Good Life Journal – Acts 2


Vs. 12 “All were amazed and perplexed saying to one another, “what does this mean?”
Vs 14 “Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and addressed them…”
Vs 16 “This is what was ordered through the prophet Joel: …”
Vs 21 “It shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Vs 25 (Then Peter said…) “For David says concerning Him, …”
Vs 28 “… You Will make me full of gladness with Your presence.”
Vs 29 “Brothers, I say this to you with confidence …”


It was Pentecost and many people were amazed and confused.
Peter spoke to those people to give clarity of the gospel to them.
It says Peter “lifted up his voice”.
It’s interesting to me that Peter then went on to recite substantially the prophet Joel.
After that he then went on to quote David, as well.
So, in “lifting his voice”, Peter was actually lifting the word of God.
Peter directly spoke to the current events and the people, but he used the word of God as the backbone of everything he was telling them.
Peter tells them that everything he is saying is “with confidence”!


What am I more fond of?
My own opinion of current events around me or the everlasting truth of the word of God?
What do I rely on first?
Does my thinking fall in line with the word of God or do I try to bend the word of God to my thinking?
Peter knows the word of God from memory. He quite obviously has spent substantial time in the word of God. The word of God is now in him, as well, he is not just in The word of God. Peter recognizes Jesus as fulfilling the prophecies of Joel and the words of David.
Knowing the truth of the word of God will help me see the truth in the world around me.
Then I can speak “with confidence” and give clarity where there is confusion. I must be in the word of God for the word of God to be in me.


Thank you again this morning God for your word. Help me lean into it more than myself and my own thoughts. Help me crave it and enjoy the taste of it more than my cravings for what the world has to offer. I need you Holy Spirit. I need you to keep your word at the front of my mind.
In Jesus name, Amen.


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