3 John 5-6
Dear friend you are being faithful to God when you care for the traveling teachers who pass through, even though they are strangers to you. They have told the church here of your loving friendship. Please continue providing for such teachers in a manner that pleases God.
John is encouraging Gaius for faithfulness to God and living by the truth. He is showing apostolic love to the traveling teachers by caring and befriending them. Loving others who are working for the Lord is pleasing to God. Gaius does not allow himself to be influenced by Diotrephes who is leading from the power of evil.
We don’t really love God and his word if we would want to silence apostolic teaching. The apostles teaching is the truth and at the very foundation is the Love of the Gospel. We are commanded to love one another as Jesus loved us. One way to show that love is to fellowship and show hospitality to fellow believers in the local body or those on mission. Encouraging a believer for faithfulness to God when facing influence to the contrary is another way to demonstrate love. I must always operate out of truth and love so as not be influenced by the evil of power/leadership.
Father, Please let me love you and your teaching. Help me to encourage those who are living by faith in you. May I be someone who shares fellowship and hospitality to others as an expression of your love.
-Todd Dawson
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