Good Life Journal – 2 Corinthians 4


2 Corinthians 10:4

10 always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.


Paul giving descriptions on the new life in Jesus. He gives a clarity of the Gospel and its power and penetration power in the heart of man. He says this statement in verse 10 that is physical and spiritual.


Many times I don’t and actually most of the time don’t die to my flesh because I’m not consciously carrying the death of my savior. When I’m not aware and the death of Jesus and what it bought me there is no way I can live in his life. I don’t live in the flourishing life of Jesus because I’m not dying to sin like he did. Why is it so hard and why do I find myself not experiencing the joy that should be inevitable?

I’m not walking in the death of Jesus to experience the life.


Father, why you love me I don’t understand. Why you give grace and mercy I don’t get. I trust it and walk in it as Christ is my only hope. Grow me and change me daily and forgive me of me


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