Category: Good Life Journal

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 22


     “Thorns and snares are in the way of the crooked.  Whoever guards his soul will keep far from them.” Prov 22:5

    “Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise and apply your heart to my knowledge-for it will be pleasant if you keep them within you, (and) if all of them are ready on your lips.  (So) That your trust may be in the Lord I have made them known to you today, even to you.  Have I not written for you thirty sayings of counsel and knowledge to make you know what is right and true (so) that you may give a true answer to those who sent you?” Prov 22:17-21


    Words and security.  To be secure in life one of the ways, maybe the only way, is watch what you say…


     We don’t hear a lot about guarding our soul.  Maybe we really do, but perhaps it just flashes by in the midst of many words said or written.  For sure it is not one of those big “watch outs” we hear.

    As contemporary Christians there is much emphasis on “do” or “go” and other similar actions.  Waiting on the Lord doesn’t have much said about it.  But the Scriptures are pretty clear: If I am weak or without strength, what should I do?  I should wait upon the Lord.

    As I incline my ear to understanding, lean into words of wisdom, I will experience pleasantness.  If I keep the Word of God ready on my tongue, look for every instance in my daily walk to observe the Scriptures in action (or should be in action, especially in me) I will find that my trust in the Lord will grow strong.  By applying myself to the Truth (God’s testimony of Himself) I will find whatever I say to be, you know, pretty good.  Kind of wise…I aspire to that.

    Unfortunately just the opposite is what happens in my life a lot.

    My mouth gets in the way.  I don’t rely on the Word of God but, like the Saturday writer wrote, I let my feelings or my fleshy reasoning get first crack at deciding my actions.  I put what I think ought to be right first instead of adhering to the instruction of God through the Scriptures.

    Paul wrote to the Roman church: “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind-that you may prove what the Will of God is, that which is good, acceptable, and perfect.”  Really, a pretty good summary of intent of Proverbs 22.

    Friday’s writer exposed us to the Hebrew word “Shema.”  This word encompasses “listen” and an expectation to respond to what we heard; to “obey.”  The writer of Proverbs is pointing in the same way to the reader.

    The responsible disciple can guard his soul by avoiding thorns and snares.  Pretty good direction here….


    Father, I want to guard my soul.  I know I can get distracted with worldly and worthless things.  Thing is: I need to care for others as well that may not have this same conviction.  Please help me to walk that narrow path, keeping my way pure, but caring for others in the same kind of love you showed.  You know that I want to polarize this-my heart wants to swing from excess to excess.  I know that there is a path of righteousness that is honoring to you but doesn’t place me firmly in the path of self-righteousness.  Teach me wisdom in walking in Your Ways, O Lord.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 20



    Proverbs 20:1 
    Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler,
    and whoever is led astray by it is not wise.


    Alcohol doesn’t lead to anything good. Using either is not wise.


    I understand the draw of alcohol. Numbing of the senses, less inhibitions, relaxing the nerves. We live in a keyed up, on the go, high stress society. Who wouldn’t want to unplug a little? However the scripture makes it clear.
    Using alcohol isn’t wise.

    A few things:

    -wise/unwise instead of right/wrong
    As someone in ministry in baptist churches for the last 20years the alcohol thing is always debated about in the wrong context. It is presented as wrong or sinful. Anyone who studies the scripture realizes this isn’t true. However, the issue isn’t whether drinking itself is sinful. It is rather that it isn’t wise. In other words, doing it can lead you down a path in which you are more vulnerable to foolishness, folly and sin.

    -NOT a hill worth dying on
    I have seen young planters not associate with our denomination because of a “no-drinking clause” if they receive financial support. This to me is crazy. If you feel that strongly about your freedom to drink alcohol as a church leader, there is probably a problem. I get sticking to a principle that it shouldn’t be a disqualifier, but having a freedom to drink should not be important enough to sacrifice the association with a denomination committed to spreading the gospel and supporting planters.

    -complete the sentence
    I drank and ______________ happened. I honestly don’t think that sentence ever ends well. Drinking, especially in excess doesn’t lead to making wise choices, expanding the kingdom, or being empowered by the Spirit. If we ever find ourselves reliant upon a beer, a glass of wine, a shot , a pill or any other vice in order to be comfortable, ourselves, or brave then we are replacing the Spirit with that vice.


    God help me be reliant upon you and nothing else. Your spirit leads me to wisdom. Strong drink leads to folly.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 21


    Proverbs 21:30 

    There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.


     There can be no wisdom without God. He is our creator and he makes everything possible. There is no wisdom, no understanding and no wise council that can stand up to Him or surpass Him.  Man against God is no match. Any attempt by man to outwit, out plan and/or outsmart God is doomed for failure.


    The show Survivor has a motto of “outwit, outplay and outlast”. While that may be fine for a game show, it seems to be the way some people live their lives. It is crazy that we spend so much time trying to either fight our own battles or fight against God.  All of that effort is wasted.

    So why do I always find myself thinking I can do it on my own? That my plan is better or my timing is better than God’s timing? It’s pride. I put myself before God. God does not need me to help him succeed. He allows me to be part of His process. They are His plans and His outcome so I should be seeking His guidance, His insight and follow Him down His path, not mine. I should not rely on my own wisdom, experience and knowledge but turn to God and ask him for guidance and wisdom. I should not rely on my understanding or the world’s understanding of issues. I need to lean on God and His understanding. I need to trust him and not rely on me. 


    It’s humbling to realize that even with my sins and my pride you still want a relationship with me. Thank you for the hope that I have in Christ. Thank you for wanting a relationship with me.  

  • Good Life Church – Proverbs 19


    Proverbs 19:5
    A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape.


    Lying seems like the best way to get out of a bad situation or to buy time until a straight story can be given. However, lying always gets found out. Lying never works out.


    Speaking the truth all the time is hard. Truth can hurt. It isn’t easy to hear and it’s not easy to tell. Why? We are broken. None of us are perfect. Living a lie and telling lies might seem to be better than being real, but it’s not.

    A few things:

    -Truth is freedom. It is freeing to know there is no lie to keep up with.

    -Truth might be hard in the moment but it is what is needed in the long run. Both to give an receive.

    -Lies have an expiration date. The truth last forever. Realizing we are eternal beings, better to tell and live in the truth now.


    Father help me rest in the truth. Help me embrace the truth, tell the truth, and receive the truth. Lies don’t last. They damage trust and relationships. Truth builds and lasts. I need to embrace your truth above the lies.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 18


    “A fool takes no pleasure in understanding but only in expressing his opinion.  A fool’s lips walk into a fight and his mouth invites a beating.  If one gives an answer before he hears it is his folly and shame.”
    “Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruits.”  Prov 18:2, v6, v13, v21


    So much godliness is attributed to what we say.  Identification of wisdom can be attributed to whether we speak or not.  Want to identify a fool?  Check out the gums flapping.
    The mouth has power and we need to be aware of those implications.


    I love reading Proverbs: So much challenge.  I don’t like reading Proverbs: So much conviction.
    I can’t help it.  I look at the different verses in Proverbs 18 and I say:  Wow!  That’s sharp.  And then I look at others and say “huh?”  And then I look at more and I say “that could be so and so.”
    I should look at the guy in the mirror more.
    Have you ever been around a person that always wants to talk but doesn’t listen?  And the person that talks and talks and you just want to bust their chops?  I am transparent enough to confess that could be me inviting the beating more often than not.  And, if I am continuing to be candid, I don’t know that I am doing that thinking that what I have to say is important and “don’t you know I just have to get it out there!”  So I don’t see the eyes rolling back in the audience and I don’t read the body language “Why don’t you just be quiet”, and then…you are the only one interested in what you say.  Hopefully I avoided the blow to the mouth.
    Death and life are in the power of the tongue.  Unavoidable and universal statement.  We can give life by what we say, or conversely, bring death (such as crushing a spirit, v14).
    In a lot of ways being a disciple of Jesus has to do a lot with our speech, controlling the tongue, making sure that wisdom, not foolishness, dribbles out of the mouth.  The Scripture says: “Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a fitly spoken word in the right circumstance.” (Prov 25:11)


    Lord God: Thank you for Proverbs one more time.  Tame my mouth, please.  Help me tame my mouth please.  I want to please You with the things I speak of, whether Words of Life from the Bible or stats from the latest baseball game-wherever I am, whatever I am doing, may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and Redeemer.  Ps 19:14 AMEN

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 17


    Proverbs 17:9 – Whoever covers an offense seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates close friends.



     The person that is willing to look past being wronged and forgive is showing love to the person that offended them.  While an individual that can’t bring themselves to get over a wrongdoing and keeps bringing it up will cause that relationship to be separated.



     We are all going to be wronged in this imperfect world.  Sometimes by people that are close and it hurts.  As a follower of Christ, I must be willing to forgive someone, although I don’t like what they have done and it still can hurt.  Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:14-15 after instructing the disciples on how to pray,” For if you forgive a others their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you , but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.  Jesus has already forgiven me and provided me grace through the cross when I was undeserving.  How can I love and take that  forgiveness but withhold that from some else and not be like the man who was relieved of his insurmountable debt and went out and choked someone for a small sum?



    Thank you for your your love, undeserving grace and mercy in forgiving me so I can be reconciled with you.  Help me live in that truth and be someone who forgives, loves others and doesn’t hold a grudge.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 16

    Scripture :

    “The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” – Proverbs 16:9

    Observation :

    Ultimately God is sovereign. Much of Proverbs 16 looks at the differences between man and God. This verse perfectly represents that by showing that no matter what plans a person may make it is ultimately the Lord’s plan that will prevail.

    Application :

    How often do we spend time worrying about the future? We can obsess over planning and tiny details but the truth is that it is all in God’s hands. Today, I want to worry less about my plans and focus on drawing closer to God and knowing that He has it all under control.

    Prayer :

    Thank You Lord that Your plans are good and You are sovereign. Help me today to draw near to you and not be so concerened with my own plans.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 14


    There is a way that seems right to a man,
        but its end is the way to death.



    Man isn’t as smart as he thinks he is. He thinks he knows what is best for him but it is actually what is worst.



    I feel like I am pretty smart. I have a formal education. I read. I study. I am problem solve. However, I am not as smart as I think I am. If left up to myself, I will make decisions that can harm me. Why? My heart is wicked. It leads me to things that are rooted in the temporary. However, my spirit is eternal. My heart and mind will lead me to make decisions that have no long-term insight. These decisions might bring pleasure in the temporary but they create an appetite for stuff that ends up hurting me in the long run.

     A couple things:

     -Trust the word more than my heart. If the word cautions me against an appetite or behavior, I must heed the warning, even if it is opposite of my appetite.

     -I am more than my flesh. I can’t allow the temporary part of me to drive my decisions. I have an eternal part of me that must be developed in obedience to the eternal God.



    Father, I need to listen to your word in my spirit. My flesh should be the last voice I listen to. Unfortunately, it is the loudest most days. Help me learn to trust your still, small voice over the shouts of the temporary.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 15


    “To make an apt answer is a joy to a man and a word in season-how good it is!  The tongue of the wise commends knowledge but the mouth of fools pour out folly.”

    “A soft answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger.  A gentle tongue is a tree of life but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.”  Proverbs 15: v23; v2; v1; v4.


    I notice that a bunch of references in Proverbs has to do about how I speak, what I speak about, and the consequences of what I said.  There is so much to weave together for a clearer picture…


    I jumbled up the order of these verses in Proverbs 15 on purpose.  I wanted to organize these for myself into benefits and actions, expectations and executions.

    I am well aware and remember those times where I have received an “apt answer” and given an apt answer.  In both cases I recall my heart erupting in joy and satisfaction in God alone. When I have obviously a “holy” moment, a “divine appointment”, a situation organized by Jesus, that can be soooo rich-either on the receiving or giving end.

    It is important to cultivate preparedness: I have to prepare my heart to receive; I have to prepare my heart and mind to give.  I don’t want to be smart.  I want to be wise.  The difference between the two is the same difference between Pharisees and Jesus.  I don’t want to spit out knowledgeable biblical data even if it theologically correct.  I want to spit out an apt answer overlaid and dripping with wisdom.

    Takes a while to get there.  Some have the supernatural gift of Wisdom.  Bully for them!  But that doesn’t mean if I don’t that wisdom is unattainable through the Holy Spirit.  Of course it is attainable.  Just like James writes: “If any of you lacks wisdom let him ask God (who gives generously to all without reproach) and it will be given him.” (James 1:5)

    The second part is the issue of controlling my tongue.  “Soft answer?”  “Gentle tongue?”  I am more familiar with “harsh words” and “perverse” speaking.  Boy, do I have a button that can be pushed.  How often do I pray that the words of my mouth are a tree of life when I speak?  Not often enough my wife can tell you.

    Controlling the tongue so that I get the good instead of the bad: that’s what I want.  That is what I pray for.


    Lord Jesus, you are so good to care for us in this manner.  You cause us to seek You.  You cause us to think about You, to ponder Your ways and Your works.  You point at the way of righteousness.  I will be a fool if I stop paying attention to You.

    Put a guard over my mouth, Holy Spirit.  Keep me from the taste of shoe leather.  To have a soft answer ready on my lips, I must cultivate a soft heart and a willing spirit.  Help me to day by day work on this, be aware of this, and yield to You.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 13

    Scripture :

    Vs 1 A wise son hears his father’s instruction,
    but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke.

    Vs 10 By insolence comes nothing but strife,
    but with those who take advice is wisdom.

    Vs 13 Whoever despises the word brings destruction on himself, but he who reveres the commandment will be rewarded.

    Vs 14 The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life,
    that one may turn away from the snares of death.

    Vs 16 In everything the prudent acts with knowledge, but a fool flaunts his folly.

    Vs 18 Poverty and disgrace come to him who ignores instruction,
    but whoever heeds reproof is honored.

    Vs 20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise,
    but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

    Observation :

    On first reading this proverb, it may seem like a rather random list of pieces of advice.
    But to read again and more intently, I can see a recurring theme of the advice.
    This sounds like a parent pleading with their child to not simply “listen” to wise advice, but to actually live it out.
    These proverbs are not written so that someone will accumulate knowledge.
    These proverbs are written as a warning against “strife”, “ruin”, “disgrace”, “destruction”, and even “death”.
    But these warnings will only prove valuable if the listener “acts”, “heeds”, “takes”, “turns away”,  and “walks”.

    Application :

    What do I really want in life?
    A mind storing all the right answers like a safe?
    Or a testimony of experiences lived out?
    I used to think life was something of a “truth quest”.
    As if I needed to seek out and discover the real truth as the greatest accomplishment in life.
    Now I see that I don’t discover “truth”, it exists!
    I must now live it out.
    I must now be obedient to the truth that is ancient.
    I can’t be content to let it sit in my mind.
    I recall learning the Hebrew word for “listen”. It is “shema”.
    But the interesting thing about “shema”, is the greater implication of the Hebrew for “listen” is that there is no separate word for “obey”.
    Obedience is implied!
    Now, I can sit back and be proud that I know a bit of trivia about the Hebrew language.
    Or I can recognize where I am not living out the command itself.
    If I am truly “listening” to the truth, and wisdom and advice of God, then I will truly “obey” it.
    But I like to seperate the two.
    I can listen now and obey later when I feel like it.
    No! True wisdom is not about accumulating information.
    It is about actualizing transformation.
    This is why we hear Jesus say, “Listen, listen” so often, and “Let them who have ears, hear”!
    Jesus wanted people to live out His Kingdom ways.
    Like these proverbs, the Sermon on the Mount was not a list of new pieces of advice.
    Jesus tells me to be salt and light.
    These are experienced … Tasted and Seen!
    This is how testimony is created.
    Do I want to be salt and light?
    Then I must “shema” … I must “listen and obey”.

    Prayer :

    Thank you God for Truth and Wisdom
    Help me walk with the wise.
    Show them to me.
    Show me who to surround myself with your wisdom.
    Then show me who needs my example.
    Give me eyes and courage to live it out
    In Jesus name


  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 12

    Proverbs 12:26
    25 Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down,
    but a good word makes him glad.
    Wickedness and righteousness compared as well as a lot of lying and truthfulness compared. There are only two types of people according to the Word. The wicked and the righteous. The honest and dishonest. The saved by grace and the one who is condemned. Verse 25 hits me hard today as I struggle intensely with anxiety.
    Anxiety is real. I never thought much about it because I had not experienced it and simply was niece to it. Then I experienced it and was blown away at how much it controls and individual and how much is does weigh one down. It’s real and it’s paralyzing at times. God is so good in that he addressed it in this passage as he does in many more passages of scripture. Anxiety weighs you down, but a good Word makes him glad..the Word of God is such a good Word, it’s a matter of believing that good Word.
    Action steps for me:
    1. Preach the Gospel every morning to myself.
    2. Speak the Word of God specific to anxiety out loud every day and believe it and trust it.
    3. Spend time meditating in silence I’m the Words of life that make me glad.
    4. Pray, pray, and pray some more!
    Father, what I am scared of you have overcome. What I experience you have overcome. What I want I don’t do and what I need is you. Jesus, come quickly in my heart and help me and change me and provide healing in my heart and mind. Jesus, I trust you and believe that you are Lord and King! Thank you for not giving up on me.


  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 11


    “A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight.”  Prov 11:1


    Sometimes I have to think about what is being said in Proverbs; there are layers upon layers to find and see…


    So I think I can discern what God is saying?  Hah!!  I know He chuckles and sometimes has a belly laugh at my poor attempts to unravel His thoughts.  Even Moses, as serious as he was, knew with a wry thought “the secret things belong to the Lord our God but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever…” Deut 29:29
    All of us are directed to seek His Face, ponder and study His self-revelation, and speak of the reveled things forever to the following generations.  Speculative things?  Remember: Secret (unrevealed) things belong solely to Him alone.  I have to face it: That which God has given us is enough for generations and generations.
    So what about Proverbs 11:1?  At first glance this looks like an “integrity in finance and trade” deal: Don’t cheat.  God doesn’t like cheaters.   OK, got it: don’t put my finger on the scale.
    But what else is there in this?  Could this have another level of understanding and application I need to dig out?  I think so…
    What about my walk in the Gospel?  What about my walk in Christ?  What about how I see other people?
    Do I intentionally put myself ahead of others, think better of myself than someone else, or think that “now I am in Christ; I am morally superior?”  In other words: “Am I employing a false balance concerning myself?”
    I have heard “There, but for the grace of God, go I…”  That isn’t just a whimsical statement of biblical principle, it is a mind set to look at our world with.  A song lyric I am familiar with: “How can I judge the ones who fall when I know in my heart I am just like them all…”
    And that is the additional point of Proverbs 11:1-When I look at others, see their actions, speak to them I must remember I am at the core just like them but redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb.  There is nothing that I contribute to redemption only bowing to the Majesty of His Grace.  That is why I can preach the Good News of Jesus with love and care.  When I use a false balance I am just like those who preach falsely, wolves in sheep’s clothing. (2 Cor 11:12; Jude 12)
    “I must confess my righteousness, Jesus, must rest in You…”


    Father, it is so small a step from humbling serving You to commending myself before others.  The lie is I have become something to be commended about in You when the truth is I don’t deserve Your Grace but have been given everything.  I suck at being grateful and look for every opportunity to complain and do for myself what I think I ought to have.  How can I bow my head to You when I struggle like this?  Answer: Only by You and You alone.
    Make me into Your image, Lord Jesus.  Help me to humble myself before You.  I want my every breath to be aligned with Your Word; my heart to beat in adoration of You.  I want to see myself accurately through the lens of the Gospel and know, every day, what I was and what I am by Your amazing grace. AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 10

    Proverbs 10:8 – The wise of heart will receive commandments, but a babbling fool will come to ruin.


    Solomon is providing advice by comparing and contrasting the actions of the wise verses that of a fool.  Much of what he is observing has to do with our heart and our words.  In verse 8, we learn that a wise person will listen and follow commandments while a fools just talks saying nothing but does not listen to commandments. Jesus teaches in Matthew 7:24 -27 that someone who hears His words and does them will be wise and build his house on solid rock.  While someone who hears Jesus’ words and does not follow will be like a fool who builds his house on sand.

    Application –

    I must not only hear the words of Jesus, my mind and heart must be open to receive his commandments and then act upon them.  In order to do this I need to be in the word to understand Jesus’ commandments and pray about how to implement in my walk.  It is one thing to know the commandments but it requires action on my part to recognize this is my responsibility to follow them.  I also need to be open to receive guidance/correction from someone to whom I am accountable to keep me on the right path. This requires more listening, less talking and not being prideful.    



    Thank you for your love, wisdom and the commandments you give us in your word.  Help me heart to be open to receive your commands and follow them.  Let me build my foundation on your solid ground and not be a talkative fool who does not follow you.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 9

    Scripture : “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.”


    Observation : Proverbs 9 offers two different voices. One is the voice of wisdom, the Godly voice. The other is the voice of folly and of the world. The voice of folly is loud and seductive but the author of proverbs 9 urges the reader to not listen to it but focus on God’s voice.


    Application :  The only way to truly walk in wisdom is to be connected to God. To truly tune out the voice of folly I have to daily spend time close to God and in His word. Today, I want to live a life refleting the wisdom of God and not the folly of man.


    Prayer :  God thank you that you make wisdom known to me. Help me to increasingly walk in Your ways and not the ways of the world.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 8


    Title: I, Wisdom

    “The Lord possessed me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of old.  Ages ago I was set up at the first; before the beginning of the earth.  When there were no depths I was brought forth when there were no springs abounding with water.

    When He established the heavens, I was there.  When He made firm the skies above, established the fountains of the deep, when He assigned to the sea its limit (so that the waters might not transgress His command), when He marked out the foundations of the earth—I was beside Him, like a master workman and I was daily His delight; rejoicing before Him always, rejoicing in His inhabited world and delighting in the children of man.

    And now O sons, listen to me: Blessed are those how keep my ways.  (Proverbs 8:22-32)


    How important is Wisdom?  We don’t talk about wisdom in this way.  Maybe we should start again?


    Did you ever get into the rhythm of treating the Scripture clinically?  I have.  There are times where I get into the Word of God and I am just pounding data into my noggin.  Same thing when I read books other than the Bible.  Pounding in Bible data-not a bad practice but perhaps can be a bit clinical.  It is a good thing that the Spirit brings all things into remembrance.

    This section of Proverbs though-Wisdom is portrayed as a living, breathing, entity.  At the beginning of His Work, before time began Wisdom was the first thing created.  Wherever God moved, placed His Hand, breathed upon the earth, the waters, the sky-Wisdom was there working like a master workman.  Here is how the intimate interaction went between God and Wisdom: “I (Wisdom) was daily His delight.”  And Wisdom’s response: “…rejoicing before Him always; rejoicing in His inhabited world; and delighting the children of man.”

    Do I let my imagination soar concerning the Word of God, His testimony of Himself?  Do I take time to think deeply concerning His self-revelation?  Am I awe struck?

    Wisdom is not only the regurgitation of knowledge mixed with experience.  In a significant way, wisdom is supernatural, a gift of God.  A communicable attribute of God is Wisdom, although in Man it is only a shadow compared to the Creator.

    But Wisdom, that is something to seek.  How many times in the Proverbs does “get Wisdom” or its antithesis “Don’t be a fool” appear?  Proverbs is very clear: “Want wisdom?  Then get wisdom.”

    Wisdom doesn’t come as a function of time, knowledge, and experience.  It is something to be chased down and captured.


    Lord God: I want to be wise.  I want wisdom to ooze out of my pores, my mouth, and my heart.  I want wisdom in my heart and mind to beat in tandem with You and Your Word, harmoniously and with a melody to the King singing “Only You, O Lord, deserve honor and glory and praise.”  Help me get wisdom.  Please delight in this prayer and answer me.  AMEN.