1 Corinthians 5:12-13 For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? God judges those outside. “Purge the evil person from among you.”
Paul directs the church to deal with sexual immorality within the church. He also challenges them to not judge the sexual immoral that are in the world. It is the leaders responsibility to hold the congregation accountable to the commands of Jesus. However it is not the church’s role to be the moral police to those outside the church.
Overlooking sexual immorality is foolish. It diminishes the value of human beings and is a violation against the temple of the Holy Spirit. Sexual immorality is not to be taken lightly but confronted and dealt with appropriately. A church that makes light of sexual immorality within the congregation is church that risks ministry effectiveness and the purity of its witness to a lost world. Overlooking sexual immorality is not something to boast about.
A few things:
⁃ Sexual purity must be taken seriously in my life and the life of our leadership first. Accountability must be in place and correction of sin creeps into our lives.
⁃ Sexual purity must be taught and the congregation must be instructed in how to obey in the area of sexual purity.
⁃ The sexual misconduct of the world is to be met with grace and an understanding that apart from the Spirit our behavior and desires would be just as depraved. Once a person says yes to following Jesus they must understand the importance of repentance in the area of sexual purity for their own good and for the health of the local church.
This word is right on time. In a world that is so over-sexualized it is easy to make light of that which defiles the temple of the Holy Spirit. May I not only teach this well, may I be an example of purity to my family and the congregation. May I be graceful to those who are lost, and challenging to those who are found.
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