Category: Good Life Journal

  • Good Life Journal – 1 Peter 1


    “According to his great mercy, He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s power are being guarding through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials so that the tested genuineness of your faith-more precious that gold that perishes though it is tested by fire-may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (1st Peter 3b-7)


    Many of the Letters either from Paul, Peter, John, James, Jude, and the dude who wrote Hebrews have a greeting or preamble-something to start the reader off aligned to the Gospel. Greetings and preambles are not just nice and soothing-not just form-they are full of the powerful and living Word of God and I would do well remembering that….


    I can’t say that I am ever looking forward to savoring and chewing on a Greeting. I am more of a “Hi, there; Glad to get in touch with you again, family doing fine? Now let’s go to what I want to talk about…” I am so prone to “yadda yadda yadda, let’s get to the point, will ya?” And yet, these opening words are important-they have to be-they are God’s Word as well as anything else in 1st Peter. So why do I skip over the start of a letter? I have to admit that usually the 2nd part of the 1st chapter or staring in the 2nd the ball of action usually gets rolling-“Do this, don’t do that; look at this or that”-actions, directives, commands; these are things that I can sink my teeth into. “Finally, something to DO!” And yet, if we look intently, we see a bunch-no, an enormous bunch-of the Scriptures are telling us to think. Think about what is being said. Look for and recognize the resistance in our own heart-renew our minds by the Word of God (Rom 12:2). So the greeting from Peter is very important because no matter what the issues are that we a facing today remembering the Gospel, remembering the Goodness of God in the Gospel, remembering the purpose for afflictions-remembering and savoring all the facets of the Jewel that is the Gospel helps to put the instructions that Peter (and the other guys too) in the proper frame of reference. I am loved. I am cared for. I forget often and must be reminded more than often-until That Day. Come Lord Jesus.


     Lord God. If I pay attention I see Your Hand everywhere. Molding me, comforting me. You have a singular, stated, declared Purpose for little old me to make me into the Image of Your Son. Any effort I bring to the table in prayer, in self-discipline, or anything is massively meager compared to Your contribution. It is hard to comprehend that You rejoice over me with Singing even when I am “grieved by various trials” to get to a “tested genuineness of (my) faith.” James reminds me to pray “in accordance to God’s will.” How much do you clap Your Hands in a smiling countenance when I pray “Change me, O God”? “I hear you, son. Never fear-I will take care of you in this. By the way-good job.”

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 36


    Psalm 36:7 – How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings.


    God’s love for us is of great value to Him and that love remains steadfast. God’s love does not change based on circumstances and is unending. God, as creator of the universe and everyone in it, protects those who follow Him.


    God’s love for us is so precious, that He sent His son to die on our behalf so we can have a relationship with Him! We are called to love overs with the unconditional love of Christ. We were loved first, therefore we love. As we go through difficulties, know that God’s love is constant. The creator of the entire universe will keep us safe when we are in his shadow. We need to draw near to God and He will be near to us providing safety for His people.


    Father, Help me daily to remember the great love you have for us through the Gospel. Let me love others unconditionally as you love us. May I be on a path to follow you where you are my protector.

  • Good Life Journal. Psalm 33


    Psalm 33:16-17 The king is not saved by his great army; a warrior is not delivered by his great strength. The war horse is a false hope for salvation, and by its great might it cannot rescue.


    The security of man is not in the power or skill of their army. These are false senses of security. Rescue comes from the Lord.


    I spend many days placing my security in things. Whether it is finances, popularity, position, comfort, relationships, etc. I even can find my security in being an American and having freedom. However, I am reminded today that my security ultimately comes down to one thing, Jesus. He is my security, my sure foundation. Everything else will crumble, but not Him, nor his love for me.


    Jesus, you are my sure foundation and my security.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 30


    Psalm 30:5
    5 For his anger is but for a moment,
    and his favor is for a lifetime.
    Weeping may tarry for the night,
    but joy comes with the morning.


    The psalmist acknowledges that the anger of God is temporary but the favor of God is lasting. He doesn’t ignore that God can grow frustrated with him, but he understands that the frustration is temporary. The result of the anger of God is his own weeping, however joy comes in the morning.


    A few things…

    -Realize that God can grow frustrated and even angry with my disobedience and lack of faith.
    -Remember that it the frustration is temporary and causes temporary pain and weeping.
    -Rest in the reality that His favor last longer. Joy comes in the morning.


    Father, I don’t want to ignore that my actions can anger you. However that is not your constant state of attitude toward me. That is not your default disposition. You love me and your favor is lasting and joy come in the morning. Thank you Father for your love.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 27


    Psalm 27:1 The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?


    David confidence, trust and hope is in the Lord. It is not in man, men or himself.

    David’s confidence is in the Lord not things.

    David courage came from above. It came from God and not of this world.

    David’s guidance came from God not from the world.


    Too often I try to navigate my way through life on my own. In both difficult times and good times. This is a reminder that I must put my trust in God in all areas of my life. I must trust God as my first line of defense and not as my last resort or as a life line.

    Too often I fail to seek his wisdom, guidance and direction in all things or in everyday things. I tend to rely on God for difficult decisions or during difficult times. I can handle all the other stuff, right? David reminds me that is not so.

    David also reminds me that God’s light allows us to see a clear path. That the Lord is my light and nothing else can help me see His ways. He reminds me that the Lord is my salvation. Without God there is no hope. But with God there is nothing to fear because he has overcome all.


    Father, too often I tend to rely on myself, my understanding and my knowledge. I fail to seek your guidance, comfort and wisdom in the little things and rely only for assistance with the big stuff. Help remind me that it is all up to you and your path guides me in all things. Thank you for your glory and for your salvation.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 27


    Acts 27:10-11 “Men, I can see that our voyage is going to be disastrous and bring great loss to ship and cargo, and to our own lives also.” But the centurion, instead of listening to what Paul said, followed the advice of the pilot and of the owner of the ship.


    Paul, though not an expert in sailing or in weather, has been given insight by God as to the coming danger of sailing in the storm. Even though he was least qualified to speak on the matter he was the one with the right prediction. The Holy Spirit trumped experience and expertise.


    Education, experience, expertise are great tools for gaining wisdom. However, walking in step with the Spirit and listening to His direction is more valuable than the other three combined. Where education, experience and expertise run out, the Spirit continues on. The Spirit of God is the source of wisdom and is aware of every detail of life, including the future. As Paul learned to listen and obey the voice of the Spirit, so must I. The other pursuits are important but I must not pursue them in the absence of learning to grow in listening, hearing and obeying the Spirits promptings.

    A few things…
    -Don’t disqualify myself, simply because I might not be the expert in the room.
    -If the Spirit gives me insight, be bold to speak up, even if I am the only one with a certain point of view. Trust in the omnipotence and omniscience of the Spirit.
    -When I am proven right, don’t boast, but rather redirect the enlightenment and credibility back to God.


    Father, thank you for this reminder. For many years I was usually the least educated and experienced. However your Spirit has always lead me well. May I continue trusting in your voice, even as my experience, education, and expertise give me more and more credibility among my peers. May I always seek you first and have the faith to obey, even when the experts say otherwise.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 24


    25:8 Then Paul made his defense: “I have done nothing wrong against the Jewish law or against the temple or against Caesar.”


    Paul was brought before Festus, a new Roman leader, to have his case heard. Paul was falsely accused by the Jewish leaders of Jerusalem of all kinds of acts yet without any proof. Festus, while not religious, followed proper protocols and procedures in regards to Paul yet, as a politician, tried to appease everyone. While Paul’s accusers lied and had ulterior motives, Paul boldly spoke the truth even after years in captivity.

    God will use believers and non-believers to further His kingdom. Festus was not a believer but God placed him in that role and he played a part of getting Paul to Rome, which was in God’s plan.


    Paul stood up for himself. He was confident in his behavior and in his manner. He was using his Roman citizenship to his advantage. He was not going to let himself be put in an unfavorable position based on lies and untruths. I must have the boldness and confidence to speak up for what is right in God’s eyes. Too often, it is easier to sit quietly as others have louder voices. Paul gave us an example of standing for the truth.

    Paul was incredibly patient. It had taken a long time to get to this point. Paul did not complain. He did not say he was being treated unfairly. Paul accepted his position and continued to provide his side of the truth and of the story. If Paul had tried to rush things or push things, it could have costed him his life. He would never had made it to Rome which is what God had told him was going to happen. Too often, I try to make things about me and my timing. I must always remember it is about God and His timing. I cannot rush things or make them happen based on my desires but should wait on God’s desires and God’s plan.


    Grant me the patience to wait on God’s timing. Help me to remember it is about your plans and your kingdom and not mine. Give me the boldness to stand up for you even when in difficult situations.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 24


    Acts 24

    vs. 16 “I (Paul) always take pains to have a clear conscience toward both God and man.”

    vs. 21 “… It is with respect to the resurrection of the dead that I am on trial before you this day.”

    vs. 25 “And as he (Paul) reasoned about righteousness and self-control and the coming judgment, Felix (the Roman official) was alarmed…”

    vs. 27 “… desiring to do the Jews a favor, Felix left Paul in prison (another two years).”


    Paul is brought before the Roman officials by the Jewish leaders.
    Paul has broken no Jewish or Roman law.
    In fact, he testifies that he believes everything in the word of God.
    He wants a clean conscience in front of the people and God!
    The pinnacle of the crisis surrounds one thing, the resurrection of Jesus!
    This, the resurrection of Jesus, is the pin point of conflict.
    Felix, the Roman official, feels internal conflict, “he is alarmed”.
    The Jewish leaders feel external conflict, their authority is challenged.


    The resurrection of Jesus will force people to decide: “Is it real? And what do I do about it?”
    If it is real, it changes everything!
    Felix is right to be alarmed.
    How we see and live and interact will be different after we believe.
    Knowing things are different, however, does not always create the necessary change.
    I don’t like change … especially if it means I must change my own ways.
    Paul is obviously willing to undertake drastic changes in his life after his belief in the resurrection.
    His conscience is clear before people and God!
    And, yet, even though Felix is “alarmed” by the gospel of Jesus, and “has a rather accurate knowledge of the Way”, he still puts people pleasing as his main priority.
    He is weak. He wants to be liked by people rather than obedient to God!

    Oh what a tragic and scary trap that I’m afraid I too often slip into!

    Am I really all that different from Felix?… Desiring “favor of the people” while being “alarmed” and “knowledgeable” of the truth of God!


    Father God thank you again for your Word.
    Help me live it out courageously.
    Help me live in such a way that I have a clean conscience before people and You.
    I pray my knowledge of your resurrection would always be more than sufficient and I would not crave the favors of people.
    In Jesus name, Amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 23


    Acts 23:1
    And looking intently at the council, Paul said, “Brothers, I have lived my life before God in all good conscience up to this day.”


    Paul, before the council, claims to have lived before God in good conscience everyday of his life. This is a stunning claim, especially since Paul used to persecute the church of Jesus. He actually, in good conscience, was attempting to separate families and punish people, who in his mind, were disobeying God. This claim was not only shocking but true. It angered the council. They thought he was exaggerating.


    Man, I wish I could say that. I don’t know if I have ever lived a day in totally good conscience before God. Paul claimed to live his whole life that way. My days tend to be consistently inconsistent. However the gospel is the story of how my sins have been paid for and therefore I am righteous before God. With this being said, I can have clear conscience before God because I am no longer guilty in his presence. Though I fail and fall short, I am not guilty of wrongdoing. God doesn’t overlook or ignore my sin, instead he has already punished it through Christ. Regardless of the consistency of my behavior as a believer, I don’t have to walk around condemned anymore. I can, as Paul, claim to have a clear conscience before God.


    I am not perfect Lord. Oh, how you know that more than anyone. However I stand clean before you because of what you have done! May I respond to your conviction when I fail, but not live in condemnation because of my failures. I stand today in good conscience before you because of the gospel.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 22


    Acts 22:22 The crowd listened to Paul until he said this. Then they raised their voices and shouted, “Rid the earth of him! He’s not fit to live!”


    Paul was telling his story and everyone listened intently. He shares the story of how Jesus confronted him on the road to Damascus, how he was blinded, how God sent Ananias, how he received back his sight. All of this, though tough to believe, is received and listened to. However the second he says that Jesus tells him to preach to the gentiles, everyone freaks out. Their hatred of a different race had blinded them. They were willing to accept that Jesus spoke to him, even though they all believed Jesus was still dead. But when the content of what Jesus said to Paul did not jive with their understanding of what was acceptable based on their religious and social prejudice they were outraged. So much to the fact that they were willing to kill Paul because he valued the Gentiles and preached a message that God valued them as well. Racism and hatred are dark, dark things.


    Racism and religious prejudice are very dark things. I wish this was an ancient problem solved by generations of the gospel message permeating culture but it is not. It is a real problem. Unfortunately it is still not only a problem in our world but also even within the church. So as a church leader what am I to do?

    – Trust that God loves and values all people. Even if they speak different languages, have different color skin and have a past history of worshipping other gods.
    – Keep my door open. If the blood of Christ was poured out for all mankind, then my door should be open to all mankind. If His grace is offered to them, so should my door and my life.
    – Don’t fear different. Racism and prejudice are created and fueled by fear. Perfect love cast out all fear. I must learn to operate in faith, not fear.
    – Realize not everyone, including religious people, will understand or agree with an open door policy in ministry. That’s ok, the first century leaders didn’t understand Paul’s calling. However that didn’t delegitimize it.


    Father help me live a life and lead a church that fights against racism and prejudice. May I never close a door to people that your blood made a way for. Give me boldness to love more and lay aside preference and prejudice.


  • Good Life Journal – Acts 20


    Acts20:24 But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.


    Though Paul has accomplished much, gone many places, led many people, even raised the dead, he never lost track of the goal. Finishing well. His mission from the road to Damascus was to testify of the Lords grace and to face much suffering because of it. He didn’t accept one part of his call and reject the other. He embraced his entire calling. Callings are both life giving and life draining. The calling of the gospel gives life to those who are dead and is also the process of losing life to those who are alive. The call to spread the gospel is a call to die to self, a call to suffer, and a call to sacrifice. The one in which we pursue led the way and gave the example, it was Paul’s mission to follow, as it is mine.


    I needed this today. What an incredible reminder. Some days I can look back at all I have had the privilege of accomplishing and been a part of and just want to cash in, be done, to revel in the success of yesterday. However, I have a calling, to fulfill the great commission everyday of my life. To be devoted to making disciples, to pursue Jesus and to lead others to him. As I read of Paul’s travels I sense that he was tired, and could easily have recognized the great width of his impact, however he didn’t waiver from the original mission given to him by Jesus. No matter how much impact or success, he stayed his course and would count his life worth nothing if he didn’t finish his mission. This is for me.

    A few things…
    I need to wake up each day and revisit my call. If I don’t do this I will be satisfied by looking backwards.
    Starting well, continuing well are important, but finishing well is the goal. May I remember this. There is still so much more to do, may this drive me.
    My story needs to be the grace of God. My story isn’t church planting, strategies, church leadership, doctrine, book writing, community service, church expansion. My story is the grace of Jesus. No matter what, I want to grow in being seasoned in the grace of God. That is what I offer to people through the gospel. May your Grace be my story today. Let me lead with that!


    Father, I needed this today. Coming after a day off in which I realized just how drained I was, you have made clear to me my purpose again. I don’t want to look back, I want to press forward. There is still so much to be a part of, so much to learn and so much more grace to experience and share. May your grace be my story and my fuel.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 16


    Vs 10 “Paul … concluded God had called us …”

    Vs 14 “… we sat down and spoke to the women …”

    Vs 18 “… Paul, having become really annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.”

    Vs 23 “And when they have inflicted many blows up on them, they threw (Paul and Silas) into prison …”

    Vs 25 “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hamster God…”


    Paul has received his call from a vision to go to Macedonia.
    Paul is “immediately” obedient to this call to go.
    There is much turmoil on this journey, however.
    He must interact with many strangers.
    He also encounters supernatural spiritual warfare.
    What’s more, many in the city physically abuse him and he is thrown in jail.
    Yet, even with all that he is singing and praising God!


    When do I feel like I am living “God’s will” for my life?
    There is a temptation to think when things are going smoothly I am in God’s will and when things going “wrong” or “tough” maybe I’m not in “God’s will”.
    What a transactional mindset.
    What a consumer mindset.
    (I “do good” for God, then He “does good” for me, right?!)
    Why would God’s will not be fraught with peril or risk taking?
    We are in a fallen world.
    Am i’m unwilling to even engage in some awkward social interactions with strangers?
    Do I ignore the invisible spiritual world at work around me?
    Just because I am living in God’s will do I think injustice could not come my way?
    These were a regular occurrence in Paul’s life and what was his response to God?
    Singing and praising Him!!
    And I think it is noteworthy that Paul praises God while he was in jail unjustly!
    I’d like to think I would do the same thing, but I am afraid my praises for God may be reserved for when I was released!
    I must praise God during the turmoil, during the struggle, even during the socially awkward encounters.
    God does not promise a smooth journey in His will.
    He promises to be with me on that journey!


    Thank you again God for your word.
    Help me see your vision for my life.
    And to give me the courage to act on it obediently and immediately.
    Help me Holy Spirit to sing praises when I am in whatever jail I may feel like and not just sing when I am released.
    In Jesus name,

    Sent from my iPhone

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 14


    Acts 14:21-23 – After preaching the Good News in Derbe and making many disciples, Paul and Barnabas returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch of Pisidia, where they strengthened the believers. They encouraged them to continue in the faith, reminding them that we must suffer many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God. Paul and Barnabas also appointed elders in every church. With prayer and fasting, they turned the elders over to the care of the Lord, in whom they had put their trust.


    Believers need to be strengthened and encouraged as part of a discipleship process. This requires follow up on the part of those leading. Paul and Barnabas don’t tell the believers that following Jesus will be an easy path. They remind them that there will be suffering to live a godly life in Christ and enter in the Kingdom of God. Prayer and fasting precedes an important decision like selecting elders for the church.


    When someone places their faith in Jesus that is not the end, rather it is the beginning of a lifelong journey. We are commanded to disciple other believers to include strengthening and encouraging them to obey Jesus. I am starkly reminded, as Paul was nearly stoned to death for preaching the Gospel, that with faith in Jesus will come hardships. It is how we navigate/handle the trials where we can show faith and bring the glory to Him. Prayer needs to be my first step in any decision making process no matter how big or how small. We have to trust our elders to lead our local congregation as they are led by the Lord.


    Thank you for your love and the opportunity to live as a community of believers. Please help me to be a source of encouragement and strength to disciple your flock. May I reach out to you in prayer to guide my decisions.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 14


    Acts 14:8-11 and 19-20

    “Now at Lystra there was a man sitting who could not use his feet. He was crippled from birth and had never walked. He listened to Paul speaking. And Paul, looking intently at him and seeing that he had faith to be made well, said in a loud voice, “Stand upright on your feet.”And he sprang up and began walking. And when the crowds saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in Lycaonian, “The gods have come down to us in the likeness of men!” 
    “But Jews came from Antioch and Iconium, and having persuaded the crowds, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing that he was dead. But when the disciples gathered about him, he rose up and entered the city, and on the next day he went on with Barnabas …” 


    Three things pop out: 1) the Cripple listened; 2) Paul noticed; 3) Paul and Barnabas persisted.


    I read this and I intentionally put little emphasis on the healing described. Why? Don’t I believe in that sort of stuff? Of course I do and am more than a little curious why we don’t see that consistently. It is in that curiosity I want to look at Paul and Barnabas. “Why do I read about Paul doing this and I don’t do this? Doesn’t the Holy Spirit reside in me, too?” Now, so I don’t succumb to the spirit of Simon the Magician (Acts 8) what can I learn reading about Paul and Barnabas? What are their characteristics that I can biblically emulate? 1) While v8 is about Paul speaking and/or preaching, do I talk and more importantly converse with folk about the Word? Do I converse with my wife? My children? The folks I hang out with? Is the testimony of my heart consistently on my lips as well (even if I am not speaking to unbelievers)? 2) Am I taking notice of the folks around me? Do I have “situational awareness?” Do I see “opportunities” to pray for folks in the grocery store, restaurant, etc.? 3) Do I have a motive, a desire, to grow in this kind of stuff? And 4) Am I prepared to get figuratively “stoned” but committed to get up again? And concerning number 4 in particular: The biblical record doesn’t say that Paul, Barnabas, and others were instantly successful in ministry of any kind 100% from the first try to the last. It doesn’t say they weren’t as well. I know that my faith wavers often. What do I do then? I have to decide and confirm to my heart that I will stretch out in faith, for it is only God that works like this. Me? He has elected to work through faithful people; people EXERCISING their faith-just like physical exercise, exercising our faith can start off weak and painful but the more exercise, the more we can do. So: Stretch out, exercise. Fall down or get stoned? Get up, brush off, and go again-giving glory to the Most High who is forming us into the Image of His Son.


    Lord God. I think that I fail often because I don’t act on what I think are impulses from You, O Spirit. It is because of Your Grace in Justification and subsequent Sanctification that I am not crushed because of my failure. Help me meditate on this and prepare to stretch out in faith at the next opportunity. Thank you O God-To You belongs all praise, glory, and Majesty ascribed only to Your Name.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 9


    Acts 9:15 But The Lord said to him, “Go. For he (Saul) is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name…”16 for I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name. 20 And immediately he (Saul) proclaimed Jesus …

    24 … The Jews plotted to kill him.

    27 Barnabas brought him to the apostles and declared to them … how Saul preached boldly in the name of Jesus.

    31 … And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, the church multiplied.


    Saul is chosen by Jesus to “carry the name” Jesus.
    Jesus then says Saul “must” suffer for the sake of the name Jesus!
    After a few days with the disciples, Saul “immediately proclaimed” the name Jesus.
    Then his life is threatened.
    Yet, the church is described as “walking in the fear of the Lord” and “in the comfort of the Holy Spirit”.
    What is this resulted in? The church multiplied!


    Do I believe I am chosen to “carry the name” Jesus? Yes!
    Do I believe I am chosen to suffer “for the sake of the name” Jesus? … “Wait, what?!”
    This is exactly what happened to Saul!
    Do I believe I am somehow more special than Saul?
    It seems there’s a relatively simple flow of events:
    Carry the name.
    Proclaim the name.
    Suffer for the name.
    Fear the Lord.
    Be comforted by the Holy Spirit.
    And then what happened? The church multiplied!
    So, by “simple”, I mean simple to see … and read … in hindsight.
    What does it look like “for me” to carry and proclaim Jesus?
    What does it look like “for me” to suffer for the name Jesus?
    What does it look like “for me” to fear and be comforted by the Lord and Holy Spirit?
    Well, the first thing Saul does after regaining his sight is get baptized. There is immediate obedience and humility is response to making Jesus Lord!
    Then, Saul is described multiple times as “bold”.
    I don’t know if I’ve ever heard “bold” used to describe someone who is also “obedient” and “humble”.
    I cannot be all three of these in my own strength.
    “Obedient” and “Humble” while also “Bold”.
    This is a supernatural combination.
    To be all these simultaneously, I must rely on the name of Jesus, the fear of the Lord, and the comfort of the Holy Spirit.
    This is what I’m chosen for.


    God thank you again for your word.
    Thank you for speaking into the lives of others so that I may have examples before me.
    Give me fear of the Lord to comfort of your spirit and a supernatural boldness to proclaim the name Jesus.
    And Lord, may the result of this be the multiplication of your church!
    In Jesus name,