John 16:23-24 23 In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. 24 Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.
This chapter represents a turning point in Jesus’s ministry. People will start praying to Jesus and he acts as an intermediary. Jesus is talking to His disciples and they are beginning to understand. Before this time, no one prayed to Jesus or through Jesus. Now, however, Jesus is making it clear that we can pray to and through him.
We spend more time looking at the world and interpreting and forecasting the future to make our lives easier. We need to turn to prayer. When we ask in Jesus’s name it suggests the one who prays understands that Jesus is the sole mediator between us and the father. We can have confidence that if we can ask in prayer as if Jesus was asking for it.
I should examine my prayer life. Is it lopsided? If I am praying for only the things I want and not praying for God’s will in my life it is not in alignment. Are my prayers confident and bold? My prayer life parallels and demonstrates my belief that the father has sent his son and his son is now with the father. My prayers must be according to His will, character and purpose. If I am praying to Jesus, he will only act as an intermediator if my will is according to His father’s will.
I can use answered prayer to spread the Gospel. Prayer is not restricted to prayers of thanksgiving. If I want something, I must ask. And it’s okay to ask. It can be something for me or my family or it can be prayer for someone else. It doesn’t matter. Answered prayer results in fulfillment and joy. I should use an answered prayer to help others understand and believe.
Help me to examine my prayer life and the joy you bring me when you answer my prayers. Help me use my prayer life, and answered prayer, to lead others to you.
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