Galatians 6:14
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
The apostle Paul did not trust in any of the earthly or religious accolades he had received to be his confidence among others. Instead he boasted only in the work of Christ. This is what defined him, sustained him and was his eternal hope and confidence.
In a world in which the system teaches us to prop ourselves up and get noticed, the gospel calls us to a different lifestyle. It is not the stuff we accomplish or our earthly resume that should be our story. Even if we accomplish much we must see it through the proper perspective.
A few things…
-I must see my life through the lens of the gospel. I am completely dependent on the work of Christ for life, liberty and eternal hope. Therefore, with such a great dependence on Him, my confidence must be in Him alone.
-My obedience and accomplishments are only possible through His obedience and His great accomplishment on the third day. Therefore, anything I ever “do” is simply made possible by what He has already “done”.
-My future and decisions should not be made based on what I have done or what I want to do. Instead my decisions should rest in the clarity of who He has called me to be and who he has directed me to influence through His Spirit.
At the end of my life I simply want to have pointed people towards you and your great gospel. I don’t care if my name is ever remembered. I don’t care if people think highly of me. I simply want people to know they are loved by you and that your hope through the gospel is what they are searching for. May I only boast in your great work and not anything you have ever used me to do.
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