1 Corinthians 3: 18-19 “Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become “fools” so that you may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight.”
Paul is writing to a church in Corinth that is very much caught up in things of this world. Immoral behavior, instability, divisions, jealousy and envy, lawsuits and marital difficulties are all present in Corinth. Sounds like our world today. Not much changes. We can use these wise words to apply to our lives today.
Often, I must be reminded that it does not help me to be “wise by the standards of this age” The successes and wisdom of this world will not help me at all in God’s kingdom. The things that we strive for in this age are not the things that we should be striving for in God’s kingdom. Money, talent, power and fame are what is valued today as well as valued back in Paul’s day. However, God blessed the poor and humbled the powerful. My talents are useless unless that talent is used to further God’s kingdom. The world may think of me as a fool but in God’s eyes I am wise.
Father, I need to be reminded to keep my eyes on your prize. Things of this world should not attract me. I want to be focused on your kingdom and being a disciple and making disciples to your kingdom. Thank you for leading me to what really counts. Keep reminding me to value your kingdom above all else. With my eyes and heart on your kingdom, I will be truly wise.
– Don J
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