Good Life Journal – 1 Peter 1

Scripture – 

Peter writes 1 Peter 1:13 – Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being 

sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.  

Observation – 

Peter writes his first letter to a church combined of Jews and Gentiles to remind the believers of the triune God and that we are born again to hope in Christ.  Because we are saved by the blood of Christ for our sins, we are   to be holy before our God.  We are called to action by preparing our minds.  Our hope is not in ourselves or things of this world but only on the grace that we will see in the return of Christ.

Application – 

As a result of God loving me and by His grace sending Jesus to provide a way for my salvation, I am to place my faith and trust in Jesus and let the Spirit work in my life to be more like Him.  I must prepare my mind to be active in right theology and service to others.  I can best prepare my mind by being being in the word daily and following sound Biblical teaching.   I need to preach the gospel to myself everyday and have my hope be in Christ not in things of this world.  Peter give me a great reminder that the full grace of God will be revealed at Christ’s return when I see him face to face.  That gives me a sense of urgency as the day draws near to love and serve people well who are lost, hurting so they will know Jesus.

Prayer – 


Thank you for your love, grace and mercy in sending Jesus to save me.  Please let the power of the Spirit place my hope fully on Jesus and live to extend your glory.