Good Life Journal – 1 John 5

Scripture :

1 John 5:1

Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well.


I recently saw an Interview with Rick Warren and John Piper – I HIGHLY recommend it here

Rick said something like “We can no longer simply mention God. Muslims, and other religions say, God but deny Jesus as God. But I tell them my God looks like Jesus”. Wow!


I personally know Jews, Muslims, and others who aren’t getting, or are not sure about the whole “Jesus” thing. They do NOT believe Jesus is the son of God. Verse one tells me they;

Are not born of God
Do not love the Father

This seems scary and delusional. I want to be conscientious of this. A lost Jew is the same as a lost prostitute.


Father please show me the darkness when I see light, the emptiness when I see full. It’s easy for me to believe “religious” folks are saved and non religious are not. Another one of Satan’s tactics. Jesus help me see you in everyone or be you in everyone. In Jesus name Amen.

-James Smith


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