Psalm 63:6 when I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night;
David writes this Psalm while he is in the wilderness being pursued by one on his enemies. The wilderness of Judah was a desolate place without many comforts. It was a dry and probably lonely place to be, hiding and running from people that wanted to harm him. Yet, in this verse we see that no matter the circumstance, Dave emphasizes the importance of being in prayer to our Father. David’s bed was probably a different location each night. It was a place of some fear and uncertainty but now, in bed, there was time to rest and think of God. At night is when he may have been most vulnerable being unable to see in darkness anything or anyone approaching. Yet that is when he found time to meditate on God.
When I am in vulnerable places or situations, I need to think of God first. Whether I put myself in the situation or find myself in one, I must mediate on Him. He can provide peace and rest. There is power in meditation and thinking of God and His word no matter what the circumstance or the time of day. David remembered God at night while resting and while he was on watch. It did not matter where his bed was, what mattered was that he took that time to meditate on God. It doesn’t matter where I am or where I call home, God is with me and God is there for me.
David didn’t just think of God, he meditated on God. Meditation is more than just a brief thought or passing prayer. It is time spend purposely focused on God and His word, His will and His being. I thought of the time I spend. It stinks. I spend more time focused on self than focused on God. I need to spend more of it meditating on Him.
Wherever I am, let me rest and meditate on You. Let me never forget you and what you have done for me. Remind me that is not the circumstance that matters but that you are there for me always.
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