Good Life Journal – 1 Peter 4

1 Peter 4:8 – Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.


Peter is telling the church to be stewards of grace, be prepared to suffer and follow God’s will.  However, above all the other things he has just told the believers we are to continue to seriously love each other.  Our attitude of love towards others is a reflection of Christ’s love for us.


Throughout scripture, Jesus tells us the importance of loving God and loving others.  This is our role as a Christian.  We love because he loved first.  There is only one way and only one thing that has the power to change hearts and thereby lives.  The love of Christ that changes one from inside compels us to love and serve others.  When we are loving others we are sharing the love of Christ.  We are to not cease but to love others fervently.  Genuine love for someone points to Christ and away from sin.



Thank you your love and grace in Jesus.  Let me receive your love and through the power of the Holy Spirit share it with others to glorify you.