Good Life Journal – 1 Corinthians 10

Scripture – 1 Corinthians 10:31 –

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

Observation –

Paul has prior issued a warning against idols and tells us that although something maybe lawful it may not be helpful nor further the Kingdom.

Therefore, we must be careful in what we consume and how we consume to not cause any brother or sister to stumble and to be honoring to God.  In everything we do it should be to bring glory to God!

Application –

I need to be as focused as Paul about my actions and the reflection that they present.  In other words, I have to be cognizant that even in my mundane daily activities I have the opportunity to glorify God or not.  Did I conduct myself as an ambassador of Christ?  I should place others needs above my own and do so in love to point others to Jesus.  

We all have a part in Gods plan and He chooses to use broken people to make Him known.  The best summary and application of this I have ever seen was at the Hindustan Bible Institutes annual Pastors conference where the theme was Our Story, His Gloryas pastors went out to plant churches in the face of persecution.  

Prayer –


Thank you for your love, grace and mercy in sending Jesus so I can know you and make you known.  Let the power of the Holy Spirit guide me to be focused in all I do to enjoy your grace and have my story extend your glory!