1 Peter 2
Vs 2 Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk
Vs 10 … now you have received mercy
Vs 20 … if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God.
Vs 21 For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.
Peter is telling the believers who they are as God’s children.
He is also telling them how they should now act as God’s children in the world.
Peter then reminds the believers what they have received from God.
They have received mercy.
Peter contrasts this with what they are likely to receive from the world.
From the world they will endure rejection and suffering… even while doing good.
Peter holds up Christ, though, who suffered even while being perfect.
He is the example for the believers to follow.
Peter uses language and several words that are common in my pursuit of “the Christian life”.
I want to “long for the spiritual”
I want to “do good”.
I want to be “called”.
I want to “follow in His steps”.
But if I do, in fact, do all these things, do I expect the same things in return from both God and the world?
I shouldn’t.
Peter tells me to pursue things in both the spiritual world and the material world.
But Peter tells me I will receive in return very different things.
When I “long for spiritual milk”, … I will “receive mercy”.
When I “do good”, … I may well “suffer for it”.
I am, indeed, to pursue both, “spiritual milk” and “doing good”.
I just shouldn’t expect goodness in return of both pursuits.
Peter tells me it’s OK, though.
Because I have already received “mercy”. And when I suffer for doing good it is “gracious in God’s sight”.
I can live in and experience both mercy and grace … mercy and grace.
There is no better way to “follow in His steps”.
Thank You again, God, for Your Word.
Show me where I need to live it out.
Help me Holy Spirit see others the way you do.
Give me a taste for spiritual milk.
And give me a desire to do good regardless of outcome.
In Jesus name
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