1 Timothy 4:10
10 For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.
Paul is making it clear and setting forth the expectation that not all will last. This faith and pursuit of Christ and obedience to him is not easy. So many teachings and temptation will be before us to lead us from obedience. It’s work, and it’s hard at that. Encouragement and much more is needed.
Toil and strive stuck out to me in verse 10. These are two words that when I think about following Jesus I want to block out. If I’m honest I want to see my relationship with God as something That I want to work out and grow in, but not TOIL…..that sounds painful. Earlier it speaks of training. The training of the body is valuable but training in Godliness is of lasting value. Training takes dedication, toil, striving, pursuit, discipline, sweat, pain, at times tears. This should and must be true of my pursuit of Jesus. It’s not and that is my realization to repent.
-Every morning I wake, pray the Lord would put the Gospel before my heart and mind.
-Set disciplines in my life to train in Godliness
-Get an accountability partner that is SERIOUS about training and growing in Godliness.
Father, I pray that you would forgive me for not training and growing. Forgive me for not toiling and striving To be more like you. I need your help and I can’t do this on my own. Take me to your Word daily and let it be the light to the path you lead me. Give me faith rather than certainty.
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