Category: Good Life Journal

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 4


    Psalm 4:8 In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.


    The psalmist expresses a sense of peace due to his trust in God. In the evening when he sleeps and lies defenseless he still feels safe because of the faithfulness of God.


    It is one thing for me to trust God when everything seems to be in alignment, to trust God in my strength. It is another for me to trust in him in my weakness. The psalmist expresses a security in God even in the midst of vulnerability. I recognize that in the most vulnerable areas of my life I can still place my security in Christ. In my weakness, He is strong.


    Father, help me remember that you are my security in both my strengths and my greatest vulnerabilities. Even when I am totally defenseless, you are my shelter and defense. May this give me rest and peace.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 1


    Psalm 1: 1-3
    Blessed is the one
    who does not walk in step with the wicked
    or stand in the way that sinners take
    or sit in the company of mockers,
    but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and who meditates on his law day and night.
    That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
    which yields its fruit in season
    and whose leaf does not wither—
    whatever they do prospers.


    At the risk of sounding like a “prosperity gospel” promoter – this whole chapter is yet another beautiful portrait of the benefits, rewards, profit, reasons, payoffs, prizes, etc. – blessings, for those of us who choose to serve Jesus. Who delights in the law of the Lord.
    Living for Jesus in a loving relationship – serving Him as a Father, as Master, like a child who is deeply in love with a parent – is, simply put, the cat’s meow!

    On the flip side – when I live for you Jesus for any other reason it is like doing something for my earthly Father because I’m hoping for extra allowance or trying to avoid trouble. Our relationship will still be there–and Jesus, like all wonderful Fathers I know you still loves me – but this is not serving You, it’s more for my own selfish gain which is the opposite of serving You!

    The same applies when I serve others – Do I serve them because I love You, Lord, and others, or is there an ulterior motive?


    I will continue to delight in you, Jesus. Love You, learn about You, and through You produce fruit like a tree planted by waters. I will share the love of You with others. I will prosper. You, Jesus will prosper. Others will prosper. Cat’s meow!

    Lord, will I sometimes serve You with ulterior motives? Yes. Knowing? Yes. Unknowing? Yes. And I know you still love me immensely, Lord!


    Lord, I know your love is stronger than my intentions. Thank you so much for your mercy and grace. And thank you for constantly assuring, promoting, reminding, and encouraging me about how much joy, and a blessing it is to serve you in life! It’s my honor. I love you, Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 15


    Mark 15:1-2 “As soon as it was morning, the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and the scribes and the whole Council. And they bound Jesus and led him away and delivered him over to Pilate.”
    Mark 15:8 “And the crowd came up and asked Pilate to do as he usually did for them.”
    Mark 15:11 “… the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have him release for them Barrabas 
    Mark15:15 “So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd, released for them Barabbas, and having scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified.”
    Mark 15:43 “Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the Council, who was also himself looking for the kingdom of God, took courage and went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus.”


    It was a collective effort to have Jesus crucified. (Chief priests in consultation with elders, scribes, and the whole Council)
    And the “crowd” is a repeatedly invoked… 3 separate times.
    The “crowd came up”, the crowd was “stirred up”, and the Pilate wanted to “satisfy the crowd”.
    Not until after the crowd got what they wanted, and had finally dispersed was an individual act of courage taken.
    Joseph of Arimathea was on that Council that was consulted in the beginning.
    He was in the room and part of the crowd. And he was respected.
    But only after the death of Jesus did he “take courage” and “look for the Kingdom of God” and “ask for Jesus”.


    It seems crowds are easily fooled.
    And it seems acts of courage are taken by individuals, or at least started by individuals, not by crowds.
    Crowds are also easy to create and get excited.
    Simply find out what people want and then promise to give it to them.
    It’s my responsibility, as an individual, to determine if this is right.
    Is the “crowd” right in their demand?
    Is the one “stirring up the crowd” right in their offer to satisfy them?
    And then, if I determine the crowd is wrong, will I “take courage”?
    Will I “look for the Kingdom of God” or look to “the crowd”?
    I’m reminded of CS Lewis who said, “Courage, itself, is not a virtue, but it is the form of every virtue at its testing point.”
    Do I have courage to face “the crowd”? Whatever my crowd is today? People in my workplace, people in the community, people wherever I may encounter them?
    And it seems I must make the decision to be courageous in advance.
    In the moment, it will likely be very difficult, like Joseph at the Council.
    I must routinely “look for the Kingdom of God” and “ask for Jesus” everyday.
    So that I can “take courage” when I face “the crowd”.


    God, thank you for the sacrifice of Jesus.
    Thank you for ushering in your kingdom.
    Give me the courage to seek it first everyday.
    Strengthen me with the Holy Spirit to discern your truth from the crowd’s foolishness.
    And thank you for loving me and forgiving me when I fail to do so.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 16


    Mark 16:1 When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him.


    Mary and Mary went early after the Sabbath to take care of Jesus. This would not have been a pleasant task given he had been in the grave for a bit. The smell, the dried blood, a stiff corpse. It was early and the sun was just rising. They had not even thought through everything. It just occurred to them that they would not be able to move the large stone covering the grave. They would not have been able to move the stone, but they continued anyway. When they arrived, they were greeted by an angel that told them what had happened. He is risen. This simple three word sentence in this verse is the foundation of the Christian faith. He is risen. Every other religious belief follow teachings and thoughts from man. Mohammed died and was buried. Buddha died and was buried. Confucius died and was buried. Ron Hubbard died and his ashes were spread in the ocean. Joseph Smith died and was buried. All of the spiritual leaders of some of the world’s largest religions have died. And all were buried. And all are still dead. Jesus is the one and only. Only He has conquered death. Jesus died and was buried. Now, he is risen.


    Mary and Mary went as early as they could to take care of Jesus. They had a sense of urgency about taking care of Jesus, even though he was in the grave. I need to have the same sense of urgency and the same sense of dedication. Christianity is not meant for us to be a weekend hobby. We need to have the same purpose and sense of urgency every day of the week. He loved us enough to die on a cross yet we continue to do things that don’t show our love for him. Not necessarily in big ways but in the little things in life. Do we put him first in all things? Do I have the prayer time that is committed to him? Do I study the word in a way that allows me to honor him? Do I get up in the morning and think of him first or think of my needs first? Mary and Mary went even though others had scattered. Jesus had been crucified on Friday. Not many opinions had changed since that day. Here we were on Sunday and the Marys were still devoted to their Lord. It doesn’t tell us what kind of hostility they may have encountered but they certainly were in the minority with their devotion to Jesus. Yet they were willing to go to the grave and take care of the one who had loved them enough to give up his life for them. How far am I willing to go? How high will I raise my head above the crowd or raise my voice to speak the truth rather than be quiet and not make waves? Mary and Mary went even though it was going to be unpleasant. Am I really willing to get my hands dirty? I don’t mean physically dirty. I mean am I willing to get my Christian hands dirty? Am I willing to step out in faith and go places that may be unpleasant if God is calling me to go? Being a disciple and being obedient means sometimes going places where it may get messy, it won’t be easy and it may not be even safe.


    I often pout my needs in front of your needs. I often think of me before thinking of you. Allow me to visibility to see the opportunities in front of me and to take advantage of those opportunities to bring you glory. Remind me that it is not about me, it is about you and that no matter what I do or where I go, it can be for your glory.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 13


    “But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come. “ (Mark 13:32-33 ESV)


    Jesus hasn’t made it to Golgotha yet and the disciples are already asking about what the End of Days are going to look like. I guess I am not that different in wondering about the future—just like the disciples.


    It is difficult at times to look at the present and not have a wisp of thought blow through and think “Soon, Lord?” I just celebrated my 60th birthday and think that I have been some sort of a Christian for about 45 years. I was a Christian through the “Late Great Planet Earth” and the winds of the Charismatic movement late 60’s/early 70’s. With the Vietnam War, race riots, sex and rock and roll changing everything around me it would be a prevalent concern “Soon, Lord? Monday or Tuesday? Not later than Friday?” It was pretty evident through watching the world that it was shaking and quaking–but more importantly the Scriptures said that when Jesus came I wouldn’t know the “day or the hour.” Today is no different. So what do I do in today’s turmoil? Everything is happening and if I constructed a checklist I could probably get 70-90% of all the signs of the End checked off. But the Scriptures are clear and if I want to be a man of the Word I have to pay attention: 1) Do not be anxious, and at the same time; 2) be vigilant. Peter writes boldly “The End of all Things are at hand.” Pay attention! Now this is what you do: 1) Be self-controlled; 2) sober minded; 3) keep loving one another; 4) practice hospitality without complaint. 5) if gifted, use the gift to serve. (1 Pete 4)
    Duck soup, I think, right? Nope, difficult because of my complacency, laziness, busy-ness, skewed priorities and so many other grace-less reasons. But what Peter writes is seriously parallel to the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5 isn’t it? So I press in with enthusiasm and Grace empowered determination.


    Lord God: In my mind I am picturing Alfred E Newman (Mad Magazine) and saying to myself “Anxious? Who, me?” Yet I battle anxiousness every day. I look to You to calm my heart for my surroundings and realize that You could come any day, any time, yet to be a good steward I must also plan for Your returning 1,000 years from now. Gotta play both sides of that coin to walk worthy of the calling in which You called me. Thank you for planting the Word in my heart so that I have a firm foundation for tomorrow.



  • Good Life Journal – Mark 10


    Mark 10:23?-?25 NIV

    Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!” The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said again, “Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”


    Worldly riches provide so many options which seem valuable, so it’s easy to be blinded from true value – Jesus. And completely miss the kingdom.

    It’s still possible,, and rich people do go to heaven. But they’ve learned it’s not what they own, it’s what owns them that will blind them from truth.


    Whether I am rich with money, health, intellect, looks, personality, skills, privilege, or anything else, other than Jesus, then the question is…am I using those riches to serve Jesus? Otherwise I’m serving the riches.


    Lord, you are the riches I seek. Sometimes I can become blinded by deceit. This world is full of much false riches. I am grateful to know true riches, through you Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 9


    Mark 9:33-35: 33 And they came to Capernaum. And when he was in the house he asked them, “What were you discussing on the way?” 34 But they kept silent, for on the way they had argued with one another about who was the greatest. 35 And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.”


    -The more things change the more things stay the same.

    -People are appointed with gifts and abilities in order to give glory to God, not man.

    -It is easy to get caught up in the worldly view of greatness.

    We catch a glimpse of the real life of the 12 apostles. Three of them had recently come down from a mountaintop where they experienced an amazing transformation of Jesus. Peter’s response indicates that they knew what they experienced was incredibly special and not of this world. So special, in fact, they were told not to say anything about this until after Jesus had been risen from the dead. The apostles were casting demons out of people. They were healing the sick. They were attracting great crowds wherever they went. They were the religious rock stars of the day. Yet the discussion they had on their way to Capernaum indicates that the apostles were still concerned with worldly opinions. They were still concerned with the world view of greatness and let their egos get in the way of their goals. They viewed their accomplishments as their own and not as being provided to them from God. Their silence when Jesus asked them what they had been discussing clearly indicates they knew they were wrong.


    It is easy to judge the apostles and think that we would never have that type of conversation particularly in Jesus’ presence. Like then, the world today is fixated and fascinated with greatness. We honor winning. We look up to “the best of the best”. Athletes are admired for being the fastest, the strongest. There are competitions for sports, talent, and academics. We put others on pedestals for the way they sing, play instruments or because of their intellect. We brag about our kids accomplishments or how they were accepted into the “best” schools. We compare ourselves with others in almost every aspect of life. I am the first to admit that I get caught up in my own greatness as well. Like the apostles, I am concerned with comparing myself to others. I wasn’t going to write about these verses but I got smacked in the forehead with them today. Just this morning, I couldn’t believe it when I saw an update from a former colleague that had been promoted to a position that sounded much more impressive than mine. Really? I thought. How in the world did he get that position? Rather than be happy for his success my immediate reaction was one of jealousy and disbelief. I thought I was greater than him. Then I remembered these verses. I had to reread the chapter. Jesus quieted the apostles and he quieted me. I cannot be concerned with worldly greatness. I must not measure greatness by worldly accomplishments. Having titles, money, or athletic ability is not a measure of greatness according to Jesus’ teaching. Greatness is not defined by the limits of abilities or the heights of our achievements compared to others. It is in remembering that God gave us all of our abilities to use for His glory and then actually using those abilities for His glory. The apostles forgot that. That’s why they didn’t pray before trying to cast out the demon. I forget that as well.


    Father, help use me to glorify you. Use me to fulfill your purposes not mine. Help me to not compare my gifts with the gifts of others but to simply have the heart of a disciple and use the gifts you have given me to your glory.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 7


    Mark 7:15 15: “Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into the. Rather, it is what comes out of a person that defiles them.”


    Jesus is rebuking the Pharisees for their worship of human traditions (religion). They worship these over the commands of God. Verse 8: “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions.” He explains that following traditions does not make us clean. Rather it is our own responses and actions that define us.


    I see this message to me today as a reminder that I am in control of my responses to the outside world. It is my responses that define my life and my closeness to God. There are so many outside events that happen to us all. It is up to me to take what happens on the outside and react in a Godly manner. My response (inside) is entirely under the control of my heart. I can blame others for my circumstances (outside) but I am entirely responsible for my reactions. My life is not defined by what happens to me it is defined by what comes out of me. I can react to my circumstances in a worldly way or a Godly way.


    Father, keep my heart focused on you. Help me to bring Your goodness out of me and into the world. Help me to see myself as others and You see me. I want to be known as a person of God. I want God’s love and goodness to flow out of me.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 8


    Mark 8:11 The Pharisees came and began to argue with him (Jesus), seeking from him a sign from heaven to test him.12 And he sighed deeply in his spirit and said, “Why does this generation seek a sign? Truly, I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation.”
    Mark 8:13 And he left them.

    Mark 8:17-18 Jesus said to the disciples, … “Do you not perceive or understand? Are your hearts hardened? Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember?
    Mark 8:25 Jesus laid hands on (the blind man’s) eyes again, and he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he saw clearly.
    Mark 8:29 (Jesus) asked them, “Who do you say that I am? Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.”


    Jesus is making his way from town to town with the disciples preaching and performing many signs and wonders. People are flocking to him. Jesus had compassion for their needs, be they physical healing or even hunger.
    The Pharisees, however, only expressed a need for power. They wanted to test Jesus.
    Jesus sighs and moves on from such testing.
    Jesus questions the disciples to prompt their hearts and minds to start responding correctly to who he is.
    After yet one more miracle, Peter finally gets it!
    “You are the Christ!”


    Jesus is a compassionate God.
    He cares for me and my needs.
    He will be patient with me.
    He will understand my lack of understanding.
    He will encourage me in my seeking to see and hear.
    He will prompt me to live in faith by asking me to remember who he is.
    Why? Because he knows my greatest need, to know he is the Christ!
    He will not, however, be tested.
    He will not have demands put upon him.
    He will not allow my own purposes to interfere with his purposes and his mission.


    God, thank you for your compassion.
    Thank you that you want healing and restoration.
    Thank you especially that you want to be known.
    Thank you for opening eyes to see you and know you!
    Forgive me when I cause you to sigh.
    When I seek my own agenda and purpose, when I am tempted to test you or demand signs from you, remind me that you are lord!
    Encourage and empower me to love others today the way you love me.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 5


    Mark 5:34 And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, your suffering is over.”


    The woman had been suffering for years, seen many doctors and exhausted her resources to be cured. The woman heard about Jesus’ healing power. Jesus, who knows everything, was aware that he had healed the person who touched Him. The woman’s response was to fall to the feet of Jesus in positive fear that brought Jesus glory. Her faith in Jesus is what cured her.


    In our society today, how many times do we see people presenting to doctors year after year. We will try diet, exercise, self-medicate, try one medicine than another, tests procedures and still no definitive diagnosis or change to our condition. We can be great at addressing our physical health while neglecting our spiritual health. Often times, our health issues can be linked to our own lifestyle. While this was not the case with the woman, She knew Jesus and had faith when she touched him she would be healed. Faith in Jesus and not to be afraid of our situation is what I need to be remember. Faith should be at the beginning of our treatment algorithm. Fear should be out of respect God and our response should be on bended knee to praise Him. No matter what we may suffer now, we know through his grace our greatest need was met on the cross.


    Please let me have childlike faith in you and not be afraid. May I be assured you grace for today is all I really need.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 6


    (Jesus) went away from there and came to his hometown, and his disciples followed him. And on the Sabbath he began to teach in the synagogue.
    …(and) many who heard him were astonished, saying, “Where did this man get these things? What is the wisdom given to him? How are such mighty works done by his hands?
    Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him.
    (And) Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household.” (Mark 6:1-4 ESV)


    Here is a slice of the real life that Jesus encountered. Not everyone thought He was the best thing since cheap wine at weddings. Those that He grew up with were perhaps the biggest skeptics. Wonder why?


    I have started to cut up the scriptures into segments that resemble conversations and thought separations—like a conversation in a book. Reason why is that I can read the Scriptures and have it all run together—to the effect that I don’t get all the understanding of what is going on? Reading the Scripture passage out loud helps but I have can let it run monotone on me there either. Anyway, that is why I cut up Mark 6:1-4 like I did.
    I totally get what is happening here with Jesus. Here I am, fresh, full of the Holy Spirit, enthused…and I get around family and friends that they go “What? I remember you when you [fill in the blank here] at 6 years old and then when you got older you did [fill in the blank here] and was generally a real pain in the {fill in the blank here]. I don’t think you have changed at all…getting all “holy” and all that; Just an act.” The guys in His hometown recognized the Insight, the Wisdom, His Mighty Works…and also added “isn’t Jesus just a carpenter, just Mary’s son, just a brother to these kids?” And because of the preaching, mighty works and just because they knew Him growing up—took offense.
    That can happen to me too—and I can feel dis-empowered. My Christianity diminishes; enthusiasm drains; I struggle just to say grace at the table. Remedy? A number of things but most effective: I think and prepare before getting into these situations; Practice the Spiritual Disciplines; Find a brother to walk beside you; Look for opportunities to point out evidences of Grace. And for goodness’ sake I must remember this happened to Jesus as well.


    Scripture is for our edification and encouragement—that we might find comfort and hope is what You say, Father. Nothing I go through is special—it is common to man. Father: I confess that I am needy; not only in this particular situation but oh so many others. Help me to act and speak wisely around others, not giving much notice to what is said but to be gentle and persuasive in my speech and responses.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 1


    Mark 1:9-12
    Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan.
    And when He came up out of the water, immediately He saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit descending on Him like a dove.And a voice came from heaven, ‘You are my beloved Son, with You I am well pleased. The Spirit immediately drove Him out into the wilderness. 


    What an amazing moment in the history of the Trinity!
    God the Son is on earth being baptized.
    God the Spirit descends on Him.
    God the Father speaks His approval.
    What an incredible picture of “on earth as it is in heaven”.
    The Trinity all interacting with each other.
    And what an incredible moment in eternity.
    No doubt the Trinity interacted with each other for all of history eternal.
    But here, we, mankind, are allowed to participate, as well. … “Jesus was baptized by John”
    How amazing!
    And what a picture of God’s character we see in this interaction.
    Certainly, He didn’t “need” us.
    He “wanted” us!
    And I also find God’s character shine through in the timing of His “well pleased” statement.
    God was pleased with His son BEFORE He went through His temptation in the wilderness.
    He was pleased with His son for WHO he is, not WHAT he did.


    I’m struck this morning again that this is God’s story!
    This is not my story with God along for the ride.
    There has been a plan from the beginning.
    He allows me to participate in it.
    This is incredible!
    The Creator of all eternity wants me to participate in His unfolding of eternity!
    And God loves me because of who He is, not because of who I am.
    How often do parents, including myself, show their pleasure with their children only AFTER they have gone through a temptation or only AFTER they have an accomplishment.
    The pleasure I have with my children is a reflection of my character, not theirs!
    In need to remember this.
    And I need to remember to never take the moments of interaction with my children for granted.
    They also have a role in God’s unfolding story, and it won’t always be by my side.
    I need to know how precious these times of interaction are.
    And let them know how precious they are because they are a child of God, because of WHO they are, not WHAT they’ve done.


    God, I thank you again today that you are a good father.
    And thank you for your Holy Spirit’s constant reminder.
    Give me your eyes to see my children the way you do.
    Give me your heart to love them and everyone I come into contact with today the way you do.
    In Jesus name.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 88


    Psalm 88:3 For my soul is full of troubles, and my life draws near to Sheol.


    The Psalmist speaks of such an enormity of external and internal pressures that he uses the phrase his soul is full of troubles.


    My life is full of activities. I am busy. But in no way is my life full of troubles. Now some of the things that I spend my time doing cause me either emotional discomfort or on the worst day some type of trouble. But my soul is not full of trouble. I can have the tendency of being dramatic about all the things that are happening in and around my life.

    My application is to recognize the different between drama and real trouble. When I recognize what the real trouble is I will trust in Jesus to be my shield, defender, and peace.


    Forgive me for being dramatic. Let me be real about real trouble. Also let me let go of trouble I create for myself. Thank you that my soul is at peace with you.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 84


    Psalm 84:10-12

    One day spent in your Temple is better than a thousand anywhere else; I would rather stand at the gate of the house of my God than live in the homes of the wicked.11 The Lord is our protector and glorious king,blessing us with kindness and honor. He does not refuse any good thing to those who do what is right.12 Lord Almighty, how happy are those who trust in you!


    God is all that
    God is protector
    God is king
    God’s house is the bomb
    Even birds wanna hangout there
    Doing life God’s way is full of blessings
    Joy comes from trusting God.


    Remember this: Living for, and trusting God is a wonderful privilege. Is it hard? Wow, is it ever. It’s the second hardest thing I’ve ever done. The hardest thing I’ve ever done – living for, and trusting in myself without God.


    Father, I’m so grateful to be on your team. Please use me to share your joy and benefits with others more often. In Jesus name – amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 80-82


    Psalm 81: 10-12
    I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it. 11 “But my people did not listen to my voice; Israel would not submit to me. 12 So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts, to follow their own counsels.


    These three verses spoke to me as I read and re-read these three Psalms. Psalm 80 details a shepherding of Israel with the realities and goal of being corrected by God. Psalm 81 is a call for renewal and an invitation to enjoy God’s goodness with Psalm 82 calling for a challenge by God on how to act and care for others.
    What spoke to me about these three verses in Psalm 81 is not just that God wants to provide for us. But that we have to have an active part in this. God wants to provide for us. Not in a prosperity way but rather in a way that satisfies all of our needs abundantly. In verse 10 He instructs the Israelites to open their mouths wide and he will fill it. For 40 years, God provided food for Moses and all of the Israelites in the desert. Now he is saying that he will continue to fill His people with his spiritual goodness.
    Verse 10 clearly states that God is instructing His people to do something. In this case, Israel was to do 3 things: Listen, Obey, Act. Verse 11 indicates that they did not listen, did not obey and, as a result, verse 12 indicates that there are consequences.


    1. I must listen
    2. I must submit and obey
    3. I must act according to HIS desires, not mine. His wisdom, not mine.
    God tells us what to do. In this case he clearly asked Israel to open their mouths. Not just open them but open them wide. Far too often God tells me exactly what to do but, like Israel, I am too busy, too proud and/or to self-reliant to listen and obey. Time after time, I suffer the consequences of my inability to listen and trust that He knows what is best for me and that He is sufficient for all of my needs. While that is bad enough, far too often I do listen and then don’t obey what He says. Like Paul, I want to obey but my weak mind and weak will lead me down paths of disobedience. You would think I would learn. You would think that after all these years of missing out on what God has in store for me I would finally get it but I don’t. I still have times that I think I can go it alone. I still have times that I think I know what’s best and when it is best. When will I learn?


    Father, let me turn to you. You do not abandon us. You do not flee from us. You are waiting for us to come to you and obey. Help me to realize that you are all I need. You provide the wisdom, the guidance and the love that I need to be filled.