Category: Good Life Journal

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 6

    Proverbs 6:6-9
    Vs 6 Go to the ant, O sluggard;
    consider her ways, and be wise.
    Vs 7 Without having any chief,
    officer, or ruler,
    Vs 8 she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest.
    Vs 9 How long will you lie there, O sluggard?
    When will you arise from your sleep?
    The writer has very strong warnings and advice for how to live out the everyday life.
    Don’t be a “sluggard”!
    Don’t “lie there”!
    And interestingly, his inspiration to his reader is not to be like a lion, “king of the beasts”, or an eagle, “soar above all”.
    His advice is to “go to the ant”.
    This is not to “be” the ant.
    It’s to “observe” the ant.
    “Learn” from the ant.
    I can learn from the humblest of creation how to live in a way that honors my Creator!
    I live in a unique time in history. The concept of leisure was once a luxury. Now it seems to be a lifestyle sought by virtually everyone.
    Maybe it’s not world cruises, perhaps it just Netflix binges.
    It’s never been easier to be a sloth!
    Everyone wants to be their own boss and do what they want, when they want.
    And it usually means doing very little, but wanting a lot in return.
    This proverb’s warning, though, is not about taking orders.
    (“The ant has no chief, no officer”.)
    This warning is about taking responsibility.
    This is doing what’s right, when it’s right.
    There’s a time for sowing and a time for reaping, but guess what? It all takes work!
    It’s easy to think sowing is working, but reaping is relaxing.
    No, both entail responsibility!
    Sowing and reaping both entail effort and work, but you don’t get the latter without the former.
    Just like the referenced ant had a time of preparing and a time of gathering, even looking to nature, I can see living out a way that honors the way God created it.
    I need to humble myself and continue to learn.
    Then, I need to actually do what I know needs to be done.
    When I do not live out the way God creates me, it’s an offense all over again to God.
    I am exerting a sort of sovereignty of my own to be lazy, To not take responsibility.
    To honor myself more than my Creator.
    When Adam did this, he heard from God the question, “Adam, where are you?”
    I need to be alert for where God is asking me, “Where are you?”
    Where am I falling short in my responsibilities?
    Where am I putting my own desire to “lie there” ahead of my God given responsibility to be there?
    Where am I dishonoring God in my laziness?
    Where am I dishonoring others by not taking responsibilities seriously?
    I need to realize my irresponsibly will likely become someone else’s responsibility!
    Where do I hear God’s question to Adam and to me:
    “Where are you?”
    Thank you, God for your word.
    Thank you for simple lessons from even the humblest of creation.
    Help me learn, but even more so, help me live out your ways.
    Help me take responsibility.
    Thank you that Jesus has taken responsibility for my sin.
    Help me live in this freedom and forgiveness.
    Help me live from this righteousness and not for righteousness.
    In Jesus name
  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 7


    Proverbs 7:1  My son, keep my words and store up my commands within you.


    This is a lesson from a father to a son. It is told through a story of a young man who is led by a prostitute. It is a story of a simple mean who get seduces by a temptress. This man does not go looking for trouble but it finds him and he falls victim to her words.   While he may not have been searching for her, she was searching for him. He puts himself in the wrong place at the wrong time.


    I must heed my Father’s words and keep them in mind. Heed means to pay attention. Be on alert. The enemy has a plan. They will go to great lengths to use it on believers to gain some advantage. They prey on weaknesses to entice and present a picture that seems better and more attractive that it really is. Just like the act of the adulteress in this story, the enemy will be deceitful and deadly.  I am in danger the moment I let my guard down. 

    Remember to not trade what I want most for what I want now. In this story, what the temptress was offering is fleeting. One night, at the most, and the damage had been done. Almost always what is tempting in my life is fleeting. I should always ask what would the wise person do?  The simple person in this story was not wise enough to realize he had put himself in this position. I need to seek wisdom. I need to ask other that are wise.


    Help me to realize Your perspective for my life. Your wisdom is enough. Your guidance is the only guidance I need. Allow me to get out of the way and use Your wisdom and guidance to provide direction.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 3

    Scripture :

    Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths.


    This advice is given from the perspective of a father to a son or child.  We are given counsel to trust the Lord with all of our heart or in all matters.  We are not to rely on our limited thoughts or understanding.  When we submit to God and seek his will he will guide us in the right way.



    I am to submit to God and seek His will to receive guidance.  God guides us by the wisdom that is in His word.  Verse 5 doesn’t say trust God when you can’t figure something out or you are in trouble.  In other words, I can’t compartmentalize different segments of my life and seek God for certain things but handle business on my own when I know what’s better.  We are called to acknowledge Him and give up to Him everything to follow His path.  Conversely, go it on our own not seeking God’s direction and there will be correction.



    Thank you for your love and wisdom you give to us.  Help your Spirit guide me to submit to you and trust your will for me completely.  Let me seek you in word and prayer to follow your path for me.  

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 4


    “Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure.”  Prov 4:26


    Straight talk, clear speech, nothing ambiguous here.  How often do I consider one simple thing?


    Action-result.  It seems simple enough.  Do this and that will be the result.  A promise of God.

    Not so simple in real life, though.  Perhaps it is because we have misplaced the gift of “pondering”; of introspection; of meditation; of just thinking.

    My life is so loud.  It is loud with sound, with stimuli, with things to do, with shows to see.  It is loud with sports, with events, with Facebook and other social media.  Even within the local church it is loud with ministry-this thing, that thing, and the other thing-that I can neglect taking time to listen to Him who whispers in my ear.  My life is a distraction all by itself.

    Ponder is a verb.  It is a call to a specific action.  It is directing us to think hard about our ways according to this verse.  Review what it is I am doing…then as a result of determining the good, the bad, and/or the ugly, arrange to leave them all behind and pursue the SURE path.

    But to ponder?  And ponder with all the noise all around?  Getting to the point of being quiet enough to actually engage in the act of pondering is hard.  Why?  Because we can be so distracted by the loud sounds, the flickering lights, and the prospect of action.

    Pondering the path of our feet is an analogy.  “Your feet…” encompasses our heart, our mind, and our motivations.  It is reviewing what we have done, what we just did, and how to do it different in the next few moments, the rest of the day, week and month.  “How would I have spoken my wife differently if I would have only taken the time to think about it first?”

    To ponder is a strong step to being a disciple.  The scriptures say: “Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, (and) gentleness.”  (1 Tim 6:11b)  How are we to pursue these things if we don’t think of them and how to do them first?

    Osmosis isn’t a good strategy to rely on when becoming a Disciple.


    Lord Jesus-You went away from the disciples almost daily to be with the Father.  I need to follow that same practice to bring before You my thoughts, my fears, my failures, my desire to be more like You and to conform to Your Word.  I need to quiet my soul to hear Your whisper and to ponder the path of my feet.

    Lord: Reveal if there is any wayward way in me.  Help me see the condition of the man in the mirror and direct my feet to the way everlasting.  Lord help me to be a man of the Word and walk securely in Your ways.  One simple thing… AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 5


    For a man’s ways are before the eyes of the Lord, and he ponders all his paths. 


    The warning is against adultery in this section of Proverbs. The wisdom that the son needs in these moments is to know the deception in the adulteress woman and the one whom also sees all that we do. 


    For me when I read this I was immediately convicted and honestly felt found out. I know that God sees all that I do, but he ponders all my paths? Man this powerful especially in the context of adultery. Why would one choose the path of adultery? What is down that path that leads to life or pleasure? One would say that has acted in those manners that at the moment it was fulfilling but afterward is reaped death.  I see this with sin in general. In moments of temptation, the sin seems like the best idea and most satisfying to take part in. At the end of the day, it is damaging to us and reaps death. God says I see what you do and I ponder your paths. The question God is asking me this morning is, Do I ponder my own paths? The God of all creation ponders the paths of his children and we don’t even ponder our own paths.  


    Father, I pray your Word rings true in me this morning and that as you ponder my paths I ponder my own paths as well. God help me follow you and your spirit that leads to life and peace and not give in to myself. 

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 1


    “The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel:

    To know wisdom and instruction; to understand words of insight; to receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity; to give prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the youth-

    Let the wise hear and increase in learning and let the one who understands obtain guidance; to understand a proverb and a saying-the words of the wise and their riddles-(know this)–The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.  Fools despise wisdom and instruction.”  Prov 1:1-7


    Solomon is in a unique position to offer these insights: supernatural wisdom, significant learnings from his old man that he paid attention to, and just good, common, sense. Add to this that he majors in blunt speech makes Proverbs a book to pay considerable attention to.


    There are just times where I need to be told “Don’t be a fool.”  The blunter version of that is “don’t be stupid.”

    I hate being told and talked to like I am dumber than a box of rocks.  I rise up; defend myself saying “if you talk to me better I will pay attention.  As it stands at the moment, because you are not coming to me in a pretense and attitude of love I am rebuking you, telling you to get your attitude right because it isn’t pleasing to God”-turning the heat back on the speaker.  That is exactly the way I have been approached before and, reconsidering from a distance, I wonder if I really missed a Word from the Lord.  Probably did.  I am a fool that way.

    And yet it is a spontaneous reflex-I don’t like to be told what to do, I like to tell.  It is hard to react humbly when someone reminds me how stupid I am for not listening.  What I need to learn is that reacting humbly and godly is a matter of learning, training, and discipline.  It is supernatural, no doubt about that.  But with clarity, it is a matter of surrendering to the Holy Spirit and cooperating with the Holy Spirit in what is termed “progressive sanctification.”

    Basically: I have to want to be trained, I have to be diligent in training, and I have to surrender to training, all to walk worthy of the Gospel.  I have to put my nose to the Gospel grindstone daily with the goal of being reflexive in my pursuit of God and of my output of Godly living.

    I am not a fan of the “don’t do” method of learning but there are times where it is the most efficient way of getting the point across (put this in the category of “don’t be a fool”).   “Fools despise wisdom and instruction.”  Don’t want to be a fool?  Don’t despise wisdom and instruction, but welcome and enthusiastically embrace wisdom and instruction.  Better yet, don’t wait for it to come to you but go out and chase it down.


    Lord God-Please do not let me succumb to the attitude that learning about You is too complicated.  I also don’t want to succumb to an “all learning, no action” heartset when it comes to walking worthy of the Calling.  Searching for You, searching Your Word, learning about You, Your attributes, Your objectives-what You are, is the epitome of what I can do in this life.  I want to learn so I can with eager conviction point to You and say: “There!  Come with me and see the Redeemer!” AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – 2 Thess. 3


    2 Thess 3:1-2  As for other matters, brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you. And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil people, for not everyone has faith.    



    Paul is writing to the Thessalonians and asking for their prayers. He makes it known that he is constantly praying for them and now he is asking them to do the same. Here is Paul, a powerful leader in the early church, letting the early believers know that he needs prayer just as much as they do. But it is interesting to note he doesn’t ask for prayer for himself but that God’s word to be easily accepted and spread quickly wherever he went. It also revealed what he feared the most: opposition through wicked and evil people that could disrupt his work.

    Paul knows that there is power in prayer and there is also comfort in knowing others are praying for you.



    Paul provides us with a great example of how we should pray. Paul prayed consistently, he prayed with others, he prayed continually and he prayed regularly.

    Not only should I ask others to pray for me, I should let them know I am praying for them. I often let people in my office know I will pray for them if they are sick, have family issues, etc. I don’t know how this will be taken and usually I don’t even get a response but just yesterday I had someone ask me to pray for them. Prayer works. There is power in prayer and comfort in knowing others are praying for you.

    Paul had the proper perspective. Too often our prayers are “outcome prayers” as Mark Dennison recently put it. We pray to God for a particular outcome for ourselves. Paul prayed for an outcome but one that would benefit God’s kingdom. This is a perspective that often gets overlooked in my prayers.



    Thank You for allowing me to be a part of your plan. Let me make it less about me and more about you in everything I do.

  • Good Life Journal – 2 Thess. 2


    Vs 1 Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you, brothers, 2 not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed …

    Vs 8 … the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming.

    Vs 16 Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, 17 comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word.


    Paul is dealing with some false beliefs that have infiltrated this body of believers.
    The wrong beliefs concerning the return of Jesus Christ and the coming of “the lawless one” … the antichrist.
    This is causing worry and anxiety among these folks.
    They are allowing their worry to become more powerful than their “eternal comfort” and “good hope”.
    Paul states plainly for them to not be “shaken in mind” or “alarmed” because the victory of Jesus Christ is not in doubt.


    A few words stand out to me in terms of how I am to handle this sequence of events.
    Those words are “NOW”, the word “WILL”, and then again the word “NOW”.

    The present is often full of worry about the future. This is a common fear of the unknown. And a presumption that this future unknown is going to be worse than expected.
    Paul simply says “don’t be shaken” or “alarmed”.
    And he says this about the “NOW”, currently, presently don’t be worried!

    Why? How can I not worry about these future unknown events to come? Because they are, in fact, known! Jesus Christ “WILL” destroy the lawless one! This WILL happen!
    And, by the way, it will not be some sort of epic battle.
    Jesus Christ’s destruction of evil will not look like some sort of sci-fi fantasy film.
    Jesus WILL destroy evil with ease!
    Jesus will destroy the lawless one “with the breath of his mouth”.
    Jesus can destroy evil with a word, not a battle.
    Merely “the appearance of His coming” WILL “bring to nothing” the evil one.
    Christ HAS won, and Christ WILL win.
    Therefore, I can have peace NOW.
    And the peace I can have is not a “PollyAnnish” peace where I close my eyes and pretend everything is just fine.
    No, the peace in the midst of uncertain times that I can have is because Jesus and the Father “loved us and gave us” an “eternal comfort” and a “good hope” through “grace” for NOW.

    And while evil will ultimately be destroyed with a word, I can NOW “establish” a “comforted heart” by living out “good works” and “good words”.
    This is, indeed, Good News!


    Thank you Father for your Word!
    Help me to know it and remember it and live it in times of worry or uncertainty.
    Help me rest in your good hope.
    Help me establish good works and good words.
    In Jesus name

  • Good Life Journal – 1 Thess. 5


    “And we urge you brothers: admonish the idle; encourage the fainthearted; help the weak; be patient with the all.  See that no one repays anyone evil for evil but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone.

    Rejoice always; Pray without ceasing; Give thanks in all circumstances-for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you; Do not quench the Spirit; Do not despise prophecies but test everything (and) hold fast what is good; Abstain from every form of evil.” 1 Thes 5:14-22


    Another bullet point list from Paul.  Perhaps when there aren’t long explanations are there assumptions about stirring up old teachings in play?  I sort of think so.  What sort of stuff have I forgotten or mislaid concerning my being a disciple?  What should I be reminded of often?


    12 directives or admonishments given above-depending on how you look at them.  I think it could be either one depending on the day.

    It seems to me that these aren’t new commands from Paul-these are more of a reminder of past instructions to the believers at Thessalonica.  Look at the directive words involved-the verbs and adverbs-the Spirit is pointing at certain behaviors and actions to be taken.

    This past Sunday during the sermon my mind wandered for a moment concerning my early days as a believer.  There was this newspaper called The Cornerstone that I was a subscriber to.  I have forgotten what the paper was about except for that it was presenting itself as Christian-it was really cool though is my memory.  But the point is that I forgot what it really was except it was radical Christianity for the time (early 70’s).

    Paul’s bullet points are no less than radical Christianity practiced.  It is radical because this isn’t normally practiced by Christians.  Take “(Giving) thanks in ALL circumstances”: The word “all” is radically inclusive.  “All Circumstances” would not be limited to an evaluation by me of what deserves thankfulness-no matter what I think the Spirit directs me to give thanks for whatever circumstance I encounter daily.

    I have wondered from time to time “why is this important?  When bad things, annoying things, etc. happen to me why in the world should I give thanks for these and not “rebuke” them or worse: take matters in my own hand; grumble and complain; retaliate; generally blow my top or crawl into myself?

    Theologically the answer is pretty simple: By giving thanks in every circumstance that comes my way I acknowledge the Sovereignty of God to orchestrate things in the matter in which He decrees.  I acknowledge that there isn’t anything on earth that doesn’t fall under his dominion and righteous Hand.

    In practice this is a very difficult pill to swallow.  Why?  Because, like Adam our father, we are ate up with trying to order the world in the way we want.  Adam was the first in a long line of following generations that are focused solely on “me, me, me.”  By disciplining ourselves to “Give thanks in all things” we are saying “You are the Potter, I am the clay” and that these so-called circumstances are not random happenings at all but the Potter actively and purposefully  forming us into the Image of the Son starting with and continuing with our heart.


    Lord Jesus, by Your work on the Cross you have set me free from the chains of “me.”  It is hard to think about a major piece of Sin is my focus on myself.  Help me look to You and You alone.  Help me to repudiate all the “self-‘s” in my life and to lean and acknowledge You in all my circumstances daily.  Make me radical in this way, O God:  “But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead I press on towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 3:13b-14).  That’s what I want, Father.  That’s what I want.  AMEN

  • Good Life Journal – 1 Thess. 4



    1 Thessalonians 4:9 -10 – Now concerning brotherly love you have no need for anyone to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another, for that indeed is what you are doing to all the brothers throughout Macedonia.  But we urge you, brothers to do this more and more


    Paul is encouraging the Thessalonian believers to be more like Christ on a consistent basis. Through Jesus, we have been taught by God to love as he does.   The same power of the Spirit which gives us faith allows us to live for Him.  This all flows from and only from the grace of God and creates a desire to honor Him and share His love. 


    We have bestowed on us the greatest example of Love the world has ever seen in the sacrifice of Jesus so we can have a relationship with the Father.  We know form Jesus example and his words to love God and love our neighbors.  This is not theoretical but an actionable call to love others unconditionally and sacrificially.  I can’t be a follower of Christ and claim to love God but hate my brother or my neighbor. We are supposed to be known as believers by our love giving the glory to God.  As I follow Christ, the Spirit will lead me to live more like Him to receive His love and share the love.



    Thank you for your love and grace and modeling for us the way to love you and others.  Let your Spirit guide me to love everyone more like you on a consistent basis.

  • Good Life Journal – 1 Thess. 3

    Scripture : “and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do for you,” – 1 Thesselonians 3:12


    Observation : 

    In chapter three of First Thesselonians Paul is wrapping up his letter to the church in Thesselonica. He gives them some last wishes and desires that he has for them. Chief amongst those is that God would increase their love for one another and for all. If Paul is determined to focus on that as his prayer for them then it must be vitally important.


    Application : 

    The local church is God’s plan. Within the body of believers love for one another should be generous and should overflow into the community. Paul took very seriously the local church and so should I. Today, I want to love those around me and remember that God’s plan A is His church.

    Prayer :

    God thank You for the gift of Your church. Help me to increase in love and service towards others in both the community of believers and especially the community around me who needs to know you.

  • Good Life Journal – 1 Thess. 2


    “…though we had already suffered and been shamefully treated at Philippi as you know, we had boldness in our God to declare to you the gospel of God in the midst of much conflict….But we were gentle among you like a nursing mother taking care of her own children….For you know how (like a father with his children) we exhorted each one of you and encouraged you and charged you to walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory.” 1st Thes 2:2, 7, 11


    Nobody like Paul to offer such caring, comforting, and direct words.  I noticed that Paul uses complementarian role language in this section: how a mother acts; how a father acts.  Is this relevant?


    Here we have the Thessalonians being told about Paul’s gang being “mistreated” at Philippi.  Not just mistreated but shamefully mistreated.  Whatever this mistreatment was it had a result of “boldness in our God.”  I don’t think it was a cause and affect issue in as much it solidified convictions in and of the Gospel.

    I have to face it for myself.  When I get opposition to my Christianity (and a far way off of shameful mistreatment) I retreat, clam up, take a step back and review what I did, wonder if I did it wrong and what would I do otherwise—and usually it takes a while to get back into the saddle.  Understandable for me because it indicates I was “putting on a show”, performing, and generally shifting into “christian” gear.   Again it is understandable because we always have to start somewhere as a rookie.  But-I shouldn’t be staying a rookie is what I need to think about.

    There are characteristics of living the Gospel that Paul reveals in this passage: Gentleness like a nursing mother-this is a picture for all of us to emulate and difficult for guys.  (Guys: don’t be difficult; the image is important for men).  “Exhorting like a father”, individually, encouraging, charging with a vision:  Walk in a manner worthy of God.

    Both images are important to assimilate.  All of us are prone to stumbling, breaking down, losing sight, being hurt, and shamefully mistreated.  We comfort with the comfort of Christ.  But just soothing ruffled feathers, etc. is not the end of showing love: We must firmly point to the mount of God; exhort to running the race; remembering the Gospel and laying once again our cares and burdens-completely surrendering to the King at the foot of the Cross.  We are children of God for sure; but we remember we are disciples of the Great Lord of all.

    We are called to His own Kingdom and Glory.  I cannot forget.


    Lord Jesus-One more reminder of how I am to put on You and not leave any avenue for the flesh.  While pursuing being a disciple is difficult, it is the most gainfully exercise I can do.  After all, Father, Your distinct purpose is to make me into the Image of the Son.  And with that-step by step, piece by piece, I look to the prize at the End.  I lean fully on Your Mercy and Grace for daily transformation.  AMEN

  • Good Life Journal – 1 Thess. 1


    I Thess. 1:4-6
    4 For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you, 5 because our gospel came to you not only in word, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction. You know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake. 6 And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the word in much affliction, with the joy of the Holy Spirit,


    Paul reminds the Thessalonians that they are loved by God, not only because of the story of the gospel they presented , but also by the power of the Holy Spirit that revealed it to them.


    As we live out our calling of sharing Good News we must understand that it comes both by hearing the message and by the Spirit opening up their ears and hearts. A couple things…

    -The gospel must be taught in clarity and truth. The word must be taught in order that the Word of God be clearly preached for people to hear.

    -The Spirit must move! If the Spirit does not reveal it to people and does not open their ears, and their hearts, then the best presentation falls on stone.


    Father may we remember that it is both the faithful sharing of your Word as well as the Spirit’s faithfulness in opening up the ears and hearts that leads to life change. We are reliant upon you. Our desire is not to merely present crafted presentations but also to be desperate for your Spirit to open up ears, hearts and minds.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 89


    Vs 1 I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.
    Vs 2 I will declare that your love stands firm forever,

    Vs 15 Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence,Lord.

    Vs 30 (God says), “If (David’s) sons forsake my law and do not follow my statutes,
    Vs 31 If they violate my decrees and fail to keep my commands,
    Vs 32 I will punish their sin with the rod, their iniquity with flogging;
    Vs 33 But I will not take my love from him, nor will I ever betray my faithfulness.
    Vs 34 I will not violate my covenant or alter what my lips have uttered.
    Vs 35 Once for all, I have sworn by my holiness— and I will not lie to David—”


    The psalmist does not just know God in the abstract, but in the true and personal.
    God’s inherent goodness, His great love, His faithfulness, His righteousness, His justice cannot be contained within the psalmist.
    He must make it known. And not just known, but celebrated!
    And not just celebrated with his peers, but throughout the generations!
    Of course, these generations will fail to live up to God’s ways.
    But God will never fail in His ways. He will “never betray His faithfulness”.
    God “will not violate His covenant”.
    And those who recognize this are blessed “in His presence”.


    Do I want to “sing of the Lord’s love”?
    Do I want to “make known the Lord’s faithfulness to all generations”?
    Do I want to “declare that Your love stands firm forever”?
    So much is made of having a “personal relationship” with Jesus. And, yes, God is certainly a personal God, but I am missing something when I make my relationship with God only about “me and Jesus”.
    I “declare” and “make known” what is most meaningful to me and what I care most about.
    Do I treat God as just a “personal hobby”? Or even a task?
    It’s easy for “God” to become “religion” … something I “do”.
    If I do, then I will certainly diminish God and fail to recognize love and faithfulness and righteousness.
    When I diminish God, that is when I will fail to live His ways.
    But I must recognize that “His ways” are in “His presence”.
    I must “walk with” God, not “do for” God.
    Certainly, there will be “doing”, but in the same way there is “doing” in the role of husband or friend.
    It is an outflow of relationship, and then blessing comes from this presence.
    When I fail to live in this relationship, of course there are consequences.
    “Violation of His decrees”, or “sin” has consequences. But this is of my own doing.
    God does not violate His covenant. God does not take His love away. God’s holiness is sworn by.
    God now allows me to walk with Him in this holiness!
    When I have full recognition of the worth of this, I cannot keep it to myself.
    I must share it, declare it to all generations.


    Thank you God for Your Faithfulness.
    Thank you that you are Holy
    And a righteous Judge
    Keep me in Your presence and open my eyes to see You!
    And open my mouth to declare and make You known
    In Jesus name

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 88


    Pslam 88:1-3

    O Lord, God of my salvation,
        I cry out day and night before you.
    Let my prayer come before you;
        incline your ear to my cry!

    For my soul is full of troubles,
        and my life draws near to Sheol.


    The writer is in great shame, fear, and frustration. He is crying out to God and seemingly in the worst position in life he can imagine. He has been crying out day and night and he is asking God to hear him. I can only assume he asks God to hear him because nothing has changed and he is desperate and almost to the end. 




    Man have I felt like this. Crying out to God and not feeling like he hears me. I talked with a girl yesterday and she said that when she prays she senses a complete void and nothingness as if God does not hear here. I think we all can get there or we all have been there, or are there now. I know who God is a must claim who he is, “God of my salvation,” and then lay my heart before him. There are times where I have to understand that his silence is his answer and the answer that might be through his voice he knows I am not ready for. I am learning today that when God does not answer my cry, I must not be far enough in my maturity in the Christ to receive his answer. Growth must happen in my relationship with Jesus, in his Word, and in obedience to his Word to ALWAYS be receptive to his answers to my questions. I still must cry day and night for the people of the world and for the Kingdom of God as I don’t. We are all in trouble and thanks be to God that Jesus is our help and we know where our help comes from.



    Father, forgive me for not growing. Forgive me Father for not receiving your answers and I pray that you change me every day in your Son that I may grow to look like him and walk in your truth. Help me Spirit of God to be the man after your heart you have empowered me to be.