Good Life Journal – 1 Corinthians 12

Scripture :

1 Corinthians 12:12

 “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.”


Observation :

In first Corinthians chapter 12 the apostle Paul writes to the church concerning spiritual gifts. He is clear that all believers have the Spirit working in them and equipping them for service. However, though the Spirit is working in all He does not equip all in the same way. Each member has different gifts and each gift is vital to health in the local church.


Application :

Everyone in the local church has a value and a place to serve. Am I using my gifts and helping others use and find their gifts as well? Every part of the body is necessary and valuable. Christianity apart from connection to the local church and serving is a foreign concept to the writers of the Scripture. Today, I want to be an encouragement to those in Christ recognizing that if they are different than me it is because God has given them different gifts and they are equally as valuable as mine or what I would be more comfortable with.


Prayer :

Thank You Lord that you have given me gifts to serve. Help me recognize and appreciate Your gifts in others. Continue to build Your church here in our two county area and I pray that you will help me be a cultivator of seeing people’s gifts be used for Your Kingdom. 


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