Category: Good Life Journal

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 10


    Acts10:34-35 34 So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, 35 but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.


    This chapter is about conversion. Not Cornelius is conversion but Peter’s conversion. Peter now understood that Christianity was meant for all believers. When Christ died on the cross, he died to save everyone’s sins not just the sins of one particular group of people.


    Today’s Christians still put up barriers and conditions. There are no conditions that need to be met to believe in Christ. You only have to believe that Jesus is the Christ. You have to believe Jesus is the son of the living God, our risen Lord and Savior.

    I need to be aware of the barriers that I put up. I judge people on dress, music, location, race and even religion. But the cross is open to anyone who believes. God loves everybody and I should love everybody as well.

    The Gospel is not an “us versus them” mentality. We are not Christians because we are better than others, We are only Christians because we believe and have placed our hope in Christ. I must be willing to accept everyone because Christ died for everyone.


    Help to remove all barriers. Help to remove the physical, mental and emotional barriers that stop us from spreading the gospel and living out the gospel.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 8


    “Philip went down to the city of Samaria and proclaimed to them the Christ. And the crowds with one accord paid attention to what was being said by Philip, when they heard him and saw the signs that he did. For unclean spirits, crying out with a loud voice, came out of many who had them, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed. So there was much joy in that city. But there was a man named Simon…” Acts 8:5-9a


    The Holy Spirit sends Phillip to Samaria to proclaim the Gospel. Healings happen in concert: Unclean Spirits—OUT!! Lame—Walk!! Sick—HEALED!! Crowds in one accord paid attention. Many believed; much joy!!………And then there is a “but”…


    Ever wonder why God puts a “but” in the Scriptures? It is like the word “therefore”—wherever you see the word “therefore” we have to see what it is “there for?” In this case Phillip is having a rock and rolling ministry success in Samaria. There are lots of good things happening. When Phil gets home, man is he going to have bunches of stories to tell. Then the scripture record starts to talk about Simon. Simon has some history in Samaria. He is called a “magician” but the real description I think comes from what Simon says about himself: “…saying that he himself was somebody great.” (v9b). Now, Simon heard the Gospel and believed but I guess he couldn’t shake that desire to be great. Verse 18: “Now when Simon saw that the Spirit was given through the laying on of the apostle’s hands (Peter and John), he offered them money saying: “give me this power also…” so I can do ministry like you guys…”(paraphrased). The desire was commendable; the execution to get there not so much. And then, after Peter said to Simon “I see your heart—not so good there, Simon: Repent!!…” “Simon replies: “Pray for me…” 4 things to take away from this: 1. It is good to have a holy ambition; to want to imitate Godly men. 2. It is good to have much joy and gladness in the Move of God. 3. It is proper to have a sobering discussion with the Holy Spirit and with others about the condition of our heart. 4. It is proper to take responsibility for our own prayers to God and not lay off that responsibility on someone else.


    Lord God: Please help me to be aware of the “buts” and the “therefores” in the Scriptures. You use those to get attention placed on what either came before or what is coming next—and there are riches to be dug out where those adverbs are. I read about Simon and I can see my name there instead of his. Father I don’t want to shrink back from what you send me to do but I also don’t want to go ahead of your Hand either. Lord I confess my sin of prideful forwardness and repent of that sin. Help me to serve you all my days. AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 2


    Vs. 12 “All were amazed and perplexed saying to one another, “what does this mean?”
    Vs 14 “Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and addressed them…”
    Vs 16 “This is what was ordered through the prophet Joel: …”
    Vs 21 “It shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
    Vs 25 (Then Peter said…) “For David says concerning Him, …”
    Vs 28 “… You Will make me full of gladness with Your presence.”
    Vs 29 “Brothers, I say this to you with confidence …”


    It was Pentecost and many people were amazed and confused.
    Peter spoke to those people to give clarity of the gospel to them.
    It says Peter “lifted up his voice”.
    It’s interesting to me that Peter then went on to recite substantially the prophet Joel.
    After that he then went on to quote David, as well.
    So, in “lifting his voice”, Peter was actually lifting the word of God.
    Peter directly spoke to the current events and the people, but he used the word of God as the backbone of everything he was telling them.
    Peter tells them that everything he is saying is “with confidence”!


    What am I more fond of?
    My own opinion of current events around me or the everlasting truth of the word of God?
    What do I rely on first?
    Does my thinking fall in line with the word of God or do I try to bend the word of God to my thinking?
    Peter knows the word of God from memory. He quite obviously has spent substantial time in the word of God. The word of God is now in him, as well, he is not just in The word of God. Peter recognizes Jesus as fulfilling the prophecies of Joel and the words of David.
    Knowing the truth of the word of God will help me see the truth in the world around me.
    Then I can speak “with confidence” and give clarity where there is confusion. I must be in the word of God for the word of God to be in me.


    Thank you again this morning God for your word. Help me lean into it more than myself and my own thoughts. Help me crave it and enjoy the taste of it more than my cravings for what the world has to offer. I need you Holy Spirit. I need you to keep your word at the front of my mind.
    In Jesus name, Amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 3


    Acts 3:12 And when Peter saw it he addressed the people: “Men of Israel, why do you wonder at this, or why do you stare at us, as though by our own power or piety we have made him walk?


    Peter did not have money (which is what the beggar was asking for) but Peter gave the beggar something that was better and unexpected. This healing was not from Peter but from Peter’s faith in Jesus. Peter had faith that through Jesus he could heal the man. The beggar didn’t have the faith. Peter had the faith.

    After Peter healed the beggar people gathered around. Peter saw an opportunity to share the Gospel.


    Everything happens for God’s glory. I need to be ready to use moments in my life or the life of others to use the events for God’s glory and purpose. But, more importantly, I need to be ready to share the Gospel at any moment. Peter did not plan to do any of this. He was just going to the temple. But, he did not hesitate to teach the word when given the opportunity.

    I must remember that it is through God’s authority and wisdom, not my own power, knowledge, etc. that He can make things happen. Peter did not gloat and say “Look what we did!” rather, he used the situation to explain God’s glory, grace and power and faith in Jesus Christ.

    I should not rely on my understanding or the world’s understanding of issues. I should lean of God and His understanding.


    Help me to be ready to share your word. Help me to keep my eyes open to opportunities and not be so worried about the things around me. Let me see the forest, not the trees, so I can share your word, teach your word and help others get to know our Savior.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 24


    Proverbs 24:13-14 – My child, eat honey, for it is good, and the honeycomb is sweet to the taste. In the same way, wisdom is sweet to your soul. If you find it you will have a bright future, and your hopes will not be cut short.


    This is a father speaking to a child telling them that both honey and wisdom are sweet. As honey is sweet our sense of taste, wisdom is good for our soul. As we live to follow God and make wise choices there is increased opportunity for our future path. Conversely, verse twenty tells us evil people have no future and the light of the wicked will be snuffed out.


    Every day we are all faced with making multiple decisions throughout our daily life. Being in the word along with prayer, specifically Proverb, provides us with instruction on how to avoid the pitfalls of the world around us. Our heavenly Fathers wants us to know and follow him. Through our pursuit of a relationship to follow Christ, we will acquire wisdom. As I study Proverbs, this practical advice helps warn me of real temptation that before I was a believer I fell into unknowingly. Wisdom helps guide me not be concerned with any fleeting pleasure or success from evil.


    Father, Thank you for the truth in your word. Please help me to be Spirit led to follow you and develop wisdom as I grow in my walk. Let me use your wisdom and discernment in my life to guide my decisions and let others see you.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 14


    Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.


    These Proverbs continue to provide guidance and wisdom with short statement that require us to think about the long term implications of our actions.

    In this verse, it states that someone relying on their own judgment, without God’s guidance, can choose poorly even though the choice seems to be the right one at the time.


    Some decisions in life don’t really have many consequences. It doesn’t matter that much if I have a turkey or ham sandwich for lunch. But other choices can have much greater long term consequences. It seems that often I make both types of decisions on my own when I am comfortable and only rely on God to help me make the difficult ones or when I am in a bind.

    When we relying on man’s judgement what seems to be a good path initially ends with very bad consequences. Often, we find ourselves in bad situations asking God to help us get out. It was a situation He didn’t want us to be in, we chose, and yet we still expect Him to get us out.

    A path that may seem good or easy or pleasurable does not mean it is the best path. I should not look for the easy path but the Godly path. I know that is easier said than done, especially when things are going well. But, if I am honest with myself I understand and know that very few things and very few paths I have chosen by myself have turned out well.

    I should not rely on my own wisdom, experience and knowledge but turn to God and ask him for guidance and wisdom. I should not rely on my understanding or the world’s understanding of issues. I should lean of God and His understanding.


    Father I ask you for guidance and wisdom. Some choices in life are not very meaningful yet others can deliver long term consequences. Help me to seek your guidance, your wisdom and your path, not mine. Help me to make my decisions based on your kingdom, not mine.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 12


    Vs. 12 “And they (Pharisees) were seeking to arrest him but feared the people”

    Vs. 14 “And they (Pharisees) came and said to him, “Teacher, we know that you are true and do not care about anyone’s opinion. For you are not swayed by appearances, but truly teach the way of God.”

    Vs. 38 “And in his teaching He said, “Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes and like greetings in the market places and have the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at feasts, who devour widow’s houses and for a pretense make long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation.”


    The people who were currently in power felt threatened by Jesus. At the same time they knew Jesus was a person of striking difference from them. Jesus taught truth regardless of peoples opinions of him or his words. The current teachers, the Pharisees, cared more about power and prestige than truth.


    “Long robes” and “long prayers” … what might be the equivalent of that for me today?
    I think it’s anything that says “Look at me! I’m worthy of your attention … more than Jesus!”
    The pharisees and scribes gave Jesus false flattery.
    They did this for attention and fear of people’s opinion.
    Where do I give Jesus false flattery?
    Do I use scripture to make myself sound good or to make Jesus look good?
    In my relationships do I tell people what they want to hear or do I tell people what they need to hear?
    Am I seeking popularity or truth?
    “Long robes” and “long prayers” ….
    I need to have a steady awareness of where I am tempted to lift my own stature at the expense of Jesus.


    Father God thank you again for your word.
    Help me keep it in front of mind today.
    Help me lift you up, raise you up.
    Help me see where I want to flatter myself.
    Show me your truth and give me the courage to share it.
    In Jesus name, Amen!

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 11


    A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, but a just weight is his delight. Proverbs 11:1


    How many times do the Scriptures refer to value and evaluations? Sometimes it isn’t just money the Scriptures are talking about.


    Proverbs 11:1 conjures up the image of a shopkeeper placing his thumb on one side of the scales, presumably in his favor and against the customer—adjusting the advantage. It seems to me that this can work when I am dealing with another person or, in a not so extreme example, myself. How many times do I hold someone to account by expecting more from them than I do myself? This isn’t just spoken “accountability”, it is the attitude of my heart towards someone as well. How does it manifest? It could be disappointment, irritability, aggravation, bursts of anger, and condemnation. Perhaps haughty eyes, a superior attitude, grumbling, gossiping, complaining to another person—“getting it off my chest…” If I dig down to the core of these descriptions as it applies to me I can come up with the idea that I am not measuring “them” the way I do myself. That’s not so bad except the measure should be the Word of God. Do I measure myself by the Scriptures or do I measure myself through some sort of moral rationale? This is a tough discipline to get into because it is hard to be “just” to myself—I want to give myself a break, give myself some grace that I don’t want to give to another.


    Father—A just weight is your delight. When I look at the guy in the mirror there are times I remember the Gospel just fine and rejoice in Your forgiveness. There are other times that I look at someone else and can apply the harshest sort of evaluation. I can get aggravated, irritable, and all of that; sometimes I nurse it because “they are wrong and I am right…” “how dare they cut me off in the street like that…” “why can’t they be on time like I am…” (as I unconsciously polish my halo..), etc. This is where I want to avoid a false balance O God. Open my heart and make me attentive to Your Voice. Evaluations and judgments—Seems to me that Proverbs 11:1 could be related to “Judge not lest you be judged.” I can fall into that realm of setting others to a higher standard that I set myself. “Oh, no” I say to my heart, “I am only expecting from others the same that I expect from myself.” How foolish I am when I say that. I either forgive myself too quickly and elaborately or I burrow into self-condemnation and anxiety.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 10


    Mark 10:13 – And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them.


    Jesus was teaching and was someone desired. People knew who Jesus was and wanted a simple touch from him. They know he could heal and knew he had favor. These people wanted their children to be blessed as well as probably other things. There is no telling why some of these people where bringing the children to him. Adults gain respect based on age. Age signifies seniority, wisdom, and power. Jesus does not see how we see.


    The disciples so these children coming to Jesus as a nuisance to him and something that was bothering him. Jesus rebukes his disciples telling them to let the children come. Here is what the Lord is teaching me, WHO AM I TO REJECT or ALLOW access to God? My access to the Father was only by Jesus through the spirit. Not a person allowed me in. Who am I to say this person or that person should get to go to Jesus. So many times I look at people and think they deserve Gods wrath rather than his love and grace. In those moments I am the disciple putting my hand in front of them saying you can’t go to him. I should be the people in the story bringing the children. These people knew these children needed JESUS. They brought them, yet the disciples were with him trying to stop it. This is in my face this morning.
    I must take heart that my receiving of people should model how JESUS did. It is all about the Gospel of Jesus and people need to be saved. I have to bring them to him.


    God I pray that you lead me to be a disciple that bring kids and adults to you rather than put my hand out to hinder them from coming to you. Forgive me Father for desiring judgement and a lesson learned rather than grace and love. Help me remember what brought me to the table.

    Rich- I soooo try to seek my position with Jesus. I am your beloved. I am this I am that. Invest in others and serve their needs. Be aware of people’s needs.

    James- divorce.
    Our actions have consequences. What God joins together let no man tear apart. God sees things that we do and can turn to Good. He is so good

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 10


    Proverbs 10:12 – Hatred stirs up quarrels, but love makes up for all offenses.


    Our actions are a reflection of our heart. If there is hate in our heart it will show in our words/attitude that stir up discontent leading to divisiveness. In contrast, sacrificial love which represents the nature of God is the most powerful thing which can overcome wrong. Peter tells us this in 1 Peter 4:8, “Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.”


    Being told to go out with a smile on my face and love in my heart is wise advice. Paul tells us if we do anything without love it is worthless. If I don’t act out of love, how am I acting? It can become easy to act selfishly take sides and manipulate a situation to become confrontational. Love is the greatest thing of all and is the core of the Gospel representing our relationship to Jesus. No matter what someone has done to me, or what I have done in the past, love wins! God’s great love for us in the sacrifice of Jesus covers all sin and changes lives from dark to light.


    Father, Thank you for the unconditional love you showed us first. Help your Spirit guide me to always act out of love so I can be seen as a reflection of you. Let others be drawn to you by our love.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 8


    Proverbs 8:17 I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.


    Wisdom, personified in this proverb, loves those who love it. Wisdom also doesn’t hide. It is able to be found when some seeks it.


    Wisdom isn’t hard to find if you look for it. Scripture teaches later that if you lack wisdom just ask God for it and he will give it. God doesn’t intend for mankind to act in ignorance and walk around in the dark. He desires for us to walk in the light and know His will. Yet in my life and in many I influence it seems that we dodge wisdom. Instead of seeking it out we avoid it because we would rather make decisions influenced and fueled by temporary and fleeting desires. Instead of loving wisdom and being loved by wisdom, I can make myself wisdom’s enemy by embracing folly. Sometimes the wise thing to do means waiting longer for satisfaction. Sometimes the wise thing to do cost the most initially. Sometimes the wise thing to do includes denial of self and service towards others. It is in those moments that many stop seeking after and loving wisdom. We would rather the quick fix, the gut feeling, the sensible decision than the one that might be a little more complex and cost us a little bit more initially.

    Loving wisdom promises a return of love. Loving folly never gets me love back, only disaster.

    Few steps:

    -Get out of the moment. Though a decision will impact the moment it will also impact the future.

    -Get beyond me. Though the decision will impact me, it will also further impact others.

    -love wisdom. It will love me back.


    Father thank you for this. Much needed. May I pursue wisdom. It is just better.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 5


    Proverbs 5:8-9 Keep your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house, lest you give your honor to others and your years to the merciless,


    The key to not falling into the adulterers temptation is to not get close enough in the first place. Solomon warns to not even go near the door of her house. The result is a life wasted.


    This has so many applications in today society. There are continued access points to impurity through media, social media and opposite sex relationships. These should not be seen as harmless. They should be seen as doors. Doorways to a place that leads first to distraction and then to destruction. In today’s world the doors are many and it seems the access points are unlimited. Therefore if I truly desire to walk in purity I’m must stay as far away from the access points as I can. Whatever the triggers are I need to avoid them.

    A few thoughts…

    -don’t walk alone.
    -be aware of my own vulnerabilities.
    -avoid the doorway. I won’t ever go in the house if I don’t hang around the door.


    Father thank you for this reminder. Thank you for accountability. Thank you for a couple men who continue to be there for me so I don’t walk alone. The temptation is real but victory is mine. I don’t want to waste my life on stupid decisions that only last in the moment.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 6


    Proverbs 6:6-11 Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest. How long will you lie there, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man.


    The writer encourages us to consider the ant. The ant, without anyone looking over his shoulder, does what is supposed to be done with the maximum amount of effort and consistency. The result of laziness is poverty and lack. Laziness leaves you vulnerable to loss of all you have. Sleep is necessary for rest but every minute of unnecessary sleep is a minute that could be allotted to accomplishing important tasks and fulfilling mission.


    An ant has a plan. They have a goal. They know what needs to be done and they work hard to accomplish it. In my life in ministry I have transitioned from entry level to mid level to senior leadership in the last 17 years. The greatest challenge as I have transitioned is going from following a plan from someone else to developing my own plan and living it out. What the ant has is the maturity to plan and accomplish the plan without supervision.

    A few things…

    – Approach each day with a detailed plan and schedule.

    -Even in the days when there isn’t anyone over my shoulder remember that God is watching. He is the one I am doing this for anyway.

    -Rest when it’s time to rest. Work when it’s time to work.


    Father, I want to do what you tell me to do. I want to honor you with what I accomplish and the work ethic demonstrate in accomplishing the goals. Help me always remember you are my supervisor, my master, my Lord. I am your servant. Help me rest.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 7


    Proverbs 7:1-3 My son, keep my words and treasure up my commandments with you;2 keep my commandments and live; keep my teaching as the apple of your eye; 3 bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.


    A father provides a lesson to his son in the form of a story about a man who is tempted and falls prey to an adulterous woman. It is a story of how temptation is all around. The world tempts. It is inviting. Yet it is also destructive. A foolish person falls for the world’s temptation.


    There have been times in my life when I have fallen prey to temporary pleasure and temptation. But the minute it was over I realized that the fun was not worth the consequence. It is easy to fall into all kinds of temptation. It is all around us. It is attractive. It is often easy and it can be fun. But the world’s temptations don’t lead us to pleasure in the long run. The short term benefits may seem fun but the long term consequences are death.

    Keeping God’s commandments take proactive action. It is something I must work on diligently and continually. I must seek His wisdom and not rely on my own knowledge. The author even goes so far as to say to use a string on your finger to remind you of God’s word and commandments. Ways to do that include:
    · I must stay in the word. It is not enough to check the box and say I read the Bible today. I must read the word, study the word and apply it to my life.

    · Surround myself with other believers and have accountability with other Christians. It isn’t that other Christians don’t sin but we can hold each other accountable. We all know God’s commandments and can help each other out during times of temptation.


    Help me to realize when the world is tempting me. Help me to have the wisdom to stay away from temptation and to seek you and other Christians to keep me on the right path. Put strong Christian brothers in my life to help me be accountable and help me continue to be reminded of your commands.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 4


    The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight. (Proverbs 4:7 ESV)


    What is wisdom? It is so important that God devotes this chapter in Proverbs to outline the importance of wisdom. Advice to me and other readers: Read all of chapter 4 because the following does not do the chapter justice in 500 words.


    What is wisdom? In our society we are consumed with “getting facts”, increase knowledge, etc. often at the expense of what is called common sense–book smart, life stupid. As a Christian I see and know that this is prevalent in the wider Church. There are folks who are so book smart that they are arguing finer points—kind of like what Jesus said about the Pharisees: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others.” (Matthew 23:23 ESV) But there is another, more insidious swing of the pendulum: Ignoring or avoiding study of the scriptures so as to not be like a Pharisee. Study or gaining biblical knowledge is important to create a base to “get wisdom.” Wisdom is gained by the Word of the Lord; by cultivating the Fear of God; by increasing knowledge of the “precepts” of the Word. If I want wisdom, it is not found in age and experience—it is something that God says “go get”—implying that it can be found if we diligently seek it. Once found, get the insight from it—that jewel mined from the fruitful ore contained in wisdom. So, what are we to do? 1) Make a decision to read the Scriptures INTENTLY in 2017. No letting eyes skim or gloss over the verses. 2) Meditate on scripture; ask yourself “I wonder why that is there?” and think about it—a lot. 3) Journal for yourself but share with others. 4) If you are not wrestling perhaps you need to find something to wrestle with in the Scriptures. 5) READ! Pick up a theology centered book sometime in 2017 and see what you really believe of God compared to somebody else. 6) When practicing hospitality don’t always let the focus on God stop at praying over the food.


    Father: James reminds us to be doers of the Word, not hearers only. Good advice, strong advice. But I can spin this so that I am more focused on doing and less so on hearing. As a disciple I need to do but I need to learn more—if only to be a more effective “doer.” I want to be ready day in and day out to speak of “the Hope that is in me”—but I really want to have a good good grip on that Hope and why do I hope? You are faithful to drop nuggets of knowledge in front of me—I gather them up, put them in storage and not only build a knowledge base but a wisdom base as well—resulting in the precious jewel of insight—and broadening my understanding of the Gospel—continuing to multiply praise and gratefulness to You my Savior. Amen.