Journal 1 Cor 15 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)
Scripture: “Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you…
For I delivered to you as of first importance (what I also received):
- that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures;
- that he was buried;
- that he was raised on third day (in accordance with the Scriptures), and;
- that he appeared to:
o Cephas (Peter);
o The Twelve;
o To 500 brothers;
o James, and then;
o To all the apostles;
o Then to me as one untimely born.
By the Grace of God I am what I am…
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” (excerpted heavily and paraphrased from 1 Cor 15:1-11 and v58
Observation: Reminding the Corinth church of the Gospel: why? Because it is in the facts and execution of the Gospel in which I stand, and endeavor to stand firm.
Analysis: I really try to keep away from big, sweeping, 3rd party declarations. Using the royal “we” somehow doesn’t accurately tell me about what is going on in my heart—it lessens my confession—and, candidly, I use this format as a diary of sorts to read later tracking my progress in Christ.
I need to be reminded of the Gospel. Every day. All the time. Not for others as much, but to make sure that I have “walking worthy of the Gospel” resounding in the empty space between my ears.
After all the stuff Paul had to review with the Corinthians, some of them could be shamed and acting that way. Others could be rebellious and acting that way. Others could be saying, “Now what do I do?”
Perhaps I could read it this way: Paul is finished up (sort of) and is now kicking their backsides in gear, telling them to buck up and get back into the saddle by this: “Now I would remind you of the Gospel….”
Every so often I need to draw myself up and REMEMBER. Eastern religion and others call it centering. I might call it “focusing; clearing the mental brush away; quiet the mechanism.”
Whatever I call it, however I do it, it is Keeping the Main Thing, the Main Thing: simplifying and recall the Gospel point by point thru building line upon line, precept upon precept so that I am not confused by a Gospel that is not growing in majesty in me.
Prayer: Lord, I am grateful for the Gospel. Beyond words grateful. Help me grow in my communication for the face in the mirror and my brothers and sisters, and for the world around me. Amen.