Good Life Journal – 1 Thess. 5


1 Thessalonians 5:8-9 – But let us who live by the light be clearheaded, protected by the armor of faith and love, and wearing as our helmet the confidence of our salvation.  For God chose to save us through our Lord Jesus Christ, not to pour his anger on us.      


Paul is giving the Thessalonian Church guidance on the coming day of the Lord.  He warns the believers to be on guard and not asleep like those still in darkness.   As children of the light, the church has received teaching on the Lord’s return and should be clear on that rather than concerned with the timing.  Those who belong to God by placing their faith in Jesus are protected by His love and can be assured of their salvation on the day of judgement.  Through the grace of God, He sent Jesus to rescue us so we can be reconciled with Him.


This teaching that Paul shared with the young church at Thessalonica is equally applicable to a young church in Bradenton, Florida.  I know the truth about the day of the Lord, but do I live out in confidence my salvation daily?  For our sin we were/are deserving of death, yet God in His love decided to save us.  The issue is not when the Lord is going to return, but how do I live my live in preparation for that day?  I need to be confident that I am saved in the truth of God’s word and protected by His love.  As a believer, I must not become lazy, complacent and enamored by the things of this world.  The fact that the Lord will return should serve as motivation to encourage fellow brothers and sisters in Christ while having a heart to share the Gospel with those who are lost.   



Thank you for your love and choosing to save us through the sacrifice of Jesus.  Let your Spirit guide me to live my life in the confidence of my salvation to be an encouragement to fellow believers and light to those who are in darkness.


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