1 John 3
V 1 – “see what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God: and so we are.”
V 2 – “Beloved, we are children of God…”
V 7 – “Little children, let no one deceive you …”
V 10 – “… who are children of the devil: the one who does not love his brother.”
V 11 – “… this is the message from the beginning, love one another.”
V 14 – “Whoever does not love abides in death.”
V 16 – “… We know love … lay down our lives …”
V 18 – “Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.”
V 23 – “… this is His command, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another…”
Ummm … I think John is trying to tell us something.
We are children of God.
We should love each other.
I think this may be one of those times where as clear as the Observation is, the Application is difficult.
It’s often easy to see someone’s identity by outward appearances …
Doctor … Nurse … Policeman … Fireman … Soldier … Starbucks Barista …
But it’s living out that identity … the “who we are” … that is the hard part.
(I know I wouldn’t want to be a Starbucks barista when my wife comes through the drive through! Haha!)
John tells me repeatedly my identity: “Child of God”
He also tells me how people will identify me as such: “Love”
Children of people are the most easy to identify: size & cuteness!
Kids are just smaller and cuter than everyone else!
Unfortunately, both of those tend to fade with age.
So what is it that’s not supposed to fade?
Obedience to my Father’s command: LOVE
This is what should identify children of God.
So, how am I identified? How am I known?
If it’s not by how I love people and why I love people, something’s wrong.
How do I correct that something? Remember who I am!
John says I am a child of God because “God’s love abides” in me.
John also says this gives me “confidence” to live out this identity.
I’m not a child of God because I love.
I love because I’m a child of God.
Father God, thank you for giving me my identity,
For adopting me into your family,
For abiding in me.
Encourage me and give me confidence to live out in love this identity.
When I fail, thank you for being a loving Father that forgives.
Your mercies are new each day.
Thank you that you are with me each and every one of those days.
-Dan Shontere
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