Good Life Journal – Mark 13


“But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come. “ (Mark 13:32-33 ESV)


Jesus hasn’t made it to Golgotha yet and the disciples are already asking about what the End of Days are going to look like. I guess I am not that different in wondering about the future—just like the disciples.


It is difficult at times to look at the present and not have a wisp of thought blow through and think “Soon, Lord?” I just celebrated my 60th birthday and think that I have been some sort of a Christian for about 45 years. I was a Christian through the “Late Great Planet Earth” and the winds of the Charismatic movement late 60’s/early 70’s. With the Vietnam War, race riots, sex and rock and roll changing everything around me it would be a prevalent concern “Soon, Lord? Monday or Tuesday? Not later than Friday?” It was pretty evident through watching the world that it was shaking and quaking–but more importantly the Scriptures said that when Jesus came I wouldn’t know the “day or the hour.” Today is no different. So what do I do in today’s turmoil? Everything is happening and if I constructed a checklist I could probably get 70-90% of all the signs of the End checked off. But the Scriptures are clear and if I want to be a man of the Word I have to pay attention: 1) Do not be anxious, and at the same time; 2) be vigilant. Peter writes boldly “The End of all Things are at hand.” Pay attention! Now this is what you do: 1) Be self-controlled; 2) sober minded; 3) keep loving one another; 4) practice hospitality without complaint. 5) if gifted, use the gift to serve. (1 Pete 4)
Duck soup, I think, right? Nope, difficult because of my complacency, laziness, busy-ness, skewed priorities and so many other grace-less reasons. But what Peter writes is seriously parallel to the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5 isn’t it? So I press in with enthusiasm and Grace empowered determination.


Lord God: In my mind I am picturing Alfred E Newman (Mad Magazine) and saying to myself “Anxious? Who, me?” Yet I battle anxiousness every day. I look to You to calm my heart for my surroundings and realize that You could come any day, any time, yet to be a good steward I must also plan for Your returning 1,000 years from now. Gotta play both sides of that coin to walk worthy of the calling in which You called me. Thank you for planting the Word in my heart so that I have a firm foundation for tomorrow.




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