Good Life Journal – 2 Timothy 1


2 Timothy 1:7-8 – for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. Therefore do not be ashamed about the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God.

Observation –
Paul is writing to Timothy to encourage him with the gifts God has given him to be strong in faith. As Timothy will face challenges, Paul reminds him that he has received the holy spirit which is the power of God and His Love. The spirit of God is not one of which will make us fearful of uncertainty. God’s indwelling spirit will give us self-control against which we would not have in the flesh. Paul continues to tell Timothy to have the spirit lead him to uphold the testimony of Christ unashamedly. Timothy must be prepared to suffer for the sake of the gospel just like Christ and Paul is not in his own power but by that of the spirit.

Application –
As we navigate increasingly uncertain times in the world today, I must remember and be encouraged the word Paul shared to Timothy. I have to let the power of the spirit give me strength to not be fearful of rising hostility to my Christian faith and witness. As I contend for the faith, the spirit must lead me to have self-control and do it out of love to be a witness so others can see Christ through me. I have to continue to be an ambassador for the Christ and should not be surprised about suffering in the name of Jesus rather to rely on the spirt to give me the right things to do and say when facing persecution.

Prayer –
Thank you for the truth in your word and let me draw encouragement from Paul’s message to Timothy. Let the power of the spirit give strength in my faith to be obedient to you. Give me self-control in challenges so I love you and love others to point them to you.