Good Life Journal – Matthew 4


Matthew 4:1
Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.


Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  The Spirit did not tempt, however, the Spirit led Him to be tempted by the enemy. Jesus’ temptation gives every believer insight on how to defeat the attacks of the enemy. We would not have this clarity had Jesus not been tempted as we are. This passage gives Jesus’ prayer in the Lord’s Prayer, “Lord, lead me not into temptation” more context. The Spirit led Jesus to a difficult moment in our place.


The Spirit doesn’t tempt. That is what the enemy does. Because Jesus was victorious in the temptation by the devil I now have a playbook on how to overcome temptation. I can also pray “Lord, lead me not into temptation” because the enemy has already been defeated both in the wilderness and on Mount Calvary.

God’s plan included Jesus being put in incredibly difficult situations in order to win the battles I couldn’t win on my own. When I am in a tough place I know that Jesus has been there and has already won. This gives me a strong confidence and surety in the power and presence of God.

A few things…

-I need to live thankful that the Spirit led Jesus to the wilderness for temptation in order that I might pray, Lord, lead me not into temptation.

-I need to follow Jesus’ playbook in temptation. Know the Word, use the Word, trust the Word.

-I must recognize where my temptation comes from. As I follow the leadership of the Spirit I will enter into difficult situations and seasons. It doesn’t mean I am doing something wrong. I don’t do wrong until the moment I stop follow the Spirit’s lead and stop trusting the Word.


Thank you for winning so I could win as well. Thank you for showing me how to respond in temptation. May I make a commitment to studying, knowing and living out your Word. I will follow you Spirit and trust where you take me.


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