Hebrews 8
Vs. 6 … Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises.
Vs. 12 “For I will be merciful toward their iniquities,
and I will remember their sins no more.”
Jesus is the one and only better High Priest.
He has made a sacrifice that only He can make.
He fulfills a ministry that only He can fulfill.
This makes for a better covenant based on even better promises.
Our sins will be forgiven forever.
The sacrifice of Jesus is once and forever.
My sins are forgiven.
I can live in this promise because God is merciful.
I don’t need to make more “sacrifices”, as in religious rituals.
It is finished. I am forgiven.
Christ lived out his ministry of “better promises”.
I can now live a life of ministry sharing this promise of God with others.
The world makes a lot of promises. I must not believe them.
I must believe the promises of God are, indeed, better!
If I believe this, I should actually be eager to share this with others!
This is Good News!
Thank You, Father for your faithfulness to Your promises.
Help me live a life of ministry sharing those promises.
Forgive me when I don’t live as if your promises are better than the world’s.
I’m Jesus name,
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