Good Life Journal – 1 Peter 5


1 Peter 5:6 – “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you”


Peter writes to the church elders about the shepherding of the local church. He reminds them of their call in God and asks that they serve eagerly and willingly. Being like Christ means putting others first and not promoting one’s self.


Am I trying to climb myself up the ladder of success or am I simply being a servant to others? One is the way of the world and the other is the way of God. Today I want to be someone who walks humbly, serving God and others, and reminding myself that in the kingdom of God there’s no better place to be.


God thank you that you do not see like the world does. You look at the heart and still you love us with the deep and infinite love of the Father. Help me today to serve others like you served and love like you.


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