 1 Thess. 3


    1 Thessalonians 3:8 For now we live, if you are standing fast in the Lord. 


    As Paul describes to the church how he had longed to hear of their faith he explains that once he heard they were walking in the truth he could now “live”.



    The “life” of an apostolic leader is not found in numbers. It’s not found in statistics and a map with “conquered” areas on it. Instead the heart of an apostolic leader is in the genuine faith and love of the believers and churches they have invested in. The mission isn’t to start more churches. It’s to start more healthy churches that will be effective in Kingdom expansion. Only when a leader finds that the church is “walking” in the faith, active participants in the kingdom movement, is he able to rest in knowing he didn’t waste his time. 

    A few things:

    -Throwing a bone to a handful of leaders isn’t apostolic. However, Following up, coaching, praying, sharing life and suffering with them is. 

    -I want my heart to be for effectiveness not just saying “we did something”. I want my something to be kingdom successful. 

    -I need to pray daily for Chris, Kevin, Paul, Ken, Blake, and every other planter I have invested in. I can’t afford to check the off the list because they launched. 


    Father give me the true heart of an apostolic leader, not just the gifts and desire. I need you more than ever. 

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 78


    Psalm 78:17  Yet they sinned still more against him, rebelling against the Most High in the desert.


    The purpose of this psalm is to recount God’s faithfulness throughout Israel’s history.  Israel’s forefathers were stubborn and rebellious and the psalmist was writing so the reader would not be like their forefathers. 

    Psalm 79 discusses a plea for Go’s deliverance from a time that Israel had angered God. God had allowed the destruction of Israel and now, understanding and repenting, Israel was asking for God’s deliverance to serve as an occasion to show God’s mercy and grace for future generations to praise Him.


    It is easy to praise God when things go well. It is easy to ask God for help when things are not going well. It is easy to play armchair quarterback and criticize other decisions or discuss details after the fact. I find it harder to realize how my decisions are affecting me while I am in that moment.  I want to learn from the past and not repeat other’s mistakes but I often repeat the same mistakes I want to avoid. 

    I am grateful we have a God that forgives. I am grateful we have a God that is patient. I need to stay in the word, stay close to others that can hold me accountable and honestly examine my life. I must take care of my own hurdles, obstacles before helping other remove theirs. 


    Thank you for who you are and what you did for me. Thank you for your faithfulness. For loving me even though I am not perfect.   

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 77


    Psalm 77

    Vs. 4 You hold my eyelids open;
    I am so troubled that I cannot speak.

    Vs. 11 I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
    yes, I will remember your wonders of old.

    Vs. 14 You are the God who works wonders.


    The author is extremely tormented by some kind of trouble.
    He has such angst that he can not even sleep … can’t even speak.
    His mind is clearly active and pondering some major concern.
    Since his mind is so active, he will choose what to make it active about: “I will remember the deeds of the Lord”.
    Remembering that God has done good in the past, reminds him of the character of God, who God is.
    This brings relief into the present. God is a God who “does wonders”, not just “did” wonders”.


    My God is the God of Hope.
    There is always Hope, because God is always good.
    Even when my circumstances are such that I can’t sleep or just don’t even feel like talking to people because I’m distraught, there’s a remedy: “Remember His Wonders!”
    I don’t ordinarily go to sleep easily. I lay awake for awhile, probably too long.
    What am I allowing to occupy my thoughts?
    Worry? Frustrations? Things that aren’t even in my control? Thoughts honoring to God?
    God is a God of wonders!
    And there is no greater wonder to remember than the resurrection of Jesus!
    When I can’t close my eyes, I need to “fix my eyes on Jesus”
    When I don’t feel like to speaking to others, I need to speak with Him first.
    He is the God of wonders past and present!
    Even if that “wonder” is to simply have a sense of peace or contentment in the midst of that struggle on that day, I need to recognize that the peace is a gift of God … that it is a “wonder”.
    God is more concerned with my mind and heart inside me than my circumstances around me.
    Am I? Do I share that concern? What do I allow to trouble me?
    What do I lose sleep over? My inner condition or my external circumstances?
    I need to remember the wonders of my God, and allow that to remind me of who He is today, even right now.


    Thank you again, God, for your Word.
    Help me remember your truth.
    When I’m troubled by something new, remind me of your wonders.
    Help me fix my eyes on Jesus.

  • Good Life Journal – 2 Corinthians 11

    2 Corinthians 11

    (V:3) Just as Satan tempted Eve causing her to believe that God’s insufficiency made Him unworthy and incapable to care for her, Paul is worried the church will fall into the same misconception.

    (V:4) Paul is acknowledging that Satan is attacking the church with a false Jesus and false gospel, free of sickness and suffering. However, if we step back and look into different phases of hardships in our life, we can always find that God used these experiences to teach and expand our knowledge of him in us. A gospel of no suffering would severely limit our opportunity to grow in Christ Jesus.

    (V:11) This verse is a great example of a hyperbole. Paul received financial help from the Macedonian churches to preach the gospel in Corinth.

    (V:16-18) In these 3 verses, Paul is careful to boast only in the mighty things the Lord has done. He does not take pleasure or ownership for these things, but gives true credibility to the one who has accomplished them.

    Again, Paul boasts at great length only in his weakness as the appropriate way to glorify God’s grace and power in one’s life.

    (V:30) I love how in these verses God is evidently triumphing among human weakness. This is a great example of the purpose for Christ crucifixtion.


    What are some areas in my life that I’m not taking to God because I believe they are insufficient and I need to handle on my own? Am I trusting in Christ knowing he is completely sufficient to handle all my burdens and needs?

    Am I using my suffering and times of weakness to actively search for areas of improvement and growth in my life? So often it is easy for us to focus on all the negative things going on in our lives instead of looking at the bigger picture. What are some ways we can step back and focus on the bigger picture and what God’s intended purpose for this trial may be?

    I need to be careful to boast only in the things that the Lord is doing in my life, not of the things of my own doing. Even then, it is easy for us to share the things that God is doing through us. However, that is not the point. Matthew 5:16 says, “Let your light so shine before men, that. they may see your good works, and. glorify your Father which is in heaven.” How can we use our works to give glory to our Heavenly Father and not unto ourselves?


    Lord, thank you for your unceasing mercies. Thank you for your patience as time and time again we fall into sinful temptation and pride. Help us to be reminded that we are vessels for you Lord. Our actions and words represent you, not our sinful flesh. Thank you for helping me to conquer battles that are beyond my control, that I am clearly incapable to complete without you. Finally, thank you for your son and his act of pure love for us on the cross. Amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 73


    Psalm 73:23-26 

    23 “Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”


     Psalm 73 is written by Asaph, who is the leader of one of David’s Levitical choirs. This is a word of wisdom based on his life experience. At first the author envies the prosperity of the wicked. They have no struggles and seem like they are not plagued by human ills. “With callous hearts they wear their pride like a necklace.” The author almost falls to the level of beastly stupidity, but God will not let him go – ever! Asaph enters the sanctuary of God to pray. He is saved by the realization that God will always be with him, guiding him and taking him to glory. The wicked who are far from God will perish. For the righteous, earth has nothing to desire but God and his glory.


    Very often I find myself in the same place as the author. I see people who seem less “Godly” than I. They are dishonest and take shortcuts. They do wrong and do not get caught. They don’t even know enough to know that they are sinning. Maybe they even know but they don’t care. The wicked seem to always be free from care. Often, I am tempted to envy them and I have even thought to join them in their sin. I am saved when I remember to spend time in my sanctuary, the word of God. When I am immersed in God’s word, I begin to see things from God’s eyes. The wicked are enslaved by their sin. They know of no other choice but to sin. God’s law sets me free from my sin. I am free because I can make my choice to forgo sin. I am no longer enslaved and behind the bars of my weakness.

    Verses 23-26 is so uplifting because we can all be set free to pursue Christ. Nothing on earth compares to the Lord holding my hand, guiding me and taking me into his glory.


    Holy Father, lead me not into temptation. Lead me not into greed and jealousy. Lead me to your still waters. I am sure in my knowledge that by choosing to follow you, my destination will be basking in your glory forever.


  • Good Life Journal – 2 Corinthians 13


    “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you?-unless indeed you fail to meet the test.” 2 Cor 13:5



    Why is Paul challenging the Corinth church corporately and individuals specifically like this? Test myself? Is he calling for me to doubt? Or maybe the Holy Spirit is asking for something else….



    This is one of the Scripture references I used to avoid-mostly because I didn’t understand the question. It is difficult sometimes because I have read…and re-read…and re-read again more than just verse 5. I have to back up and read the previous verses…sometimes 2 and 3 chapters before a verse just so I can get some kind of coherent run-up into it.


    In this case though, it didn’t come really clear until I was introduced to the Doctrine of the Atonement and subsequently Justification and Sanctification. To my pea-sized mind, limited as it is, I needed to be able to mentally separate the Eternal from the Temporal; that is, Salvation and Redemption is all of God’s prerogative (Justification) and my growth in the Faith (or in Maturity- essentially same thing) is Sanctification.


    To revert to a sports metaphor: Am I focused for the Game today? It is asking for me to take a look at myself: Am I focused? Have I relaxed reviewing and remembering the Gospel for myself? Have I stopped preaching the Gospel to the face in the mirror? Do I have a game plan for today to walk worthy of the Gospel or am I coasting in misplaced self-confidence?


    Examining myself isn’t comfortable-especially if I am being shaky because of sin. Paul refers to it well in the letter to Romans: “I know what to do; I don’t do it.” Am I doing what I should be doing? Am I at least leaning toward it? Thinking about it? Am I putting in place particular biblically based “circuit breakers” to interrupt my veering of the path of righteousness?


    Every year I need an objective for growth in the Faith. Every month I need to review goals. Every week I need to make sure of a tactical direction of reading, reviewing, talking about with trusted friends, confessing sin, repenting, praying good self-revealing prayer, being and pressing into transparency, cultivating a preparedness to give an account of the “hope inside me.” Every day I need to put my feet on the floor as I roll out of bed and acknowledge my dependence upon God and my need for God. (Lamentations 3:21-26 is a good good scripture to remember in declarative prayer as my eyes open on a new day…)


    Lord Jesus: I praise You. What I have written above has been on my mind for many years. I keep reminders on my wall. This is something I speak to myself and others consistently. Hopefully I have spoken and written about it not in a spirit of condemnation but of candid response and with honorable transparency. This is a nail that needs to be pounded and pounded in me constantly (and through the end of my days). I want to grow; to be mature in Christ! This is a desire that You are pleased with and will honor (and rejoice about) when I pray towards this end. AMEN!

  • Good Life Journal – 2 Corinthians 12


    2 Corinthians 12:9-10 – Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weakness, so that the power of Christ can work through me. That’s why I take pleasure in my weakness, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.


    Paul was given a messenger from Satan (thorn) to keep him from becoming prideful. At Paul’s request to remove the “thorn”, Jesus answers Paul telling him that his grace is sufficient to cover everything. The power of Jesus through the Holy Spirit is best expressed when we are the weakest on our own. Rather than boast about all his experiences or what he has done for the church at Corinth Paul will boast about his weakness so he can show the power of Christ. Hardships, persecution, insults that we will face for being a believer are all opportunities to rely on His strength.


    I must remember that God allows and places things in our lives where we are totally reliant on to Him for strength to face whatever situation. No matter what stands in my path trouble or accomplishments, God’s grace is enough. I should be humble and know my greatest need has already been met through Jesus death, burial and resurrection. This is definitely counter cultural to think that when I am the weakest, Christ can strengthen me to face my trouble. Others will be able to see the love and power of Christ by how we walk with Him in difficult situations. Rather than get angry or retaliate if someone insults me for our belief, Paul tells us to take pleasure and see it as an opportunity to share the love and Gospel.

    Thank you for your grace! Let your Spirit strengthen me to face hardships and be an opportunity to share your Gospel. May I walk with you so that others have the opportunity to see your power through me.

  • Good Life Journal – 2 Corinthians 10


    2 Corinthians 10:4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.


    As Paul continues to defend his ministry against skeptical Corinthians he makes a powerful statement. He doesn’t fight his battles in the flesh though he is still in the flesh as a human. Instead he fights with divine power and with divine weapons.


    A few things…

    ⁃ We need weapons of warfare because we are in the midst of warfare.
    ⁃ We don’t have to fight the war with our power.
    ⁃ We can fight and win the war with the weapons of warfare through the power of the Holy Spirit.

    In my life there is constant conflict. I must remember that the conflict I face has a deeper level. Therefore I must face it and fight it with a deeper level of power.


    God I need you to win the fight against the darkness I face. I don’t have to fight alone and with my own power.

  • Good Life Journal – 2 Corinthians 9


     2 Cor 9:6-7 The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.


    Paul wanted to make sure the Corinthians were going to fulfill a promise they had made to provide money to some Macedonians. In doing so, Paul discusses the benefits of giving. He names three areas:

    1. Generous giving produces a good harvest

    2. Financial needs of the recipient are met

    3. Produces thanksgiving to God


     Attitudes about giving vary greatly. Paul doesn’t state how much to give, how often to give or any other instruction about giving. Paul focused on how our hearts are to be when we give. He states that one should reflect inwardly about an outward act.

     I have not always been a cheerful giver. I have not always been a consistent giver. If I am not careful I can fall into a pattern of giving based more on habit than on heart. What I mean by that is that I give a certain amount each week, month, etc. more out of habit than really reflecting on the reason I am giving and the work that can be accomplished by the money. Sometimes, when the offering basket is passed I feel guilty if I don’t put something in. Not out of guilt for the amount but that others may think I am not giving. I am trying to please man versus pleasing God.

     Giving is more about an understanding and realization that my resources are God’s to start with and that He can do much more than I can imagine and bless me in ways that money cannot buy. I need to remember that $1 given out of love and compassion and with a cheerful heart is better than any amount that is given out of compulsion or guilt. I give not to get but to bless others knowing that I will be blessed by God in His ways, in His time.

     Paul’s message is not a prosperity Gospel but the truth in that God’s blessings promised to a cheerful giver are not necessarily monetary not are they meant for this world.


    Help me to realize the blessings You have provided to me and my family and, most importantly, help me to remember who You are and what You have done for me. Help me to keep my perspective on all my stuff. And my perspective on how and why I give.