Psalm 119:130 The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.
The Psalmist highlights the reality that the truth of the word of God brightens up life. It also brightens up people. Even the most simple minded can gain understanding by the simplicity of God’s word.
Though the word of God is a masterpiece that spans multiple generations and many different authors, the core message of the Bible is pretty simple. I have found in my pursuit of Christ as well as in ministry that understanding what the Bible is saying the simple part. It is the application of the Bible that is challenging. We see this from the simplicity of the Psalms to the clarity of the Proverbs all the way to the simple message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Psalmist consistently paints God as the deliver and himself as the one in need and in desperation. The writer of the Proverbs consistently points to God as the origination of wisdom and in comparison, folly as decisions made apart from the wisdom of God. Jesus teaches that the entire law hangs on two commands; loving God and loving people. It amazes me that messages that are so simple can be translated into a theological puzzle that stifles believers and forcing many to scratch their heads. In the seasons of my life when I have sought to complicate God’s word and to major on minor intricacies of stories and interpretations, I also can trace in my own life major inconsistencies in my level of obedience and joy. As the Psalmist reminds us that when God’s word is opened it brings light and understanding, so shall it be for me today. I pray that the movement of my life and our local church is one that helps everybody, even those who are simple like me, to embrace and enjoy the reading study and application of the word of God in our lives every day. We live in a dark world, we carry with us the light of God’s word. May I be reminded that the light that will brighten up our city is the light of God’s word.
Father, I pray that you would drive me to your word every day as my source of light. I pray that as I lead the local church that I would be adamant about claiming the simple truth of the Scriptures and trusting that it is enough to bring light in the darkness. I also pray that as we as a church value simplicity, the truth of your word would not be watered down but rather clarified so that the light can shine as brightly as you intended it to. May your word shine and not only in the teaching of our church but also in the lives of those who apply it. This starts with me, our elders, our deacons, our ministry leaders, our group leaders, and all those who are in positions of leadership and influence at Good Life. If we do not, then it will be very difficult for our congregation to follow.
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