Good Life Journal – Psalms 119:25-48


Psalm 119:26-27, 32 “Teach me your decrees. Cause me to understand the way of your precepts that I may meditate on your wonderful deeds…I run the path of your commands, for you have broadened my understanding”


Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the bible. It is a devotional poem celebrating the word of God. The author intends it as a Godly instruction manual. As usual, the bible is just as relevant to us today. This Psalm shows us how and why to journal or study the word of God. Verse 26-27 asks God to teach us his ways. We must learn the word of God and meditate on it. Verse 32 states that it is not enough to only learn, meditate on it. We must run the path of God’s commands. So we must learn by reading and meditating, then we must put that knowledge into action in our life. We run the path of God’s commands.


Right here in the bible verse is an endorsement for bible studying and journaling. We are given a command to learn God’s laws. How do we do that? We study the word of God (Bible), meditate on it and put it into practice. The wonderful verse 35 states, “Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight.” How can we delight if we do not live God’s commands? How can we live God’s commands if we do not know them? How can we know them if we do not meditate on them? How can we meditate on them if we do not read his word? Where do we find his word? His word is the bible. If we truly delight in God’s commands, our bible study is a pleasure, a lifeblood, not a chore.


Father, I want to delight in your commands. I will keep studying and meditating on your word. I will learn your laws so that I can live my life on the path of your righteousness. Amen



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