Psalm 53:3
3 They have all fallen away;
together they have become corrupt;
there is none who does good,
not even one.
David is just getting started in his plea for God to take care and heap judgement on his enemies. We learn later in the psalm that it is men who used to walk with. He says is verse 13 and 14 of Psalm 55; 13 But it is you, a man, my equal,
my companion, my familiar friend.
14 We used to take sweet counsel together;
within God’s house we walked in the throng.
This verse is what I was led back to with a very clear question from God……
Who do I spend my time with? Who is the majority of my time, heart, mind, and spirit invested In? I know I have to be pouring into the lost and spending time with people who don’t know Jesus, but have to be getting poured into and spending time with men of like mind and heart. It says “they” have fallen away, and the key word, “TOGETHER” “They” have become corrupt. It is easy to follow a crowd and do what everyone else is doing. In our world where the crowd is going is not where we want to be going. Where do the people I spend the majority of my time going? If it’s down a path of unrighteousness and sin am I with them? Do I get into the things they are? Am I trying to speak of Jesus yet walking with them in darkness? Or am I engaging the darkness with the light but not following them in? Crowds went to Jesus for what they could get but only a few followed…..who am I?
Do I go to Jesus with the crowd to get what I want?
Or do I go to Jesus to follow him for who he is?
A couple things:
-Who are the people I spend most of time with? Are they going in the same direction I am?
-Make sure all my relationships are intentional with the Love of God and we are going somewhere together for God and in Christ.
-Engage the darkness (evangelism) but don’t go in.
Father help me see who you have called me to be together with. May the be people to spur me to obedience in you and lead me to people who don’t know. Lead me not unto temptation and may I only engage the lost but not follow them. I need your help Lord. Give me wisdom and guidance. In Jesus Name.