1 Peter 3:9-10
Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing. For “Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit;
Peter is giving basic instructions for families and fellow believers.
He understands circumstances will sometimes be difficult and likely even suffering.
He also reiterates that it is not merely the natural circumstances of life we are up against, but something greater than that.
There is evil in the world.
When we encounter it we must be a blessing!
So many people often ask, “What is God’s calling on my life?”
Peter states plainly “BLESS, for to this you were CALLED”.
When I encounter unfortunate circumstances or difficulties or suffering… my natural inclination will be “fight or flight”.
Too often I may choose to ignore difficulty, or be “Pollyanna-ish”, in the hope that things “just work out” or “get better”. (i.e. flight)
But if I actually choose to engage the difficulty or the frustration or the cause of suffering I will often want to dominate it.
I will want to “win”. (i.e. fight)
Peter gives us a better way, a third option… BLESS!
How to handle a situation is not whether to engage or disengage.
The decision is BLESS!
If Peter says do this even when facing evil, it seems that this would be the option … always!
What does it look like? I suppose it will often look different, but Peter gives us direction of where to start.
Peter commences to write out psalm’s here. Perhaps my first and best option would be to do likewise… Pray!
The next best thing may well be to “keep my lips from speaking”.
I think if I keep my lips shut and my heart open in prayer, then God will guide me in the next step … the best way to bless.
Then I may “obtain the blessing” of “loving life and seeing good days”.
Do I want to obtain a blessing?
Then I should be a blessing!
Thank you again God for your word.
Help me be obedient to such simple and direct instruction.
Help me see with your eyes where I should do this.
Today and every day.
In Jesus name,
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