Vs 7 – (there will be those) … always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.
Vs 14 – But, as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it
Vs 16 – All scripture is breathed by God …
Vs 17 – that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.
Paul in this chapter is warning Timothy that there will be discouragement and suffering and persecution, but even more so there will be rampant godlessness. Do not be shocked by it.
People will be seek knowledge, but only as it leads to their own selfish satisfaction. This leads to chaos.
How should Timothy prevent this? Stay in the knowledge of God’s Word. The Scripture is actual Truth. This will lead him away from selfishness and toward a desire to do good.
What’s more, the truth of scripture will also equip Timothy so that the good he does is competent.
I am fortunate to live in the time and place I live. There are more opportunities and resources to live out those opportunities than ever before. But so many of those resources are spent on trying to achieve “happiness”. I like to think life is about seeking truth.
But, it seems there’s a constant tension to seek pleasure instead. It seems there are more resources on “self help” than any other subject in a bookstore. A world of people seeking “self help” … this leads to the chaos Paul describes to Timothy.
But what if I simply want Truth?
And to be equipped to live out the Truth?
What if I want to be competent for every good work?
This seems like it should be a dream come true.
It can. I need to “continue in the knowledge of Scripture”.
-Do I feel ill equipped?
Stay in the God’s Word.
-Do I feel incompetent?
Stay in God’s Word.
I’m breathing in His breathed Word.
Thank you God, for Truth. Thank you that you share it with us. Encourage me to encourage others with it. When the world seems nonsensical, strengthen my will to be like yours.
Help me love your Truth.
In Jesus name,
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