Good Life Journal – Psalms 144-146


Psalm 144:3-4 O Lord, what is man that you regard him, or the son of man that you think of him? Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow.


The psalmist asks a significant question. Why does God even take time to concern himself with man? Man is finite and God is infinite. The answer is found throughout scripture. Not that man has done anything to deserve God’s attention, but rather because man is made in the image of God. He breathed His life into us. He laid out a plan to rescue and restore us. He paid the ultimate price so we could live in relationship with Him.


Everyday I wake up my first words should be, “Wow! Thank you Jesus!”. Everyday I wake up The God of all creation is there to fellowship with me and include me in His mission. Instead many days I overlook this truth. I get busy with my stuff and my agenda. I forget that it is a great privilege to know God and fellowship with Him. I believe the lie that it is a burden, an obligation and I run towards my own version of freedom, just to find out how extremely disappointing and unfulfilling that is. The Father created me and therefore knows what I need more than I do. My joy and peace will come from my relationship and interaction with Him, not my attempt to satisfy the flesh and bones I call home for such a vapor of time in eternity. A few things:

-Get over myself. God doesn’t owe me anything. He saved me because of who He is. My value is found in His eyes and no where else.

-Carve time out. See my time with Him as a privilege, not a burden. Enjoy knowing Him and loving him. Who am I that He is mindful of me?

-Recognize and react to the truth that most people don’t have a clue how much God loves them and how He has offered them relationship, significance and a future. Share it!


Father, wow! Thank you for loving me in the midst of my imperfection and mess. I don’t deserve a relationship with you, but instead you offer me one because you have made me righteous in your sight. I am humbled, grateful and overjoyed. Thank you for being who you are and for engaging me to make me more like you! Thank you for forgiveness and grace!


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