Good Life Journal – Psalm 149-150


Psalm 150:1-2
Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness!


The Lord deserves praise anywhere and everywhere and from everyone and everything with breath in its lungs.


In a culture in which “worship wars” are a real thing, this scripture gives the clarity needed to stop the madness. A few things…

-Our preference to certain types of songs, instruments, styles, etc. is totally irrelevant. Worship is not a subject to be picky about. Instead it is a subject to be urgent about. Worship Him with whatever you have and do it now!

-Location is irrelevant. In a church building, in a school cafeteria, in a cathedral, under a tent, in my car. All of these places can become houses of worship. Instead of wasting so much time worrying about the buildings we worship in, our true attention should be on the temple we worship in; our bodies. If we are more interested in the chairs, set-up, and the sound than we are the purity of our hearts, we are way off!

-The Lord will always deserve our worship for two things: Who He is and what He has done. This is the second time in a week this has been clarified to me. He deserves worship for both reasons. Choosing one or the other will skew my worship. I must worship Him for both, regardless of what is happening in my life.


Father I am so grateful for your reminder this morning and for opening my eyes to the shallowness of my heart in regards to worship at times. You alone deserve my worship. May I worship with every breath I have and lead others to do the same.


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