Good Life Journal – 2 Timothy 1


2 Timothy 1 – This letter authored by Paul to his dear friend Timothy is thought to be one of the last letters that Paul wrote before his death. Paul very pointedly is writing to his young protégée to encourage him to carry on after him in the faith. He addresses Timothy with words of endearment like “…my true child in the faith… “(1 Timothy 1:2 ESV)


Paul was clearly disciplining Timothy in his Christian faith throughout the years. I found it interesting that Paul mentions Eunice and Lois, Tim’s mother and grandmother, as displaying genuine faith while Timothy was growing up. There is no reference to Timothy’s father or any male role model with the exception of Paul, so it seems that Paul was a surrogate father to Timothy. Additionally it appears that Paul has invested much energy throughout the years building a sound Christian relationship with Timothy. This is something God calls all of us to do with our Christian brothers and sisters. We should not be a Christian Lone Ranger (I know a cliché, but an appropriate one). I could not help thinking how awesome it would be to have someone as schooled in Christianity to be my disciple. My next thought was there are people with deep spiritual knowledge out there, even in our sin- filled world. I actually have the privilege of knowing a couple.


I personally believe that it an important part of our Christian walk through this life to have someone or several someone’s that can disciple us: to teach, encourage, love and care for me and for you. This is a pretty solid and compelling argument for small group meetings or Life Groups. It is within the Life Group setting that we can disciple each other. For those believers who are not familiar with the Life Group process typically it is where small groups of 4 to 10 believers gather (usually at someone’s home but it doesn’t have to be) and worship God through song, prayer, Bible study or other Christian book studies and the like. A strong ingredient of Life Groups involves Hospitality. Again, God calls us to open our homes to other believers and to “break bread with them”.


Lord let Paul’s message in 2 Timothy 1 resonates in my heart and mind and give me the courage and passion to seek out a disciple or disciples and also those that I might be able to disciple. Help me to grow my Christian walk and preach the Gospel to myself and others, day by day as long as it is called today… AMEN


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