Good Life Journal – 2 Corinthians 10

Journal 2 Cor 10 (all references are from the ESV unless noted otherwise; changes in punctuation are mine)

Scripture: “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ…

Look at what is before your eyes…” 2 Cor 10:4-5 and v 7a

Observation: How do I define the term “weapons of our warfare?” Do I over or under spiritualize this phrase? Do I have clarity on what is truly the battlefield referenced here?

Analysis: When I think of what the reference is concerning “weapons of our warfare”, one of the first things that pop up is the “spiritual armor” scriptures in Ephesus, for instance, “Put on the whole armor of God”, why? “That you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.” (Ep 6:11 and the rest of the associated passage)

Is Paul telling the Corinthian Church and the church at Ephesus the same thing? Even if the wording is off just a little bit, it must be close in intention.

At Corinth, the “weapons” he is referencing is about being able to “destroy arguments” and every “lofty opinion” and “taking every thought captive to obey Christ.”

At Ephesus, I have noticed that the Spiritual Armor has to do with Foundational Doctrines: Salvation; Faith; the Gospel; Truth (or better yet, objective Biblical Facts), conviction of the Redeeming and Atoning work of Christ (breastplate of Righteousness) and the Word of God.

More stuff described at Ephesus, but all involved with training the Believer or being a growing Disciple. “Get your head on straight!!” may be an appropriate verbal short cut to exhort a brother in Christ.

In Corinth, it is clear. The Strongholds referenced are Arguments; Opinions; and thoughts varying from the Knowledge of Christ. (Note: Yeah, some would call this some kind of domain of the devil, but I am choosing not to so we have something defined that we are supposed to lean into)

Am I allowed to have an opinion? Sure. But I should remember we are to persuade men, not to have a fight with them.  There are times we must humbly go to our corners and agree to disagree and lean on Deut 29:29: “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever (that we may do all the words of this law).”

In other words, we should diligently search out God’s Word, however, if the meaning does not jump out at us right away, we wait and keep searching and not get bent out of shape not knowing and make something up that suits our predilections (likings, partialities, preferences, tastes, fondness’s).

Note: Sometimes journaling like this or paying diligent attention to a Bible Reading program (if you are taking personal notes, please continue to do so), only sparks a thought.  Perhaps time is a cruel taskmaster and deeper study is not convenient.  No worries: the Holy Spirit will provide knowledge and wisdom at the proper time.

Prayer: Jesus, it is good to be able to rest in you. Stir up my heart to search you out no matter where I am; whether in the yard looking at clouds and the garden, driving, vacationing, work, children, etc. Train my eyes and disposition to see Your hand everywhere.  Help me to love your word more today.


Ricky Two Shoes