Good Life Church – 2 Corinthians 7


2 Corinthians 7:6 But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus,


Paul shares with the church the great pain and distress that he has felt and experienced. He shares that in the darkness God was his comfort.


Depression, darkness and discomfort is to be expected in the life of a believer. Even when walking in step with the spirit in every way we are not immune to emotional distress or even depression. However we do have a place to go in our darkness. God is the comforter of those in distress. A few things…

-it’s ok to not be ok. Putting on a happy face isn’t always possible. Everybody has darker times.
-I don’t have to stay there. God offers me the comfort I need in the darkness.
-God uses other people to help us during our dark times. Paul had Titus. We have our Titus’ as well.
-Be a Titus to someone today. I can be a bright light in someone’s darkness.


Father help me remember that sometimes life is dark. Help me know where I can go for relief. Also help me be a light to others to offer comfort in distress.


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