“May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord…
For this very reason make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue; and virtue with knowledge; and knowledge with self-control; and self-control with steadfastness; and steadfastness with godliness; and godliness with brotherly affection; and brotherly affection with love.
For if these qualities are yours and are increasing they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Excerpted from 2 Peter 2:2 and 5-8)
An emphasis on the word Maturing, not necessarily the word Mature—the Verb rather than the Noun—gives my Walk in the Lord a different meaning and outlook…
I have experienced reading the Scriptures in such a way as is soothing and peaceful. I can read the salutation of verse 2 like “Yes, I will accept Grace. I will accept Peace…good stuff! I am not feeling full of grace or full of peace—I would very much like multiplied Grace and Peace.”
I am pretty sure I see that the Holy Spirit may be trying to get a point across—there is an implied expectation to put attention and effort in being a Christian.
Learning, adding knowledge, and being persistent to pursue Him so that I increase in effectiveness and fruitfulness is not just important, it is paramount in being a disciple. It is an attitude that not only comes from the Holy Spirit, but also my pointed and determined engagement with Him.
So, knucklehead that I am: How should I respond?
One way is to place these scripture references in front of my eyes such as writing them out and putting a frame around them. Make them a part of my daily devotions; refer to them often; figure out one or two ways to do each point so that I can make habit out of doing them.
As I want to be an effective Disciple applying stuff like this is imperative. After all, it is a waste of time coasting around to be an “ineffective disciple….” How would I like Jesus’ words to me be “Welcome you sometimes faithful but generally ineffective servant…?” Phooey on that!!
Lord God—this posting is kind of clunky…but is true. There are a lot of times that my following You is clunky; it isn’t smooth or without bumps in the road. Even so, O God, it is profitable. Pursuing You, Lord, is always profitable…AMEN