Vs 3 That which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.
Vs 4 And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete.
Vs 5 This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
John is writing to tell others of the fellowship he and the other disciples have with God.
He’s encouraging them to share in this fellowship with God.
What’s more, it’s not only for their benefit alone.
Others joining the fellowship of God creates joy within the family of God.
John, himself, will will have a more complete joy when others “have fellowship with us”.
And why wouldn’t they want this!
There is no darkness at all in God.
God is light.
John’s message that he is proclaiming is “what we have seen and heard”.
So, for me, the first question becomes, even before I “witness” to others … Have I witnessed God at work?
What have I seen and heard of God that I can now proclaim?
God is, no doubt, at work in the world around me.
Am I participating in it?
Can I see it? Do I see Him in it?
This is what I am to “proclaim”…
What I have seen and heard … not what I have done and accomplished.
John says this is the message, “God is light.”
Am I ever tempted to proclaim my light?
This would be disastrous. Not just for proclamation of the true gospel, but even for my own well being.
While John’s first fellowship is “with God”, but John adds “our joy may he compete” when others “fellowship with us”.
It leads to a completing of my own joy when I share the truth of God and others join in that truth!
This makes sense when Jesus, Himself, says He is the vine and He wants His joy in us, the branches, to be full of joy.
And Jesus in the garden prays that we would have joy as He and the Father have joy.
And Jesus endured the cross for the joy of God’s glory through fellowship with us.
If I get to experience the joy of fellowship “with God” and “with others” and I get to experience the light of God, who has no darkness at all, then why would I want to live any other way?
And why would I not want to proclaim this every day?
Thank you again God for your word.
Help me to see and hear you in the world.
Help me to see others you want me to proclaim it to.
Help me to have the courage to do so.
Help me avoid the darkness.
In Jesus name
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