Psalm 141:4
4 Do not let my heart incline to any evil,
to busy myself with wicked deeds
in company with men who work iniquity, and let me not eat of their delicacies!
The psalmist describes an incredibly personal and intimate relationship with God. He asks God to guide his heart and to steer him from relationships that might lead him astray.
It is easy to assume that God is far away and disconnected from our lives. I feel that way sometimes. In the heat of trouble or stress I will call out to Him as if He is far away, busy with bigger things. I want him to drop what He is doing, fix my issue and then get back to the other things so I can get on with my life. The psalmist prays and seeks God differently. A few things…
-I need to recognize that the Spirit is within me. He couldn’t be nearer. This reality should stir two direct applications. (1-Act right. God is in my midst. 2-Don’t freak out, He is right here to help.)
-Many of my prayers are extrinsic. Fix this issue, help that person, change that situation. However the psalmist prays, God Lead and guide my heart. He prays intrinsically. Lord I need you to fix me more than I need you to fix anything else. This is the best way to pray. God can change all my circumstances, but if my heart is the same, I will keep finding myself in the same messes. (Pray for my heart)
-The psalmist doesn’t want dishonest gain or impure pleasures. This is a sign of maturity. When I trust in my five senses I desire a feeling, making the origin of the feeling irrelevant. This is immature. The psalmist doesn’t want to experience satisfaction of his senses if the origin is dishonest or evil. He defines the stark difference between living life to please God or living life to please self. We can’t do both. (May I choose wisely today)
Father, thank you for this insight into what my relationship with you should look like. May I turn the knowledge into application. Spirit lead me, and may I please you Father.
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