Good Life Journal – 1 Corinthians 15


 1 Corinthians 15:36

 You foolish person! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. 


Paul is obviously speaking to either the Sadducees or people who have been influenced by the Sadducees who believe in no resurrection of the dead. He is clearing up different miscommunications and seemingly things that are getting people held up on this idea of resurrection and what it means. He has to clarify what the resurrection provides to us in Christ and what it provides the one not in Christ. He gives encouragement in the Hope we have beyond this life because of the resurrection and the hope we would only have in this life apart from the resurrection.


Something does not live unless it dies. This statement is in a sense discouraging only because I see things in my life that I want to live and flourish, but I have an incredibly difficult time killing. But this passage of scripture is full of hope as the reality that something that dies has the ability to be changed and brought to new life. This is the story of my life, though not perfect is alive from my former life apart from Jesus. Though I still sin, my old self has died and when that old self try’s to come back conviction and repentance follows as the one who made me alive is within. What I sow into my body spiritually speaking does not fully bloom unless the sinful area it is attacking dies. This is difficult because it is hard to put off and kill what seems natural at times. This is proof and dependent upon the grace of my Lord Jesus and found in his Word of which spotlights the sinful areas of my life. What needs to die in my life in order for it to live? What in my life was alive but I killed because of my own sin? How can I ensure that things in my life that need to die and be sowed into get the proper attention it needs?


Father, I thank you for your spirit that convicts and leads to repentance. Show me the areas that need to die in my life and may they live because they die first. Help me be like you Lord.


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