Good Life Church – 1 Corinthians 3


 1 Cor 3:6-7  I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.  So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.  


Paul was speaking to the Corinthians. He was letting them know that their faith is far from mature. He also shares an example that shares the viewpoint that people have an overinflated view of themselves and their importance. We are not acting alone in our effort to bring people to Christ. In these two verses Paul demonstrates that everyone has a purpose but everyone’s purpose is different, according to God’s will. In this example, one planted and one watered. My gifts, talents and purpose is not better or more important (or less important) than someone else, it is different. God will use people and events to make things happen.


I am not alone in my efforts to bring people to accept Christ. I am also not as important as I think I am. Paul uses the analogy of someone planting seeds and someone else watering them. He didn’t say which, if either, was more critical or important to the success. Rather Paul states is that God is the only one that makes things grow. He does not need me to accomplish His will. He allows me to be a part of the process and to use me and others to accomplish His will on earth.

I must be patient. Seeds don’t grow overnight. They take time and they take some nurturing. Regardless of whether I plant or water or pick weeds, it takes time for something to grow and mature. And, there is no guarantee what was planted will grow.

Like the fans of the 76er’s in basketball, I must trust the process. There is a time to plant and a time to water. A farmer can’t plant corn in late August and harvest in September. I can’t plant seeds when there is snow on the ground.  Water where there are no seeds planted is a waste of time and water. Often part of my frustrations occur because my timing is off or, worse, I completely miss my timing. I must be aware and know when to plant, when to water and when to wait.


Remind me of my place, my time and my purpose. Let me focus on my efforts and how I can maximize my gifts for your glory. Let me never forget that it is you that makes things grow and that you allow me to be a part of the process.


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