Category: Good Life Journal

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 12


    Romans 12:9 – 12 Let love be genuine.  Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.  Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.  Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.   


    In Chapter 12, Paul expands on the prior doctrinal explanations of God’s plan to what it looks like to live in response to God’s grace.  Our love is to be real not superficial, loving others like brothers. We are to hate what is evil not straddle it and see how far close we can get.  We are not to be passive, but to give glory to God, serving Him. Celebrate our hope in Christ during times of trial and pray always.


    The Gospel of Jesus Christ is truth that is to be understood by believers.  More importantly, I must remember the response to the gospel that calls to live a changed live.  All of the behaviors that Paul lists as marks of a believer were modeled to us by Jesus. Greatest love ever shown, giving honor to the Father, praying without ceasing is how Jesus acted on our behalf.



    Thank you for you love, grace and mercy in sending Jesus to save me.  May I live my response to the gospel daily, by genuinely loving others, passionately serving and pointing towards you.

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 11


    Romans 11:36 “For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen”


    Paul has just finished laying out God’s plan of salvation and His sovereignty over it all. Paul wants to make it very clear, both to the Jew (God’s chosen people) and the Gentile, that there was, is and always will be one way to obtain salvation: Grace alone that is given through Christ alone. Paul finishes this beautiful chapter of hope by declaring God’s glory and giving us 3 truths to ponder:

    1. From Him are all things
    2. Through Him are all things
    3. To Him are all things

    From: Our sin did not have God pinned up against a wall. The epic salvation story of God redeeming His people was HIS decision. In other words, it came FROM God. If it wasn’t for God’s graceful decision to redeem His people we would all be without hope.

    Through: Not only does God create this epic story of saving His people, it is all done THROUGH Him. Even if we came up with the brilliant idea we would still need Christ to do the work! Through, and only through, Jesus do we obtain salvation.

    To: God’s plan From Himself and Through Himself is ultimately For Himself. This epic salvation story that we greatly benefit from is to first and foremost put Jesus on display for God’s glory.


    Pause and thank the Lord today that He has, in his grace and sovereignty, decided to graft you into his family through the blood of His son. In this present age we are still living in the reality that all things are from God, through God, and to God. So what? As you go about your day, remember that God is working everything out for the good of those who love Him and are called according to his purposes! That He has designed for both the good and bad in your life to not only give Himself glory but for our benefit of knowing Him more.


    God I admit that I often praise you on the mountain tops and question you in the valleys. I pray that the valleys of this life produce an intimacy with you that my soul longs for. Forgive me for wondering. Thank you for always pursuing me. Thank you for grafting me in to your salvation story. To you, Father, be the glory forever! Amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 10


    “For being ignorant of the righteousness of God and seeking to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness.”  Rom 10:3


    Using Israel as an example, Paul reveals Man’s heart and desire: Establishing our own righteousness and ignoring what God says about righteousness.


    I find so many jewels in the first statements of a chapter in the New Testament.  Take the above for example.

    In the past (like yesterday) I glossed over this because there are “juicier” quotes/statements in the balance of the chapter.  I would imagine I am not alone in skimming through certain or various sections of Scripture.  But, since all Scripture is profitable, looking at this particular reference has value to consider.

    But why?  It is the statement “being ignorant of the righteousness of God” and considering the alternative which is clearly stated: “…seeking to establish their own…”

    When I don’t apply myself to studying the doctrines of Christianity I tend to make things up as I go.  According to the Scriptures I am not alone and it has been this way since Daddy Adam.

    Why are there so many religions?  Well, goodness: It is right here—I try to establish my own righteousness by creating religion.  But here is the upshot: By being ignorant of God’s righteousness I can change what God says about Himself into something that is more palatable, more tasty, and less challenging—kind of like forgetting that God is equal in all of His Character.  He is wholly equal in Love, Justice, and subsequent Mercy, Grace, and Wrath towards Sin.

    Additionally, by “establishing my own righteousness” I end up creating my own god-idol to support my “righteousness.”  If I remember correctly isn’t this #1 on the 10 Commandments?  It then is imperative to understand God’s righteousness as much as I can through His written self-revelation—and whatever supplemental trusted publications as I can.  Note: get recommendations of additional reading from the elders.

    The Gospel is simple.  It really is.  However, if we want to be good disciples of Christ Jesus then I should take in serious consideration Paul’s advice written to Timmy-boy: 

    ·         Be a good servant by being trained in the Words of the Faith and of Good Doctrine.

    ·         Train myself for Godliness. For Godliness is of value in every way…

    ·         Devote myself.

    ·         Practice these things; immerse myself in them so that my progress is publically evident.  (all excerpted from 1 Tim 4:6-16)


    O Lord, what joy You bring!!  I so appreciate Your Word—it brings Life and stability.  Please make what I wrote above a firm foundation in my life.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 7


    [15] I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.

    [19] For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. [20] Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.

    [24] What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? [25] Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!


    After recognizing and admitting he is a slave to sin, Paul agonizes over the struggle of his flesh vs. what he knows to be right.  Knowing he can’t fight the temptations on his own, he cries out for help – for the help of Jesus Christ.


    I want to do good but I can’t, I try to do good but I fail, I know how to do good but I don’t consistently do good.  I covet, I lie, I steal, I get driven by pride, greed, or other false gods, I.. fill in the blank for my sin, and while I know it is not right and I try not to do it, I do it anyway.  I, I, I, …

    How about this?  None of us are strong enough to overcome sinful desires alone due to our sinful nature.  We live in a fallen broken world and are confronted with all forms of sin on a daily basis.  Satan will use our nature against us any chance he gets and bait us with lies and entice us with all sorts of things that appeal to our nature.

    We need help.  We need the help of someone.  We need Jesus’ help.

    That’s good news because, as Paul said, God has delivered us through Jesus Christ our Lord and we have His power in us.  He gave us the Holy Spirit!  With Jesus we are no longer slaves to that sinful nature.  Yes, it will always be a bit of a battle and we may slip at times, but we are not slaves to sin – we are children of God.


    Lord thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to guide me.  I know I’m constantly tempted by my nature to sin; to chase after things of this world that would replace chasing after You.  But I also know that with You I can overcome these sinful desires.  Help me with that Lord.  Help me stay focused on You and on what glorifies You.  In Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 6


    “Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound?  By no means!  How can we who died to sin still live in it?…So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.

    1. Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body to make you obey its passions.
    2. Do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but;
    3. Present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life and your members to God as instruments for righteousness.

    For sin will have no dominion over you since you are not under law but under grace.” (Excerpts from Rom 6: 1b-2; 11b-14)


    God’s Sovereignty and Human Responsibility: an essential concept to understand and, more importantly, embrace.  If it is not embraced, then “walking in a manner worthy of the Gospel” is extremely hindered, if not made impossible. 


    Remember that Paul is a theological lawyer by training—but not an ivory tower academic.  Before Paul, there was Saul—and Saul put his theological training into his conviction and went tearing off after the followers of Jesus, petitioning (pleading) for an opportunity to persecute them.

    This training comes through clearly in Romans.  Paul is systematic in laying out the Kingdom as it is now found in Jesus: All the facts, all the clear reasoning, all the declarations, all the commands, all the implications, etc.

    Step by step, point by point, Paul lays it out for us.  We are at that point where the Old Man meets the New Man; where Sin meets Grace, and I have choices to make.

    Jesus conquered Sin.  Because of that, Sin does not have dominion over me, I am set free.  We sing songs celebrating that freedom because we have been chained to sin for so long—it is nice to know freedom through His Grace.

    But (I reason), I can celebrate freedom while reveling in Sin.  Not so: I try to have it both ways: A clean conscience and playing in sinful (let me call it Not Honoring God) behavior.  I may try to explain it away by saying “I am not under law, but under Grace”, that is; don’t evaluate me by any shred of standard that I don’t agree with—I am not under oppressive LAW.  An attitude like that renders the Word of God useless and impotent.

    Jesus said it best: “If a tree does not bear fruit, it is worthless.”

    Human Responsibility is that portion where I engage with the Holy Spirit to wrangle and subdue that sinful side of me.  I “consider myself dead to sin” now I must “present my (body, thoughts, mind, etc.) to God as instruments of righteousness”.

    How am I to do that?  The easy stuff is self-evident: Don’t hang out in sinful situations; avoid temptations or tempting locations; be very aware that if you are in Christ your life focus will need to change.

    Another mental picture is the Fruit of the Spirit list in Galatians 5.  Take one point of this list (Patience for example) and bear down on yourself to bring patience as a reflex in your body.

    Bearing fruit isn’t what you do on the outside; Jesus is working in our insides first.  Humble yourself under the mighty Hand of God.


    Father, I want to bear fruit—big, fat, juicy fruit.  Fruit that satisfies, fruit that honors You, fruit that is useful to You.  Help me stay on the tree a long time and not pick myself off too soon thinking that I have become ripe—I can never become ripe enough.  AMEN

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 5


    Romans 5:17 – For if, because of one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ.


    We are all born into sin through Adam and have all fallen short of the glory of God.  Because of the sin, of Adam death reigned. However, much greater is the overflowing grace and free gift to be made right with the Father and reconciled through one man, Jesus Christ.  The gift of righteousness is available by grace in life now, not to all, but those who receive the love of Christ.


    I must remember that I was dead in my own sin.  Trapped, with no way out on my own. My back to God and eternally separated from Him.  Yet while I was still a sinner, through the undeserving grace of God, He sent Jesus to pay for all my sin in full so I could be saved and justified before a holy and righteous God. By stepping out in faith alone and receiving the free gift of grace offered by God through Jesus, I too can be saved and made right with God now and forever.   



    Thank you for rescuing me from my sin and the death I deserved.  Help me to live in your grace every day, knowing there is nothing I can do on my own to be saved or justified. Let the Spirit guide me to love you and others to bring all the glory to you.

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 4


    Romans 4:3, 6-8, 23-25

    3“For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.” 6 just as David also speaks of the blessing of the one to whom God counts righteousness apart from works:7 “Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven,and whose sins are covered;8 blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not count his sin.”

    … 23 “But the words “it was counted to him” were not written for his sake alone, 24 but for ours also. It will be counted to us who believe in him who raised from the dead Jesus our Lord, 25 who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification.


    Paul is using two prominent figures in the history of God’s people to prove to the church in Rome that it never was the law that justified and it never will be the law. David is speaking as an adulterer and murderer, but an adulterer & murderer that can stand in full confidence, knowing that the work of the Lord covers his failures. Paul finishes the chapter by reminding the Roman church that this hope that was “counted to him as righteousness” is the same hope that is available to them by believing in the finished work of the Jesus Christ: “delivered up (cross) for our trespasses (sin) and raised (empty tomb) for our justification (made right with God)


    David words should reverberate into our innermost being, they should be the anthem of our days. “Blessed is the man whom the Lord will not count his sin” God’s most gracious act in David’s life was not his pretty face, his musical talents or his brilliant battle record, no, God’s most gracious act in David’s life was allowing his hard heart to shatter into a million pieces because of the weight of his sin. David’s greatest gift from the Lord was his brokenness.

    David’s brokenness was a blessing because it brought him to a place of desperation and thanksgiving. A place where God counts people as righteous apart from their works.

    How often do we pray for brokenness? David understood his brokenness. He said to the Lord , “Against you, you only, have I sinned..” (Psalm 51:4) I think often times we forget this simple truth: We can’t be healed unless we first know we’re broken.

    Paul is reminding his audience in Rome, and to you and I today, that just as Abraham “believed God and it was counted to him as righteous”, we too are counted righteous when we believe in the finished work of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


    God just as you graciously gave David brokenness, I plead you would break my heart for what breaks yours. Against you, and you only do I sin and do what is evil in your sight. Don’t let my heart grow hard, replace any hardness at whatever cost. Lord thank you for the death and resurrection of your son, let that be the hope I cling to this week. Amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 3


    “But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law—the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe.

    For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God and are justified by his Grace as a gift (through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood) to be received by faith.

    This was to show:

    1. God’s righteousness because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins;
    2. His righteousness at the present time so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.  (excerpts from Rom 3:21-26)


    Today we celebrate Easter.  The Gospel is interwoven in everything, especially Easter.  Why is this important and what does it mean?


    There are certain sections of the Scriptures that I have to cut up in order to make what I am reading sensible.  Not the Scriptures fault; I am just used to reading in a certain style.

    Easter is celebrated for the resurrection of our Lord—He conquered sin, death, the evil one, etc. and the resurrection is the exclamation point of “He is Lord of All” (dropping the mic here).  That exclamation point is also the exclamation point of the Gospel—otherwise the Gospel is only a philosophy and not the living, eternal, plan of our God from before time.

    Why hammer the Gospel at Easter?  And why draw out stuff in Romans to do it?  For this simple but profound reason: I forget.

    Paul writes a few things that I must keep in the forefront of my mind:

    1. The righteousness of God is found in the Gospel;
    2. Jesus is the righteousness of God;
    3. All have sinned and fall under the Justice of God;
    4. The propitiation found in Jesus is given by Grace and found in faith.

    God the Son died for me.  When I say this to myself I don’t really give it the wonder and honor it deserves.  My sin was so great that only the Blood of God could cover my sin and make me presentable before Him.  Without that Blood I could not approach God.

    So there are two components to consider: for my behalf Jesus had to appease the Justice of God, and; because I cannot see, conceive, fathom, be aware of that deficiency in myself I have to believe that I need Jesus’ sacrifice in FAITH—I have to be told I am deficient, I have to have some understanding that I am deficient, and in FAITH I must believe, understand, and acknowledge that my deficiency is taken care of by the Lord of Creation, Jesus.

    Here is where I have to have my mind changed/renewed: God the Trinity planned the Gospel and Jesus died for me because He loves me—but NOT that I am deserving of His love.  This is hard hard hard to wrap my mind around.

    So here is the bottom line for me: Easter is a celebration of all that it took to justify me—not because I deserve it but because I don’t deserve it.  Today will be a somber and wonderful celebration of His Love of undeserving me.


    O majestic Lord God, the older I get the more I think I see.  This week has been one of physical pain, the acknowledgement of being the progeny of Adam.  Thank you for loving me, providing for me, drawing me closer to You every day even as my temptation is to run the other way.  You are so so good to me.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 2


    28 For no one is a Jew who is merely one outwardly, nor is circumcision outward and physical. 29 But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter. His praise is not from man but from God.


    The book of Romans is to the church at Rome. This church has Jewish Christians & non-Jewish Christians. But this phrase in particular is Paul calling out the Jews of his day who would rely on Jesus as well as their circumcision and their rule following.

    His point is clear: to be saved & in right relationship with God, the outward & physical is not of value, instead it is the inward, the Spirit of God in us, the new heart, that is what is important. The inward change is what produces the outward change. Not the other way around.


    Do the inward work & the outward work will happen. Seek Jesus in the Word. Pray often. Be vigilant in knowing Jesus & what he is like and who he is. Fight your thoughts. Fight your wandering thoughts with the promises of Jesus. That is what changes you, that is what we fight against.


    Give us eyes to see Lord, I pray that we would not hope in anything but in the work of Jesus on the Cross. That we would value you this and that would produce in us the good fruit. May we not produce our own fruit, but rather may we trust in you to produce that in us.

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 1


    …who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. V18-19


    What can be known about God is plain to us. God has revealed himself in such a way through nature and in our very own hearts that he is as plain to us as what is physically in front of us. It doesn’t feel that way, but sin suppresses just how real and revealed and plain God actually is.


    To our unbelieving friends – God is plain. God is present. God is real and alive and they just don’t see it because their sin blinds & suppresses the truth. God must give them a new heart & new eyes to see just how plain he actually is.

    For us – with our new hearts through faith, God is more real but our sin, the sin we war against everyday still continues to try and keep God from feeling “plain to us”. Sin suppresses the truth of God. Run from sin. Not out of fear of punishment but because you want to see God clearly.


    God give us eyes to see just how plain you truly are. When you feel far away remind us that you are plain to us. Give us the strength to run from sin, to see you, know you and feel you.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 69


    [5] O God, you know my folly;
    the wrongs I have done are not hidden from you.
    [6] Let not those who hope in you be put to shame through me,
    O Lord God of hosts;
    let not those who seek you be brought to dishonor through me,
    O God of Israel.


    David knows that God knows of all the small things he’s done wrong and of all the big things as well.  He is confessing his sins and knows that God knows about them already, but that God also knows his heart.  There is nothing he can hide, nor is there anything he chooses to hide.

    As he later in this same psalm asks for deliverance from his enemies, here he is expressing his deep desire that none of his previous actions cause other believers to be shamed or in any way dishonored.

    David knows he is used as an example to others.


    When the world seems to cave in around us, or when we feel like someone or everyone is out to get us, we will certainly pray that God help us through the situations. Before we do that though, we need to repent and ask God for forgiveness of our sins.  Guess what?  God knows we are not perfect and have sinful desires.  He already knows anyway so there is no point in keeping it inside.  In fact, not only is it pointless, it is damaging to us mentally and spiritually to do so.

    As we live our daily lives, know that we are the light on the hill.  We are the saints speaking for Christ in this world.  We are known for what people see in us and coming from us.  When we commit outright sin, or even just folly, we are seen as examples of our Christian brothers and sisters.  Like it or not, our actions as Christians can actually lead others away from Christ.  We should hold that thought for the next time we are tempted with a bad decision. It doesn’t just hurt us or our families, it can hurt the whole body.


    Lord, thank you for Scripture to guide us.  With David being a man after Your own heart we thank You for examples and expressions from David’s heart that we can apply to our own lives in this world.

    We know that as you continued to use David after his sins and backsliding, You will continue to use us as we recognize our sin and repent.

    In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 49, 110


    “Truly no man can ransom another or give to God the price of his life; for the ransom of their life is costly and can never suffice that he should live on forever and never see the pit.

    This is the path of those who have foolish confidence…”  Ps 49:7-9 and v12a. 


    The unsurpassed sufficiency of Scripture: Every so often, no matter how much is read of Scripture, something pops up and blows me away.  The above is a key point of Salvation, clearly stated, and yet so foolishly ignored. 


    One of the biggest struggles that man has is any idea that he can atone for himself; that somehow there is a value he can bring to the table to trade with God for good favor. 

    “God: I promise You my life, only take care of me in my ways; let me in heaven.  I will do good, worship You, etc. etc, all my days…”  “Wow, what an offer”, He says tongue in cheek.  “Let me review: I created you, I think I already have sovereignty over your life?  What can you really offer Me that I don’t have?  I don’t NEED your worship for I am sufficient in myself.” 

    This is the basis of this kind of foolish confidence: that I have something God wants; that I have something to trade with Him.  It can be distilled to a kind of word equation: “If I, then You…” 

    Easter is in a couple of days.  The celebration is that God loved the World; Jesus is the Lamb slain for the salvation of the World (Cosmos).  Period.  Stop.  There are other facts that cascade from this but the core from where we stand is that Salvation is a one-way covenant; it is all of the Trinitarian initiative from before time began.

    Man’s responsibility?  One way or another man will recognize this, either now in recognizing redemption or at the End of Days recognizing judgment, condemnation, and His Holy Wrath towards sin. 

    So what am I supposed to do?  Is this a confused message?  Don’t I get a choice?  How do I respond and maybe a better question is “why should I respond?”

    From my perspective it is as it was for me as a youngster presented with the facts of the matter: God is God and Creator; I am created.  I can serve Him as I was designed to…or not.  If I am going to serve Him, recognize He is my Creator then go all in; serve and bow before Him with all my heart and all that I am and…just all—nothing half way

    Sounds pretty good, right?  Disclaimer: Once I started down his Path nothing turned out like what I wrote above.  Why?  Because I started with an idea in mind…which turned out to be not hardly close to what He wanted to make me.

    The way of a disciple is a marathon, not a race.  My vision is not the next road but what lies over the horizon.  The way of a disciple is not “what have you done for Me lately” but “Father: Help me finish the race!”


    Lord God, as it was under that awning way back when, this moment I freshly surrender.  In fact I put no confidence in that day but only and every day rejoice in Your atonement for my sin.  Your grace, your mercy is astounding and inconceivable.  Why You would give yourself, why you would be the payment for my debt is unimaginable.  Thank you is never enough but it is all you look for.  Keep me from the sin of thinking I have to “add” to the Cross so to multiply the effectiveness of your Love.  Keep me from stinking thinking.  AMEN

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 34


    Psalm 34:22 – The Lord redeems the life of his servants; none of those who take refuge in him will be condemned.


    David writes this Psalm after escaping death at the hands of Abimelech.  David opens by saying he will bless the Lord at all times and the Lord will hear the cries of the brokenhearted.  In verse 22, the last verse of the Psalm, he tells us that the Lord will buy back the life of his servants. No one who seeks shelter in the Lord will be condemned.


    I must remember the gospel of Jesus daily and never get past what God did for me. The Lord redeemed the life of all who believe through the substitutionary life, death on the cross and resurrection of Jesus.  Jesus paid for my sins and the sins of the whole world so I can repent, be reconciled and have a relationship with the Father. There is only one way to the Father, through the son. The cross at Calvary provides the bridge to cross from death in sin to life everlasting with the holy, righteous God of creation.  Paul writes of this in his letter to the Romans 8:33-34, “Who shall bring any charges against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died – more than that, who was raised – who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.” This is the most important thing and everyone’s greatest need.  As I trust God for my salvation, I need to trust him will all aspects of my life.



    Thank you for redeeming my life through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.  Let me seek shelter in you, love you and serve you so others can see you through me.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 22


    22:1, 7-8, 16

    1 – My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning?

    7 – All who see me mock me; they make mouths at me; they wag their heads;

    8 – “He trusts in the Lord; let him deliver him let him rescue him, for he delights in him!”

    16 – For dogs encompass me; a company of evildoers encircles me; they have pierced my hands and feet


    The opening words are recited from Jesus Christ while he hung, dying on the cross.  Jesus was mocked just as David is being mocked. Jesus’s hands and feet were pierced just as David’s were. The death of our savior was not only predicted by the words in the Old Testament, the death of our savior was foreshadowed and lived out in the life of King David so that we, as the readers, would see this foreknown and perfect plan for King Jesus to be “forsaken” “mocked” and “pierced” for His glory and our good.


    As we hear the pain in king David’s voice let us be reminded of the sweet, yet painful voice of our savior, king Jesus. God’s plan was not for Him to wave a magical wand over the universe and cure us from this disease called sin, God’s plan was to sacrifice His son, His only son. David felt pain, real pain. Jesus felt pain, real pain. Do we feel pain at the sight of our sin? Jesus didn’t feel pain for sake of feeling pain, He felt it on our behalf. Let us be reminded of this truth as we head into a new week: We have no access to Jesus without the words “My God, My God, why have you forsake me” and because of those words we hear the promise from God say to us “I will never leave you nor forsake you”

    If you are in Christ, remind yourself the price of your sin, remind yourself the pain of your sin, but don’t stop there. Rest. Rest in the promise that He does not leave whom He chooses to call His.


    Jesus please remind me the pain that my sin caused. Give me a heart of flesh, remove this heart of stone. Break us for what breaks you. Help us rest in your work. Remind our souls that you called us, you choose us, and you’ll keep us, because you’re good and because it’s FOR your good to do so. Thank you Jesus.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalms 16


    “I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord: I have NO good apart from you.”” Ps 16:1b


    How tremendously difficult it is to surrender to this level.  This kind of statement isn’t just a theoretical, theological, objective statement of the facts of the Scriptures—I am speaking of making this the subjective, overriding, predominate attitude of my heart, soul, mind, and CONDUCT. 


    There are two distinct theological principles (or doctrines—get used to this terminology) in this scripture reference: 

    1.       God is Sovereign, and;
    2.       Man is not. 

    Another way to look at this is the Creator vs. the created.

    Really embracing this is digging against our ingrained sin nature.  The basis of Sin from Adam is that I can figure things out for myself, I have a “self-interest” that (in my wildest imagination) equals (or even surpasses) God’s interest in me.  That was Adam’s sin: God said “no”, the serpent said “really?”, and Adam said to himself “the serpent might have a point here.”  And like Jean Luc Picard said on the bridge of the Enterprise “Number One, Engage.”

    And Adam did; that DNA imprint of Sin carries to all of Adam’s descendants; and every moment if I really pay attention I can feel and sense that embedded rebellion to the Most High God. 

    It is why I know I need a Savior. 

    Nevertheless, ever so often I revert to “aww, I have some good, I know I do—I am not all bad.”  What is happening when I do this is comparing myself to my imagined persona and not comparing myself to the Triune God.

    I think that the current leaning to “I am made in the Image” and hanging on that as something special is not really looking at the proper Biblical perspective.  I appreciate and am humbly honored how God thinks about me.  What I shouldn’t do (in my opinion) is to glory in myself with that perspective.  He looks upon me with Mercy and Grace but not pity. I think I need to understand my place of not deserving His Mercy and Grace and falling down before Him being full of gratefulness for His Mercy in His Propitiation for my redemption.  After all: Salvation is ALL of His doing, His one-sided covenant—I contribute not one bit of effort in that.

    With that the Bible gives direction: Renew my mind (Rom 8); Be thankful in ALL things (1st Thes 5); Confess sin regularly (James 5); Be a fount of encouragement (Heb 4); Express gratefulness every morning (Jer 3); Pull out my soul and talk to it regularly (Ps 42), and other things. 

    At the End of Days Revelation says this:  “Then I looked and I heard around the throne…”Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!!”  And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the seas, and all that is in them: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!”” excerpts from Rev 5:11-13


    Lord Jesus, help me to cultivate this attitude for the rest of my days.  Help me to communicate this to my wife, my family, my fellowship, my work, my grandchildren and their children.  You alone are worthy O God.  You alone.  AMEN